Fairness Without Demographics in Human-Centered Federated Learning






Published 5/17/2024 by Shaily Roy, Harshit Sharma, Asif Salekin



Federated learning (FL) enables collaborative model training while preserving data privacy, making it suitable for decentralized human-centered AI applications. However, a significant research gap remains in ensuring fairness in these systems. Current fairness strategies in FL require knowledge of bias-creating/sensitive attributes, clashing with FL's privacy principles. Moreover, in human-centered datasets, sensitive attributes may remain latent. To tackle these challenges, we present a novel bias mitigation approach inspired by Fairness without Demographics in machine learning. The presented approach achieves fairness without needing knowledge of sensitive attributes by minimizing the top eigenvalue of the Hessian matrix during training, ensuring equitable loss landscapes across FL participants. Notably, we introduce a novel FL aggregation scheme that promotes participating models based on error rates and loss landscape curvature attributes, fostering fairness across the FL system. This work represents the first approach to attaining Fairness without Demographics in human-centered FL. Through comprehensive evaluation, our approach demonstrates effectiveness in balancing fairness and efficacy across various real-world applications, FL setups, and scenarios involving single and multiple bias-inducing factors, representing a significant advancement in human-centered FL.

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  • Federated learning (FL) enables collaborative model training while preserving data privacy, making it suitable for decentralized human-centered AI applications.
  • However, a significant research gap remains in ensuring fairness in these systems.
  • Current fairness strategies in FL require knowledge of bias-creating/sensitive attributes, clashing with FL's privacy principles.
  • In human-centered datasets, sensitive attributes may remain latent, posing additional challenges.

Plain English Explanation

Federated learning (FL) is a way of training AI models that allows different organizations or individuals to collaborate without having to share their private data. This makes it well-suited for building AI systems that involve people and their personal information. However, ensuring fairness in these FL systems has proven challenging.

Existing methods for making FL systems fair typically require knowing which specific attributes or characteristics of the data are causing unfairness or biases. But this goes against the privacy-preserving principles of FL, where the goal is to avoid sharing sensitive details about the data. Additionally, in datasets related to human experiences, the attributes that are causing unfairness may not be obvious or easily identifiable.

To address these problems, the researchers in this paper have developed a new approach inspired by a machine learning technique called "Fairness without Demographics." The key idea is to achieve fairness without needing to know the sensitive attributes in the data. Instead, the method focuses on minimizing certain mathematical properties of the training process that are linked to unfairness, ensuring that the learning process is equitable across all the participants in the federated system.

The researchers also introduce a novel way of combining the models contributed by the different FL participants, based on measures of their error rates and the curvature of their loss landscapes. This helps promote fairness across the overall FL system.

Technical Explanation

The authors present a novel bias mitigation approach for federated learning (FL) that achieves fairness without requiring knowledge of sensitive attributes. Inspired by the "Fairness without Demographics" concept in machine learning, their method minimizes the top eigenvalue of the Hessian matrix during training. This ensures equitable loss landscapes across FL participants, promoting fairness without needing to identify specific bias-inducing factors.

Additionally, the researchers introduce a new FL aggregation scheme that selects participating models based on their error rates and loss landscape curvature attributes. This mechanism fosters fairness by prioritizing models that demonstrate both high performance and equitable behavior across the FL system.

Through comprehensive evaluations on real-world applications, the authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach in balancing fairness and efficacy across various FL setups and scenarios involving single or multiple bias-inducing factors. This work represents a significant advancement in enabling fair, human-centered FL systems, addressing a crucial gap in the field.

Critical Analysis

The proposed approach is a valuable contribution to the field of federated learning, as it addresses an important challenge in ensuring fairness without relying on explicit knowledge of sensitive attributes. This is particularly relevant for human-centered applications, where such attributes may not be readily available or easily identifiable.

However, the paper does not discuss the potential computational overhead or training complexity introduced by the additional fairness-promoting mechanisms, such as the Hessian-based optimization and the custom aggregation scheme. These factors could impact the practical implementation and scalability of the method, especially in resource-constrained or time-sensitive scenarios.

Additionally, the authors acknowledge that their approach may not be able to fully eliminate all forms of unfairness, as it primarily focuses on mitigating bias arising from the training process itself. Potential biases inherent in the data or introduced by other external factors may still persist, and further research may be needed to address these broader sources of unfairness.

Future work could explore the robustness of the method to different types of biases, its performance in more diverse and challenging datasets, and its scalability in large-scale federated learning deployments. Investigating the trade-offs between fairness, accuracy, and efficiency would also be valuable for guiding practical applications.


This paper presents a novel approach to achieving fairness in federated learning systems without relying on explicit knowledge of sensitive attributes. By minimizing the top eigenvalue of the Hessian matrix and introducing a fairness-aware aggregation scheme, the researchers have developed a practical solution for ensuring equitable learning outcomes across FL participants, even in human-centered applications where sensitive attributes may be latent or unknown.

This work represents a significant advancement in the field of federated learning, addressing a crucial gap in enabling fair, privacy-preserving AI systems for decentralized, real-world applications. The comprehensive evaluations and the demonstrated effectiveness across various scenarios underscore the potential impact of this research, paving the way for more inclusive and trustworthy federated learning systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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