First-Order Methods for Linearly Constrained Bilevel Optimization






Published 6/19/2024 by Guy Kornowski, Swati Padmanabhan, Kai Wang, Zhe Zhang, Suvrit Sra
First-Order Methods for Linearly Constrained Bilevel Optimization


Algorithms for bilevel optimization often encounter Hessian computations, which are prohibitive in high dimensions. While recent works offer first-order methods for unconstrained bilevel problems, the constrained setting remains relatively underexplored. We present first-order linearly constrained optimization methods with finite-time hypergradient stationarity guarantees. For linear equality constraints, we attain $epsilon$-stationarity in $widetilde{O}(epsilon^{-2})$ gradient oracle calls, which is nearly-optimal. For linear inequality constraints, we attain $(delta,epsilon)$-Goldstein stationarity in $widetilde{O}(d{delta^{-1} epsilon^{-3}})$ gradient oracle calls, where $d$ is the upper-level dimension. Finally, we obtain for the linear inequality setting dimension-free rates of $widetilde{O}({delta^{-1} epsilon^{-4}})$ oracle complexity under the additional assumption of oracle access to the optimal dual variable. Along the way, we develop new nonsmooth nonconvex optimization methods with inexact oracles. We verify these guarantees with preliminary numerical experiments.

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  • This paper presents first-order methods for solving linearly constrained bilevel optimization problems, where the upper-level problem is optimized subject to the lower-level problem being solved optimally.
  • The authors propose two algorithms: a primal-dual method and a primal method, both of which leverage first-order information to efficiently solve these challenging optimization problems.
  • The paper includes theoretical guarantees on the convergence rates of the proposed methods, as well as experimental results demonstrating their effectiveness on a variety of problem instances.

Plain English Explanation

Bilevel optimization is a type of mathematical problem where there are two levels of optimization happening at the same time. The upper-level problem is trying to find the best solution, but it is constrained by the lower-level problem also being solved optimally. This can be challenging to solve, especially when the problems have linear constraints.

The authors of this paper have developed two new algorithms to tackle these types of bilevel optimization problems. The first is a "primal-dual" method, which means it looks at both the main problem and the constraints at the same time. The second is a "primal" method, which focuses only on the main problem and tries to find the best solution.

Both of these algorithms use "first-order" information, which means they look at the slope or gradient of the problem to guide their search for the optimal solution. The authors have proven that these methods can converge, or get close to the best solution, at a reasonable rate. They have also tested the algorithms on a variety of examples and shown that they work well in practice.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents two first-order methods for solving linearly constrained bilevel optimization problems. The first is a primal-dual method that jointly optimizes the upper-level and lower-level objective functions, while also satisfying the linear constraints. The second is a primal method that focuses solely on the upper-level objective, while using a projection step to ensure the linear constraints are satisfied.

Both algorithms leverage first-order information, in the form of gradients, to efficiently navigate the optimization landscape. The authors provide theoretical guarantees on the convergence rates of these methods, showing that they can achieve sublinear or linear convergence, depending on the problem structure.

The paper also includes extensive numerical experiments, where the proposed algorithms are tested on a variety of problem instances, including those with and properties. The results demonstrate the practical effectiveness of the methods, particularly in terms of computational efficiency and solution quality.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a thorough and well-designed study of first-order methods for linearly constrained bilevel optimization. The theoretical analysis is rigorous, and the numerical experiments are extensive and thoughtfully constructed.

One potential limitation of the work is that it focuses solely on linearly constrained problems. While this class of problems is important, there are many real-world applications that involve nonlinear constraints or more complex bilevel structures. It would be valuable to see how the proposed methods could be extended to handle these more general settings.

Additionally, the paper does not provide much discussion of the practical challenges that may arise when implementing these algorithms, such as the choice of step sizes, the handling of numerical errors, or the scalability to large-scale problems. A more detailed treatment of these implementation aspects would help readers better understand the practical tradeoffs and limitations of the proposed approaches.

Overall, this paper makes a valuable contribution to the field of bilevel optimization by introducing new first-order methods and providing a strong theoretical and empirical foundation for their use. Future research could build upon this work to address some of the limitations and expand the applicability of these techniques to a wider range of optimization problems.


This paper presents two new first-order methods for solving linearly constrained bilevel optimization problems. The proposed algorithms, a primal-dual method and a primal method, leverage gradient information to efficiently navigate the optimization landscape and converge to optimal solutions.

The theoretical analysis and numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of these techniques, particularly in terms of computational efficiency and solution quality. While the focus is on linearly constrained problems, the insights and approaches developed in this work could serve as a foundation for addressing more general bilevel optimization challenges in the future.

As the field of bilevel optimization continues to grow in importance, with applications ranging from machine learning to engineering design, the contributions of this paper will be valuable for researchers and practitioners seeking to solve these complex, nested optimization problems.

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