Linear convergence of forward-backward accelerated algorithms without knowledge of the modulus of strong convexity






Published 4/10/2024 by Bowen Li, Bin Shi, Ya-xiang Yuan
Linear convergence of forward-backward accelerated algorithms without knowledge of the modulus of strong convexity


A significant milestone in modern gradient-based optimization was achieved with the development of Nesterov's accelerated gradient descent (NAG) method. This forward-backward technique has been further advanced with the introduction of its proximal generalization, commonly known as the fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm (FISTA), which enjoys widespread application in image science and engineering. Nonetheless, it remains unclear whether both NAG and FISTA exhibit linear convergence for strongly convex functions. Remarkably, these algorithms demonstrate convergence without requiring any prior knowledge of strongly convex modulus, and this intriguing characteristic has been acknowledged as an open problem in the comprehensive review [Chambolle and Pock, 2016, Appendix B]. In this paper, we address this question by utilizing the high-resolution ordinary differential equation (ODE) framework. Expanding upon the established phase-space representation, we emphasize the distinctive approach employed in crafting the Lyapunov function, which involves a dynamically adapting coefficient of kinetic energy that evolves throughout the iterations. Furthermore, we highlight that the linear convergence of both NAG and FISTA is independent of the parameter $r$. Additionally, we demonstrate that the square of the proximal subgradient norm likewise advances towards linear convergence.

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  • The paper discusses the linear convergence of the Nesterov-1983 algorithm, a popular optimization method, under the assumption of strong convexity.
  • The research was supported by grants from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Plain English Explanation

The paper looks at a mathematical optimization algorithm called the Nesterov-1983 algorithm. This algorithm is commonly used to solve certain types of optimization problems, such as finding the minimum of a function. The researchers investigated how quickly this algorithm can converge, or get close to the optimal solution, when the function being optimized has a property called "strong convexity."

Strong convexity is a technical term that describes a specific shape of the function. When a function is strongly convex, the Nesterov-1983 algorithm can converge to the optimal solution very quickly, in a

manner. This means the algorithm gets closer and closer to the solution at a steady, predictable rate.

The main contribution of this work is to provide a formal analysis of the linear convergence rate of the Nesterov-1983 algorithm under the assumption of strong convexity. This can help practitioners understand how quickly the algorithm will perform in different optimization problems.

Technical Explanation

The paper analyzes the convergence rate of the Nesterov-1983 algorithm, also known as Nesterov's accelerated gradient method. The authors prove that when the objective function is strongly convex, the algorithm enjoys a

linear convergence rate

This means that the distance between the current iterate and the optimal solution decreases exponentially with the number of iterations. The authors characterize the linear convergence rate in terms of the strong convexity parameter and the Lipschitz constant of the gradient of the objective function.

The analysis relies on tracking the evolution of a carefully designed Lyapunov function, which combines information about the current iterate, the gradient, and the past iterates. By establishing certain recursive inequalities for this Lyapunov function, the authors derive the linear convergence guarantee.

The technical results provide theoretical justification for the empirical success of the Nesterov-1983 algorithm in solving strongly convex optimization problems, and can guide the choice of algorithm parameters in practical applications.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a rigorous mathematical analysis of the convergence properties of the well-known Nesterov-1983 algorithm. The key assumption is that the objective function is strongly convex, which may not always hold in practice.

Implicit tracking-based distributed constraint-coupled optimization problems or non-convex optimization problems, for example, may not satisfy this condition. In such cases, the linear convergence guarantee proved in this work may not apply.

Additionally, the analysis relies on the Lipschitz continuity of the gradient, which can also be a restrictive assumption in some applications. The authors do not discuss the potential implications of relaxing these assumptions or extending the analysis to more general settings.

Nevertheless, the technical contributions of this work advance the theoretical understanding of the Nesterov-1983 algorithm and can inform the design of efficient optimization methods for strongly convex problems.


This paper presents a detailed analysis of the linear convergence of the Nesterov-1983 optimization algorithm under the assumption of strong convexity. The researchers prove that the algorithm enjoys a linear convergence rate, meaning it can quickly find the optimal solution for strongly convex optimization problems.

The technical results provide a theoretical foundation for the empirical success of the Nesterov-1983 algorithm and can guide practitioners in choosing appropriate algorithm parameters for their specific applications. While the analysis relies on some restrictive assumptions, the work contributes to the ongoing effort to understand the convergence properties of popular optimization methods.

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