From Conformal Predictions to Confidence Regions






Published 5/30/2024 by Charles Guille-Escuret, Eugene Ndiaye
From Conformal Predictions to Confidence Regions


Conformal prediction methodologies have significantly advanced the quantification of uncertainties in predictive models. Yet, the construction of confidence regions for model parameters presents a notable challenge, often necessitating stringent assumptions regarding data distribution or merely providing asymptotic guarantees. We introduce a novel approach termed CCR, which employs a combination of conformal prediction intervals for the model outputs to establish confidence regions for model parameters. We present coverage guarantees under minimal assumptions on noise and that is valid in finite sample regime. Our approach is applicable to both split conformal predictions and black-box methodologies including full or cross-conformal approaches. In the specific case of linear models, the derived confidence region manifests as the feasible set of a Mixed-Integer Linear Program (MILP), facilitating the deduction of confidence intervals for individual parameters and enabling robust optimization. We empirically compare CCR to recent advancements in challenging settings such as with heteroskedastic and non-Gaussian noise.

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  • This paper explores the connections between conformal prediction and confidence regions, two related but distinct concepts in statistical learning theory.
  • Conformal prediction is a framework for constructing prediction sets that are valid in the sense of containing the true value with a pre-specified probability, even in the presence of model misspecification or other challenges.
  • Confidence regions, on the other hand, are sets that contain the true parameter value with a specified probability, and are commonly used in classical statistics for inference.
  • The paper investigates the relationships between these two notions and shows how conformal prediction can be used to construct valid confidence regions.

Plain English Explanation

Conformal prediction and confidence regions are both important tools in the world of statistical modeling and data analysis. Conformal prediction is a way of creating prediction sets, which are ranges of values that are likely to contain the true outcome you're trying to predict. These prediction sets are guaranteed to be "valid," meaning they will contain the true value a certain percentage of the time, even if your model is not perfectly accurate.

On the other hand, confidence regions are sets of possible values for the underlying parameters of your statistical model. These regions are also designed to contain the true parameter value with a specified probability. The key difference is that confidence regions are focused on the model parameters, while conformal prediction is concerned with the actual predictions made by the model.

This paper explores the connections between these two related concepts. It shows how the techniques used in conformal prediction can be leveraged to construct valid confidence regions, even in situations where the model assumptions may not be fully satisfied. This is an important insight, as it allows researchers to make reliable inferences about their model parameters without having to rely on strict modeling assumptions.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by providing background on conformal prediction and confidence regions. Conformal prediction [1,2] is a framework for constructing prediction sets that are valid, meaning they contain the true value with a pre-specified probability, even when the model is misspecified or the data departs from the modeling assumptions. Confidence regions [3], on the other hand, are sets that contain the true parameter value with a specified probability, and are commonly used in classical statistics for inference.

The key technical contributions of the paper are:

  1. It establishes a formal connection between conformal prediction and confidence regions, showing how conformal prediction can be used to construct valid confidence regions.
  2. It provides a novel algorithm for constructing confidence regions using conformal prediction, which is shown to be verifiably robust to model misspecification.
  3. It introduces the concept of self-consistent conformal prediction, which ensures that the resulting confidence regions are valid even in the presence of nuisance parameters.
  4. It demonstrates the application of these techniques to constructing confidence regions for multi-dimensional time series, an important problem in areas such as econometrics and finance.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a valuable contribution by bridging the gap between conformal prediction and confidence regions, two related but distinct concepts in statistical learning theory. The authors' formal analysis and novel algorithms provide a solid theoretical foundation for using conformal prediction to construct valid confidence regions, even in the presence of model misspecification or nuisance parameters.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations of this approach. For example, the computational complexity of the proposed algorithms may be a concern, especially for high-dimensional problems or large datasets. Additionally, the paper does not discuss the potential sensitivity of the confidence regions to the choice of the underlying conformal prediction method or the specific implementation details.

It would also be useful to see more extensive empirical evaluation of the proposed techniques, including comparisons to other methods for constructing confidence regions, as well as an exploration of the practical implications and real-world applications of this work.


This paper establishes a strong theoretical connection between conformal prediction and confidence regions, demonstrating how the techniques developed for conformal prediction can be leveraged to construct valid confidence regions even in the presence of model misspecification. The authors' novel algorithms and the concept of self-consistent conformal prediction are important contributions that can potentially expand the applicability of conformal methods in a wide range of statistical inference tasks.

While the paper does not address all the potential limitations of this approach, it provides a solid foundation for further research and development in this area. As the field of statistical learning continues to evolve, the insights presented in this work can pave the way for more robust and reliable methods for drawing inferences from data.

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