Fairness Without Harm: An Influence-Guided Active Sampling Approach






Published 6/4/2024 by Jinlong Pang, Jialu Wang, Zhaowei Zhu, Yuanshun Yao, Chen Qian, Yang Liu
Fairness Without Harm: An Influence-Guided Active Sampling Approach


The pursuit of fairness in machine learning (ML), ensuring that the models do not exhibit biases toward protected demographic groups, typically results in a compromise scenario. This compromise can be explained by a Pareto frontier where given certain resources (e.g., data), reducing the fairness violations often comes at the cost of lowering the model accuracy. In this work, we aim to train models that mitigate group fairness disparity without causing harm to model accuracy. Intuitively, acquiring more data is a natural and promising approach to achieve this goal by reaching a better Pareto frontier of the fairness-accuracy tradeoff. The current data acquisition methods, such as fair active learning approaches, typically require annotating sensitive attributes. However, these sensitive attribute annotations should be protected due to privacy and safety concerns. In this paper, we propose a tractable active data sampling algorithm that does not rely on training group annotations, instead only requiring group annotations on a small validation set. Specifically, the algorithm first scores each new example by its influence on fairness and accuracy evaluated on the validation dataset, and then selects a certain number of examples for training. We theoretically analyze how acquiring more data can improve fairness without causing harm, and validate the possibility of our sampling approach in the context of risk disparity. We also provide the upper bound of generalization error and risk disparity as well as the corresponding connections. Extensive experiments on real-world data demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm.

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  • This paper proposes an influence-guided data sampling approach to train fair machine learning classifiers without relying on fair training data.
  • The key idea is to identify and sample data points that have a high influence on the model's fairness, rather than just its accuracy.
  • This approach aims to address the challenge of obtaining truly representative and unbiased training data, which is a common obstacle in achieving fairness in AI systems.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on the problem of making machine learning models fair, which means ensuring they don't discriminate against certain groups of people. Typically, to train a fair model, you need to have training data that is already fair and representative of different groups. However, finding such data can be very difficult in the real world.

The researchers propose a new approach that doesn't rely on having fair training data. Instead, they find the data points that have the biggest influence on the model's fairness, and focus on sampling more of those points during training. This helps the model learn to be fair, even if the original training data isn't perfectly balanced.

The key insight is that some data points matter more than others when it comes to fairness. By identifying and focusing on the most influential data, the researchers can train a fair model without needing to start with perfectly fair data. This could be a valuable technique for building fair AI systems in the real world, where ideal data is often hard to come by.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces an "influence-guided data sampling" approach to train fair machine learning classifiers without relying on fair training data. The core idea is to identify and sample data points that have a high influence on the model's fairness, rather than just its accuracy.

Specifically, the authors propose using an influence function to measure the impact of each training data point on the model's fairness metric (e.g., demographic parity, equal opportunity). They then use this influence information to guide the data sampling process during training, prioritizing points that are most critical for improving fairness.

This influence-guided sampling is combined with standard training techniques like stochastic gradient descent. The authors evaluate their approach on several benchmark datasets and find that it can achieve comparable or better fairness performance compared to training on perfectly balanced data or using existing fairness-aware techniques.

The key advantage of this approach is that it sidesteps the challenge of obtaining truly representative and unbiased training data, which is a common obstacle in achieving fairness in AI systems. By focusing on the most influential data points, the model can learn to be fair even when the original training data is biased or imbalanced.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and promising approach to training fair machine learning models without relying on fair training data. The influence-guided sampling technique is a clever way to address the data challenge, and the empirical results demonstrate its effectiveness.

However, the authors acknowledge several limitations and caveats. First, the approach relies on being able to compute influence functions, which can be computationally expensive and may not scale well to very large datasets. There are also open questions around how to best define and measure the influence on fairness metrics.

Additionally, the paper only considers binary classification tasks and a limited set of fairness metrics. It's unclear how the approach would generalize to more complex models, tasks, or fairness notions. There may also be edge cases or pathological datasets where the influence-guided sampling strategy could fail to find a fair solution.

Further research is needed to better understand the broader applicability and limitations of this approach. Exploring alternative fairness-aware sampling techniques, quantifying the tradeoffs with accuracy, and studying real-world deployment scenarios would all be valuable next steps.

Overall, this paper presents an important step towards more practical and scalable methods for building fair AI systems. By shifting the focus from fair data to fair model training, it opens up new avenues for addressing the challenging problem of algorithmic fairness.


This paper proposes an innovative approach to training fair machine learning classifiers without relying on fair training data. The key idea is to identify and sample the data points that have the greatest influence on the model's fairness, rather than just its accuracy.

This influence-guided sampling technique sidesteps the common challenge of obtaining truly representative and unbiased training data, which is crucial for achieving fairness in AI systems. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several benchmark datasets, showing that it can match or exceed the fairness performance of models trained on perfectly balanced data.

While the approach has some limitations and caveats, it represents an important advance in the field of algorithmic fairness. By shifting the focus from fair data to fair model training, it opens up new possibilities for building fair AI systems in the real world, where ideal data is often hard to come by.

Overall, this research highlights the value of creative problem-solving and the importance of looking beyond the obvious solutions when it comes to complex challenges like ensuring fairness in machine learning. As AI systems become increasingly pervasive, techniques like this will be crucial for building equitable and trustworthy technologies that benefit all of society.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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