FLAME: Factuality-Aware Alignment for Large Language Models






Published 5/3/2024 by Sheng-Chieh Lin, Luyu Gao, Barlas Oguz, Wenhan Xiong, Jimmy Lin, Wen-tau Yih, Xilun Chen



Alignment is a standard procedure to fine-tune pre-trained large language models (LLMs) to follow natural language instructions and serve as helpful AI assistants. We have observed, however, that the conventional alignment process fails to enhance the factual accuracy of LLMs, and often leads to the generation of more false facts (i.e. hallucination). In this paper, we study how to make the LLM alignment process more factual, by first identifying factors that lead to hallucination in both alignment steps: supervised fine-tuning (SFT) and reinforcement learning (RL). In particular, we find that training the LLM on new knowledge or unfamiliar texts can encourage hallucination. This makes SFT less factual as it trains on human labeled data that may be novel to the LLM. Furthermore, reward functions used in standard RL can also encourage hallucination, because it guides the LLM to provide more helpful responses on a diverse set of instructions, often preferring longer and more detailed responses. Based on these observations, we propose factuality-aware alignment, comprised of factuality-aware SFT and factuality-aware RL through direct preference optimization. Experiments show that our proposed factuality-aware alignment guides LLMs to output more factual responses while maintaining instruction-following capability.

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  • Large language models (LLMs) are often fine-tuned through a process called "alignment" to make them better at following natural language instructions and serving as helpful AI assistants.
  • However, the conventional alignment process has been observed to fail in enhancing the factual accuracy of LLMs, and can even lead to the generation of more false facts (i.e., hallucination).
  • This paper examines how to make the LLM alignment process more factual by identifying the factors that lead to hallucination in both supervised fine-tuning (SFT) and reinforcement learning (RL) alignment steps.

Plain English Explanation

The paper explores ways to improve the process of training large language models (LLMs) to be better at following instructions and helping people, while also being more accurate in the information they provide. The current approach, called "alignment," can sometimes make the models generate more false information, which is a problem.

The researchers looked at what causes this issue, finding that training the models on new or unfamiliar knowledge or texts can encourage them to make up information (hallucination). This makes the supervised fine-tuning step less accurate, as the models are learning from data that may be novel to them.

Additionally, the standard reward functions used in reinforcement learning can also lead to more hallucination, as they incentivize the models to provide longer and more detailed responses, even if the information is not entirely factual.

Based on these insights, the researchers propose a "factuality-aware" approach to alignment, which involves modifications to both the supervised fine-tuning and reinforcement learning stages. Experiments show that this new method helps the LLMs provide more factual responses while still maintaining their ability to follow instructions well.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by observing that the conventional LLM alignment process, which involves supervised fine-tuning (SFT) and reinforcement learning (RL), fails to enhance the factual accuracy of the models and can even lead to increased hallucination (generation of false facts).

To address this issue, the authors first identify the factors that contribute to hallucination in both the SFT and RL alignment steps. They find that training the LLM on new or unfamiliar knowledge or texts can encourage hallucination, making the SFT process less factual. Additionally, the standard reward functions used in RL can also incentivize the model to provide longer and more detailed responses, even if the information is not entirely accurate.

Based on these insights, the researchers propose a "factuality-aware" approach to alignment, which includes factuality-aware SFT and factuality-aware RL through direct preference optimization. Experiments show that this new method helps LLMs generate more factual responses while maintaining their instruction-following capabilities.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thoughtful analysis of the factors that contribute to hallucination in the LLM alignment process and proposes a novel approach to address this issue. The researchers' insights about the role of unfamiliar knowledge and standard reward functions in encouraging hallucination are particularly valuable.

However, the paper could have delved deeper into the potential limitations or caveats of their proposed factuality-aware alignment approach. For example, it would be interesting to understand how this method performs on a wider range of tasks and datasets, and whether there are any trade-offs in terms of instruction-following or other capabilities.

Additionally, the paper could have discussed the broader implications of this research, such as its potential impact on the development of more trustworthy and reliable AI assistants, and the challenges involved in balancing factual accuracy with other desirable qualities like helpfulness and engagement.


This paper presents a critical examination of the conventional LLM alignment process and proposes a new factuality-aware approach to address the issue of hallucination. By identifying the factors that contribute to the generation of false facts, the researchers have developed a method that can help LLMs provide more accurate information while maintaining their ability to follow natural language instructions.

The findings of this study have important implications for the development of AI assistants that are not only helpful, but also trustworthy and reliable. As the use of LLMs continues to grow in various applications, ensuring their factual accuracy will be crucial for building public confidence and ensuring the responsible deployment of these powerful technologies.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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