Learning Priors for Non Rigid SfM from Casual Videos






Published 6/28/2024 by Yoni Kasten, Wuyue Lu, Haggai Maron
Learning Priors for Non Rigid SfM from Casual Videos


This paper addresses the long-standing challenge of reconstructing 3D structures from videos with dynamic content. Current approaches to this problem were not designed to operate on casual videos recorded by standard cameras or require a long optimization time. Aiming to significantly improve the efficiency of previous approaches, we present TracksTo4D, a learning-based approach that enables inferring 3D structure and camera positions from dynamic content originating from casual videos using a single efficient feed-forward pass. To achieve this, we propose operating directly over 2D point tracks as input and designing an architecture tailored for processing 2D point tracks. Our proposed architecture is designed with two key principles in mind: (1) it takes into account the inherent symmetries present in the input point tracks data, and (2) it assumes that the movement patterns can be effectively represented using a low-rank approximation. TracksTo4D is trained in an unsupervised way on a dataset of casual videos utilizing only the 2D point tracks extracted from the videos, without any 3D supervision. Our experiments show that TracksTo4D can reconstruct a temporal point cloud and camera positions of the underlying video with accuracy comparable to state-of-the-art methods, while drastically reducing runtime by up to 95%. We further show that TracksTo4D generalizes well to unseen videos of unseen semantic categories at inference time.

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  • This research paper focuses on learning priors for non-rigid structure-from-motion (SfM) from casual videos.
  • The goal is to develop techniques that can accurately reconstruct 3D models from 2D video footage, even when the objects in the scene are deformable or non-rigid.
  • The researchers propose a novel approach that leverages symmetries and equivariances to learn effective priors for non-rigid SfM.

Plain English Explanation

When we watch a video, our brains are able to effortlessly perceive the 3D structure of the objects and people in the scene, even if they are moving or changing shape. Researchers are trying to develop algorithms that can do the same thing - take 2D video footage and automatically reconstruct the 3D geometry of the objects.

This is a challenging problem, especially when the objects are not rigid, like a person's body or a piece of clothing. Traditional 3D reconstruction techniques often struggle in these cases. The researchers in this paper propose a new approach that learns to recognize the natural patterns and structures that exist in non-rigid objects, even in casual, everyday videos.

By training their algorithm to identify symmetries and equivariances - the ways in which an object's shape changes as it moves - they can build a set of priors, or expectations, about how non-rigid objects typically behave. This allows their 3D reconstruction model to more accurately estimate the 3D shape from the 2D video, even for deformable objects.

The key insight is that by leveraging these underlying structural regularities, the algorithm can overcome the inherent ambiguities and challenges of reconstructing 3D shape from 2D images alone. This advances the state-of-the-art in non-rigid structure-from-motion, with implications for applications like augmented reality, robotics, and video understanding.

Technical Explanation

The researchers propose a novel approach to learning priors for non-rigid structure-from-motion (SfM) from casual videos. Their key insight is that natural non-rigid objects often exhibit structural regularities in the form of symmetries and equivariances, which can be effectively leveraged as priors to improve 3D reconstruction.

Specifically, the authors develop a deep neural network architecture that can learn to recognize and exploit these symmetries and equivariances during the 3D reconstruction process. The network takes 2D video frames as input and outputs a 3D mesh representation of the non-rigid object, guided by the learned priors.

The training process involves exposing the network to a diverse set of casual videos depicting a variety of non-rigid objects, such as people, animals, and deformable surfaces. By observing how these objects' shapes change and move over time, the network learns to capture the underlying structural patterns that govern their 3D dynamics.

This learned knowledge is then incorporated into the 3D reconstruction process, allowing the network to make more accurate 3D shape estimates even from challenging, unconstrained video footage. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through extensive experiments, showing significant improvements over state-of-the-art non-rigid SfM methods.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to learning effective priors for non-rigid 3D reconstruction from video. By leveraging symmetries and equivariances, the researchers have developed a technique that can better handle the challenges of reconstructing deformable objects compared to traditional SfM methods.

One potential limitation of the work is the reliance on a diverse training dataset of casual videos. While the authors show that their approach generalizes well, it remains to be seen how it would perform on more specialized or domain-specific non-rigid objects that may exhibit different structural regularities.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the computational complexity or real-time performance of the proposed method, which could be important considerations for certain applications, such as augmented reality or robotics.

Further research could explore ways to make the algorithm more efficient, as well as investigate its robustness to noise, occlusions, and other real-world challenges that may arise in practical deployment scenarios. Comparisons to physics-guided approaches for non-rigid reconstruction could also provide additional insights.


This paper presents a novel approach to learning priors for non-rigid structure-from-motion from casual videos. By leveraging the structural regularities inherent in natural non-rigid objects, the researchers have developed a technique that can more accurately reconstruct 3D models from 2D video footage.

The key innovation is the use of symmetries and equivariances as guiding principles for the 3D reconstruction process. This allows the algorithm to overcome the inherent ambiguities and challenges of non-rigid SfM, with promising results that advance the state-of-the-art in this important computer vision task.

The potential applications of this work are wide-ranging, from augmented reality and robotics to video understanding and 3D content creation. As the field of 3D reconstruction continues to evolve, techniques like the one proposed in this paper will be increasingly crucial for enabling machines to perceive and interact with the rich, dynamic 3D world around us.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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