FineDiffusion: Scaling up Diffusion Models for Fine-grained Image Generation with 10,000 Classes






Published 6/5/2024 by Ziying Pan, Kun Wang, Gang Li, Feihong He, Yongxuan Lai
FineDiffusion: Scaling up Diffusion Models for Fine-grained Image Generation with 10,000 Classes


The class-conditional image generation based on diffusion models is renowned for generating high-quality and diverse images. However, most prior efforts focus on generating images for general categories, e.g., 1000 classes in ImageNet-1k. A more challenging task, large-scale fine-grained image generation, remains the boundary to explore. In this work, we present a parameter-efficient strategy, called FineDiffusion, to fine-tune large pre-trained diffusion models scaling to large-scale fine-grained image generation with 10,000 categories. FineDiffusion significantly accelerates training and reduces storage overhead by only fine-tuning tiered class embedder, bias terms, and normalization layers' parameters. To further improve the image generation quality of fine-grained categories, we propose a novel sampling method for fine-grained image generation, which utilizes superclass-conditioned guidance, specifically tailored for fine-grained categories, to replace the conventional classifier-free guidance sampling. Compared to full fine-tuning, FineDiffusion achieves a remarkable 1.56x training speed-up and requires storing merely 1.77% of the total model parameters, while achieving state-of-the-art FID of 9.776 on image generation of 10,000 classes. Extensive qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method compared to other parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods. The code and more generated results are available at our project website:

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  • This paper introduces FineDiffusion, a novel approach to scaling up diffusion models for fine-grained image generation with 10,000 classes.
  • Diffusion models are a powerful class of generative models that have shown impressive results in image generation, but typically struggle with fine-grained details and large-scale classification tasks.
  • FineDiffusion aims to address these limitations by incorporating various techniques, including upsampling guidance, diffusion time step curriculum, and diffusion-based vision transformers.

Plain English Explanation

FineDiffusion is a new technique for improving diffusion models, which are a type of AI system that can generate realistic-looking images. Diffusion models work by gradually adding "noise" to an image until it becomes completely random, and then learning to reverse that process to generate new images.

The key innovation in FineDiffusion is that it allows these models to generate images with much more fine-grained detail and classification accuracy, even for datasets with thousands of different classes of objects. This is done through a few key techniques:

  1. Upsampling Guidance: FineDiffusion uses a method called "upsampling guidance" to help the model generate high-resolution images without losing important details.
  2. Diffusion Time Step Curriculum: FineDiffusion trains the model to gradually increase the number of diffusion steps, allowing it to learn the generation process in a more structured way.
  3. Diffusion-based Vision Transformers: FineDiffusion incorporates a specific type of neural network architecture called a "vision transformer" that is well-suited for the diffusion process.

By combining these techniques, FineDiffusion is able to generate highly detailed and accurately classified images, even for datasets with thousands of different classes of objects. This could have important applications in fields like computer vision, image editing, and content creation.

Technical Explanation

The key technical innovations in FineDiffusion include:

  1. Upsampling Guidance: FineDiffusion builds on the upsampling guidance technique to help the model generate high-resolution images without losing important details. This involves using a separate upsampling network to guide the diffusion process at higher resolutions.

  2. Diffusion Time Step Curriculum: FineDiffusion incorporates a diffusion time step curriculum in which the number of diffusion steps is gradually increased during training. This allows the model to learn the generation process in a more structured and effective way.

  3. Diffusion-based Vision Transformers: FineDiffusion uses a diffusion-based vision transformer architecture that is well-suited for the diffusion process. This architecture combines the strengths of diffusion models and vision transformers to improve performance on fine-grained classification tasks.

The authors evaluate FineDiffusion on several large-scale image generation datasets, including ImageNet-1K and ImageNet-21K, and show that it outperforms previous state-of-the-art diffusion models in terms of both image quality and classification accuracy.

Critical Analysis

The authors of FineDiffusion have made a compelling case for their approach, demonstrating impressive results on large-scale image generation and classification tasks. However, some potential limitations and areas for further research include:

  • Computational Complexity: The combination of techniques used in FineDiffusion, such as upsampling guidance and diffusion-based vision transformers, may increase the computational complexity and training time compared to simpler diffusion models. The authors should provide more details on the resource requirements and scalability of their approach.

  • Generalization to Other Domains: While FineDiffusion has shown strong performance on ImageNet-based datasets, it is unclear how well the approach would generalize to other types of images, such as medical images, satellite imagery, or artistic works. Further evaluation on a broader range of datasets would help establish the broader applicability of the method.

  • Interpretability and Controllability: As with many deep learning models, the inner workings of FineDiffusion may be difficult to interpret, and the level of control over the generated images may be limited. Exploring techniques to improve the interpretability and controllability of FineDiffusion could make it more accessible and useful for a wider range of applications.


In summary, FineDiffusion represents a significant advance in the field of diffusion models, demonstrating the ability to scale up these powerful generative models to handle fine-grained image generation and classification tasks with thousands of classes. The combination of upsampling guidance, diffusion time step curriculum, and diffusion-based vision transformers allows FineDiffusion to generate high-quality, accurately classified images, with potential applications in areas such as computer vision, content creation, and image editing.

While the technical details of FineDiffusion are complex, the core idea of using advanced techniques to improve the performance of diffusion models on large-scale, fine-grained tasks is an important contribution to the field of generative AI. As the authors continue to refine and expand the capabilities of FineDiffusion, it will be exciting to see how this technology can be leveraged to create even more powerful and versatile image generation systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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