Transferring Fairness using Multi-Task Learning with Limited Demographic Information






Published 4/17/2024 by Carlos Aguirre, Mark Dredze



Training supervised machine learning systems with a fairness loss can improve prediction fairness across different demographic groups. However, doing so requires demographic annotations for training data, without which we cannot produce debiased classifiers for most tasks. Drawing inspiration from transfer learning methods, we investigate whether we can utilize demographic data from a related task to improve the fairness of a target task. We adapt a single-task fairness loss to a multi-task setting to exploit demographic labels from a related task in debiasing a target task and demonstrate that demographic fairness objectives transfer fairness within a multi-task framework. Additionally, we show that this approach enables intersectional fairness by transferring between two datasets with different single-axis demographics. We explore different data domains to show how our loss can improve fairness domains and tasks.

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  • This paper explores how to improve the fairness of machine learning models across different demographic groups without requiring demographic annotations for the training data.
  • The researchers adapt a single-task fairness loss to a multi-task setting, allowing them to leverage demographic labels from a related task to debias a target task.
  • This approach enables intersectional fairness by transferring fairness between datasets with different single-axis demographics.
  • The paper examines how this fairness-focused multi-task learning technique can be applied across different data domains and tasks.

Plain English Explanation

Machine learning models can sometimes make biased predictions that unfairly disadvantage certain demographic groups. To address this, researchers have developed techniques that incorporate "fairness loss" during training, which encourages the model to make more equitable predictions. However, these fairness-focused approaches require the training data to include demographic information about the individuals, which is often not available.

To overcome this limitation, the researchers in this paper took inspiration from transfer learning - a technique where knowledge from one task is used to improve performance on a related task. In this case, the researchers adapted the fairness loss to a multi-task setting, allowing them to leverage demographic labels from a related task to improve the fairness of a target task, even if the target task data does not contain that demographic information.

This multi-task fairness approach also enables intersectional fairness, where fairness is considered across multiple demographic axes (e.g., race and gender) simultaneously. The researchers demonstrate how this technique can be applied across different data domains and tasks to improve the overall fairness of machine learning systems.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation in this paper is the adaptation of a single-task fairness loss to a multi-task setting. Typically, fairness-aware training requires demographic annotations for the target task data, which are often unavailable. The researchers hypothesized that they could instead leverage demographic labels from a related task to improve the fairness of the target task predictions.

To test this, they formulated a multi-task learning objective that combines the standard task loss (e.g., classification error) with a fairness loss term. The fairness loss is computed based on the demographic labels from the related task, and this signal is used to debias the target task model, even though the target task data itself does not contain demographic information.

The researchers evaluated this approach across several datasets and tasks, including image classification and natural language processing. They found that the multi-task fairness objective was able to improve demographic parity and equal opportunity metrics compared to standard single-task training, without requiring the target task data to have demographic annotations.

Importantly, the researchers also showed that this multi-task fairness technique enables intersectional fairness - the ability to consider multiple demographic axes (e.g., race and gender) simultaneously. By transferring fairness knowledge across datasets with different single-axis demographics, their approach can promote equitable predictions for individuals belonging to various intersectional groups.

Critical Analysis

While the researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of their multi-task fairness approach, there are a few important caveats to consider. First, the success of the technique relies on the availability of a related task with relevant demographic labels. In practice, finding such a suitable auxiliary task may be challenging, especially for more specialized applications.

Additionally, the paper does not fully explore the trade-offs between fairness and other model performance metrics, such as accuracy or efficiency. It would be valuable to understand how the fairness-focused multi-task objective impacts these other important considerations, and whether there are ways to balance the competing objectives.

Finally, the paper does not address potential privacy concerns that may arise from the use of demographic information, even if it is from a related task. As machine learning systems become more ubiquitous, it will be crucial to develop fairness-improving techniques that also respect individual privacy.


This paper presents a novel approach to improving the fairness of machine learning models without requiring demographic annotations for the target task data. By adapting a fairness loss to a multi-task setting, the researchers were able to leverage demographic labels from a related task to debias a target task, even when the target data lacked this information.

The key contribution of this work is the ability to enable intersectional fairness, where fairness is considered across multiple demographic axes simultaneously. This is a significant advancement, as many existing fairness techniques focus on single-axis demographics, which can overlook the unique challenges faced by individuals belonging to multiple underrepresented groups.

As machine learning systems become more widely deployed, ensuring their fairness and equity across diverse populations will be crucial. The multi-task fairness approach explored in this paper represents an important step towards developing more inclusive and equitable AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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