Does It Make Sense to Explain a Black Box With Another Black Box?






Published 4/24/2024 by Julien Delaunay, Luis Gal'arraga, Christine Largouet



Although counterfactual explanations are a popular approach to explain ML black-box classifiers, they are less widespread in NLP. Most methods find those explanations by iteratively perturbing the target document until it is classified differently by the black box. We identify two main families of counterfactual explanation methods in the literature, namely, (a) emph{transparent} methods that perturb the target by adding, removing, or replacing words, and (b) emph{opaque} approaches that project the target document into a latent, non-interpretable space where the perturbation is carried out subsequently. This article offers a comparative study of the performance of these two families of methods on three classical NLP tasks. Our empirical evidence shows that opaque approaches can be an overkill for downstream applications such as fake news detection or sentiment analysis since they add an additional level of complexity with no significant performance gain. These observations motivate our discussion, which raises the question of whether it makes sense to explain a black box using another black box.

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  • This paper examines the use of counterfactual explanations, a popular approach for explaining the decisions of black-box machine learning classifiers, in natural language processing (NLP) tasks.
  • The authors identify two main families of counterfactual explanation methods: (a) "transparent" methods that perturb the target document by adding, removing, or replacing words, and (b) "opaque" approaches that project the target document into a latent, non-interpretable space for the perturbation.
  • The paper provides a comparative study of the performance of these two families of methods on three classical NLP tasks.

Plain English Explanation

Counterfactual explanations are a way to understand how machine learning models make decisions, especially for complex "black-box" models that are difficult to interpret. The basic idea is to find small changes to the input that would lead to a different output from the model. This can help explain what factors the model is using to make its decisions.

Most of the work on counterfactual explanations has focused on image classification and other visual tasks. This paper looks at applying these techniques to natural language processing (NLP) problems like fake news detection and sentiment analysis.

The authors identify two main approaches to finding counterfactual explanations for NLP models:

  1. "Transparent" methods that directly modify the text by adding, removing, or replacing words. This is more interpretable, as you can see the specific changes made to the text.

  2. "Opaque" methods that project the text into a hidden, non-interpretable space before making the changes. This added complexity may not actually improve the performance of the explanations.

The paper evaluates these two approaches on several NLP tasks and finds that the opaque methods don't necessarily provide much additional benefit over the simpler transparent methods. This raises the question of whether it's worth the extra complexity to explain a black-box model using another black-box approach.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a comparative study of counterfactual explanation methods for NLP tasks. Counterfactual explanations aim to identify small changes to the input that would lead to a different output from a black-box machine learning model. This can help explain the model's decision-making process.

The authors identify two main families of counterfactual explanation methods in the literature:

  1. Transparent methods: These perturb the target document by directly adding, removing, or replacing words. This approach is more interpretable, as the specific changes to the text are visible.

  2. Opaque approaches: These project the target document into a latent, non-interpretable space before carrying out the perturbation. This added complexity may not necessarily improve the performance of the explanations.

The paper evaluates these two families of methods on three classical NLP tasks: fake news detection, sentiment analysis, and text classification. The empirical evidence shows that the opaque approaches may be an "overkill" for these downstream applications, as they add an additional level of complexity without a significant performance gain.

Critical Analysis

The paper raises an important question about the use of counterfactual explanations for NLP models: whether it makes sense to explain a black-box model using another black-box approach. The authors point out that the more complex, opaque methods they evaluated did not necessarily provide much additional benefit over the simpler, transparent methods.

One potential limitation of the study is the focus on only three specific NLP tasks. It's possible that the relative performance of the transparent and opaque methods could differ for other types of NLP problems. Additionally, the paper does not delve into the potential trade-offs between interpretability and other desirable properties, such as robustness or faithfulness to the underlying model.

Further research could explore the use of hybrid approaches that combine the strengths of both transparent and opaque methods, or investigate the impact of the specific model architectures and datasets on the effectiveness of counterfactual explanations. It would also be valuable to gather feedback from end-users on the perceived usefulness and interpretability of the different explanation methods.


This paper provides a comparative study of counterfactual explanation methods for NLP tasks, highlighting the trade-offs between transparent and opaque approaches. The key finding is that the more complex, opaque methods may not offer significant performance benefits over simpler, transparent methods for downstream applications such as fake news detection and sentiment analysis.

These results raise important questions about the appropriate use of counterfactual explanations, particularly in cases where the explanations themselves rely on black-box models. The paper suggests that the additional complexity introduced by opaque methods may not always be justified, and that simpler, more interpretable approaches could be preferable in many real-world scenarios.

Overall, this work contributes to the ongoing discussion about the role of explanations in the deployment of machine learning systems, and encourages further research into developing more effective and user-friendly explanation methods for NLP applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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