Evaluating the Capabilities of LLMs for Supporting Anticipatory Impact Assessment






Published 5/22/2024 by Mowafak Allaham, Nicholas Diakopoulos



Gaining insight into the potential negative impacts of emerging Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in society is a challenge for implementing anticipatory governance approaches. One approach to produce such insight is to use Large Language Models (LLMs) to support and guide experts in the process of ideating and exploring the range of undesirable consequences of emerging technologies. However, performance evaluations of LLMs for such tasks are still needed, including examining the general quality of generated impacts but also the range of types of impacts produced and resulting biases. In this paper, we demonstrate the potential for generating high-quality and diverse impacts of AI in society by fine-tuning completion models (GPT-3 and Mistral-7B) on a diverse sample of articles from news media and comparing those outputs to the impacts generated by instruction-based (GPT-4 and Mistral-7B-Instruct) models. We examine the generated impacts for coherence, structure, relevance, and plausibility and find that the generated impacts using Mistral-7B, a small open-source model fine-tuned on impacts from the news media, tend to be qualitatively on par with impacts generated using a more capable and larger scale model such as GPT-4. Moreover, we find that impacts produced by instruction-based models had gaps in the production of certain categories of impacts in comparison to fine-tuned models. This research highlights a potential bias in the range of impacts generated by state-of-the-art LLMs and the potential of aligning smaller LLMs on news media as a scalable alternative to generate high quality and more diverse impacts in support of anticipatory governance approaches.

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  • Researchers explored using large language models (LLMs) to generate insights into the potential negative impacts of emerging AI technologies on society.
  • They fine-tuned completion models (GPT-3 and Mistral-7B) on news articles and compared the generated impacts to those produced by instruction-based models (GPT-4 and Mistral-7B-Instruct).
  • The goal was to evaluate the quality, diversity, and potential biases in the types of impacts generated by these different LLM approaches.

Plain English Explanation

As AI technologies become more advanced, it's important to anticipate and understand their potential negative effects on society. One way to do this is to use large language models (LLMs) to help experts brainstorm and explore a wide range of undesirable consequences.

In this study, the researchers trained two types of LLMs on news articles about AI impacts. Completion models, like GPT-3, were fine-tuned on the news articles, while instruction-based models, like GPT-4, were given instructions to generate impacts.

The researchers then examined the quality, coherence, and diversity of the impacts generated by each type of model. They found that the fine-tuned Mistral-7B model, a smaller open-source model, produced impacts that were on par with the larger and more capable GPT-4 model. However, the instruction-based models tended to generate a more limited range of impact types compared to the fine-tuned models.

This research suggests that aligning smaller LLMs on news media could be a scalable way to generate high-quality and diverse insights about the potential negative impacts of emerging AI technologies, which could help support anticipatory governance approaches.

Technical Explanation

The researchers used two different approaches to train LLMs to generate insights into the potential negative impacts of AI technologies:

  1. Fine-tuning Completion Models: They fine-tuned GPT-3 and Mistral-7B, two large language models, on a diverse set of news articles about the societal impacts of AI. This allowed the models to generate completions that continued the narratives from the news articles.

  2. Instruction-based Models: They also used GPT-4 and Mistral-7B-Instruct, which are instruction-based models that can generate text based on prompts. These models were given instructions to produce potential negative impacts of AI technologies.

The researchers then evaluated the generated impacts on measures of coherence, structure, relevance, and plausibility. They found that the fine-tuned Mistral-7B model produced impacts that were qualitatively on par with the larger and more capable GPT-4 model. However, the instruction-based models tended to have gaps in the types of impacts they generated compared to the fine-tuned models.

This suggests that aligning smaller LLMs on news media could be a scalable way to generate high-quality and diverse insights about the potential negative impacts of emerging AI technologies, which could support anticipatory governance approaches.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a valuable exploration of using LLMs to generate insights into the potential negative impacts of AI technologies. However, there are a few limitations and areas for further research:

  1. The study only examined a limited set of LLM architectures and fine-tuning approaches. There may be other techniques or model configurations that could produce even higher-quality and more diverse impact generation.

  2. The evaluation of the generated impacts was primarily qualitative. Developing more objective and quantitative metrics for evaluating the quality and diversity of the generated impacts could strengthen the conclusions.

  3. The paper does not address potential biases or blindspots in the news media sources used to fine-tune the models. These biases could be reflected in the generated impacts, and further research is needed to understand and mitigate such biases.

  4. The study focuses on negative impacts, but it could be valuable to also explore how LLMs could be used to generate insights into the potential positive societal benefits of emerging AI technologies.

Overall, this research highlights the promise of using LLMs to support anticipatory governance, but there is still work to be done to fully realize the potential of these techniques.


This study demonstrates the potential of using large language models (LLMs) to generate insights into the potential negative impacts of emerging AI technologies on society. By fine-tuning completion models on news articles and comparing their outputs to instruction-based models, the researchers found that smaller, open-source models like Mistral-7B can produce high-quality and diverse impact insights, potentially offering a scalable approach to support anticipatory governance efforts. While there are some limitations and areas for further research, this work highlights the valuable role that LLMs can play in helping experts and policymakers anticipate and prepare for the societal implications of advancing AI technologies.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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