Fine-Grained Causal Dynamics Learning with Quantization for Improving Robustness in Reinforcement Learning






Published 6/6/2024 by Inwoo Hwang, Yunhyeok Kwak, Suhyung Choi, Byoung-Tak Zhang, Sanghack Lee



Causal dynamics learning has recently emerged as a promising approach to enhancing robustness in reinforcement learning (RL). Typically, the goal is to build a dynamics model that makes predictions based on the causal relationships among the entities. Despite the fact that causal connections often manifest only under certain contexts, existing approaches overlook such fine-grained relationships and lack a detailed understanding of the dynamics. In this work, we propose a novel dynamics model that infers fine-grained causal structures and employs them for prediction, leading to improved robustness in RL. The key idea is to jointly learn the dynamics model with a discrete latent variable that quantizes the state-action space into subgroups. This leads to recognizing meaningful context that displays sparse dependencies, where causal structures are learned for each subgroup throughout the training. Experimental results demonstrate the robustness of our method to unseen states and locally spurious correlations in downstream tasks where fine-grained causal reasoning is crucial. We further illustrate the effectiveness of our subgroup-based approach with quantization in discovering fine-grained causal relationships compared to prior methods.

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  • Reinforcement learning (RL) is a powerful approach to training AI systems, but it can be fragile and struggle with unseen situations.
  • This paper proposes a new dynamics model that uses fine-grained causal structures to make predictions, leading to more robust RL.
  • The key idea is to learn the dynamics model alongside a discrete latent variable that divides the state-action space into subgroups, allowing the model to capture sparse causal dependencies within each context.

Plain English Explanation

Reinforcement learning (RL) is a way for AI systems to learn how to accomplish tasks by trial and error, getting rewards for good actions and punishments for bad ones. This can be a powerful approach, but it also has some weaknesses. RL models can struggle when they encounter situations they haven't seen before, or when there are hidden causes behind the outcomes they're trying to predict.

The researchers behind this paper have come up with a new way to build a dynamics model - a model that predicts how the world will change in response to an agent's actions. Their key insight is to have the dynamics model work together with a separate part of the system that divides the world into different "contexts" or subgroups. This allows the dynamics model to learn the fine-grained causal relationships that are at play within each subgroup, rather than just looking at broad overall patterns.

For example, imagine an RL agent learning to navigate a maze. The standard approach might try to learn a single set of rules for how the maze works. But the new IQRL approach could discover that there are different "contexts" in the maze - some areas where the floors are slippery, others where there are traps, etc. By learning the causal rules governing each of these contexts, the agent can become much more robust to unexpected changes or obstacles.

The researchers demonstrate through experiments that this subgroup-based causal modeling leads to RL agents that are more flexible and adaptable, able to handle challenges that would trip up standard RL approaches. This work connects to other recent advances in causal representation learning and robust RL, showing how explicitly modeling causal structures can make RL systems more sample-efficient and uncertainty-aware.

Technical Explanation

The core of this paper is a novel dynamics model architecture that learns fine-grained causal structures to enable more robust predictions. The key innovation is the use of a discrete latent variable that partitions the state-action space into subgroups, allowing the dynamics model to capture sparse causal dependencies within each context.

Specifically, the model jointly learns the dynamics function alongside this latent variable representation. This latent variable acts as a "context encoder", quantizing the state-action space into meaningful subgroups. The dynamics model then learns causal transition rules for each of these subgroups, rather than trying to learn a single monolithic set of dynamics.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach through experiments on several continuous control benchmarks. They show that the subgroup-based causal modeling leads to RL agents that are more robust to unseen states and locally spurious correlations, outperforming previous causal RL methods.

Furthermore, the paper provides analysis illustrating how the subgroup-based approach is able to discover more fine-grained causal relationships compared to prior techniques. This granular causal understanding is crucial for handling the complexities of real-world environments.

Critical Analysis

The researchers make a compelling case for the value of fine-grained causal modeling in RL, demonstrating clear performance benefits on standard benchmarks. However, a few limitations and open questions remain:

  • The paper does not provide a deep dive into the specific causal structures learned by the model, leaving some uncertainty about the nature of the discovered relationships. More interpretability would strengthen the claims.

  • It's unclear how this approach would scale to extremely large and complex state-action spaces. The discrete latent variable may struggle to capture all the relevant contexts in very high-dimensional settings.

  • The experimental setup focuses on simulated control tasks. Validating the robustness of this approach on real-world, embodied RL problems would further strengthen the claims.

  • While the causal modeling enhances sample efficiency, the overall training process is still computationally intensive. Reducing the computational burden would broaden the practical applicability.

Despite these caveats, this work represents an important step forward in bridging causal reasoning and reinforcement learning. Continuing to explore fine-grained causal dynamics modeling could lead to RL systems that are more flexible, transparent, and reliable when deployed in the real world.


This paper introduces a novel dynamics model architecture that leverages fine-grained causal structures to enable more robust reinforcement learning. By learning a latent representation that partitions the state-action space into meaningful subgroups, the model can capture sparse causal dependencies within each context.

The experimental results demonstrate clear performance benefits of this subgroup-based causal modeling approach, leading to RL agents that are more flexible and adaptable in the face of unseen states and spurious correlations. This work connects to broader trends in causal representation learning and robust RL, highlighting the value of explicitly modeling causal mechanisms for building capable and reliable AI systems.

While some limitations remain, this research represents a promising step forward in enhancing the robustness and interpretability of reinforcement learning. Continuing to explore fine-grained causal dynamics modeling could have significant implications for the real-world deployment of RL technologies.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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