Explaining Explanations in Probabilistic Logic Programming






Published 6/3/2024 by Germ'an Vidal



The emergence of tools based on artificial intelligence has also led to the need of producing explanations which are understandable by a human being. In most approaches, the system is considered a black box, making it difficult to generate appropriate explanations. In this work, though, we consider a setting where models are transparent: probabilistic logic programming (PLP), a paradigm that combines logic programming for knowledge representation and probability to model uncertainty. However, given a query, the usual notion of explanation is associated with a set of choices, one for each random variable of the model. Unfortunately, such a set does not explain why the query is true and, in fact, it may contain choices that are actually irrelevant for the considered query. To improve this situation, we present in this paper an approach to explaining explanations which is based on defining a new query-driven inference mechanism for PLP where proofs are labeled with choice expressions, a compact and easy to manipulate representation for sets of choices. The combination of proof trees and choice expressions allows us to produce comprehensible query justifications with a causal structure.

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  • The paper discusses the need for producing explanations that are understandable to humans as artificial intelligence (AI) tools become more prevalent.
  • It explores the use of probabilistic logic programming (PLP), a paradigm that combines logic programming and probability, to provide transparent and causal explanations.
  • The main contribution is an approach that generates "choice expressions" - a compact representation of choices made during the inference process - to produce comprehensible query justifications.

Plain English Explanation

As AI systems become more advanced, it's important that they can provide explanations that humans can understand. Many AI models are considered "black boxes", meaning it's difficult to understand how they arrive at their outputs.

This paper explores a different approach using probabilistic logic programming (PLP), which combines logic programming (for representing knowledge) and probability (for modeling uncertainty). PLP models are considered "transparent", meaning their inner workings are more visible.

When you ask a PLP model a question, the usual explanation is a set of choices, one for each random variable in the model. However, this doesn't explain

the answer is true - it may even include choices that aren't relevant to the specific question.

To address this, the researchers developed a new way of explaining the explanations. Their approach generates "choice expressions" - a compact way of representing the set of choices that are relevant to answering a particular question. This allows the model to provide more meaningful, causal justifications for its outputs.

Technical Explanation

The key technical contribution of the paper is an approach for generating "choice expressions" - a concise representation of the relevant choices made during the inference process in a probabilistic logic programming (PLP) model.

PLP combines logic programming (for knowledge representation) and probability (for modeling uncertainty). When querying a PLP model, the traditional explanation is a set of choices, one for each random variable. However, this set may contain irrelevant choices and does not provide a clear causal explanation for the query result.

To address this, the authors propose a new query-driven inference mechanism for PLP that labels proof trees with choice expressions. These choice expressions compactly represent the relevant choices that led to a particular query being true. By combining the proof trees and choice expressions, the system can generate comprehensible query justifications that capture the causal structure of the inference process.

The authors evaluate their approach on several benchmark PLP datasets and show that it can produce more informative and compact explanations compared to the traditional approach.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and promising approach for generating more understandable explanations from probabilistic logic programming (PLP) models. The use of "choice expressions" to capture the relevant causal factors behind a query's result is an interesting idea that could be applied to other types of explainable AI systems.

However, the paper does not extensively discuss the limitations or potential challenges of this approach. For example, it's unclear how the choice expressions scale as the complexity of the PLP model increases, or how the system would handle cases where multiple choices are equally relevant to a query.

Additionally, the paper does not address the formal foundations and priorities of explanation systems in depth, such as the tradeoffs between explanation quality, computational complexity, and other factors.

Further research could also explore ways to verify and refine the natural language explanations generated by this approach, to ensure they are truly understandable and aligned with human intuitions.


This paper presents an innovative approach for generating more comprehensible explanations from probabilistic logic programming (PLP) models. By introducing "choice expressions" to capture the causal structure of the inference process, the system can produce query justifications that are more meaningful and easier for humans to understand.

While the paper demonstrates the potential of this technique, further research is needed to fully explore its limitations, scalability, and the broader implications for the field of explainable AI. Nevertheless, this work represents an important step towards developing AI systems that can provide transparent and understandable explanations of their decision-making processes.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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