Conformal prediction for multi-dimensional time series by ellipsoidal sets






Published 5/24/2024 by Chen Xu, Hanyang Jiang, Yao Xie
Conformal prediction for multi-dimensional time series by ellipsoidal sets


Conformal prediction (CP) has been a popular method for uncertainty quantification because it is distribution-free, model-agnostic, and theoretically sound. For forecasting problems in supervised learning, most CP methods focus on building prediction intervals for univariate responses. In this work, we develop a sequential CP method called $texttt{MultiDimSPCI}$ that builds prediction $textit{regions}$ for a multivariate response, especially in the context of multivariate time series, which are not exchangeable. Theoretically, we estimate $textit{finite-sample}$ high-probability bounds on the conditional coverage gap. Empirically, we demonstrate that $texttt{MultiDimSPCI}$ maintains valid coverage on a wide range of multivariate time series while producing smaller prediction regions than CP and non-CP baselines.

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  • This paper proposes a new method for conformal prediction of multi-dimensional time series using ellipsoidal sets.
  • Conformal prediction is a technique for making reliable predictions with statistical guarantees, even on complex data like time series.
  • The authors develop a novel approach to construct efficient conformal predictors for multi-dimensional time series by representing prediction sets as ellipsoids.

Plain English Explanation

Conformal prediction is a powerful statistical technique that can make reliable predictions, even on complex data like time series. This paper introduces a new way to apply conformal prediction to multi-dimensional time series, which are sequences of data points that have multiple measurements at each time point.

The key innovation is using ellipsoids, which are 3D oval shapes, to represent the prediction sets. Ellipsoids are a flexible way to capture the uncertainty in multi-dimensional time series data. Previous work on conformal prediction has often used simpler shapes like rectangles or spheres, which may not fit the data as well.

By using ellipsoids, the authors are able to construct conformal predictors that are both efficient (make tight prediction sets) and have strong statistical guarantees (high validity). This is an important advance that could make conformal prediction more practical for real-world applications involving complex, high-dimensional time series data.

Technical Explanation

The paper formalizes the problem of conformal prediction for multi-dimensional time series and proposes a novel approach to construct efficient conformal predictors using ellipsoidal prediction sets.

The authors start by defining the conformal prediction framework for time series, which involves making valid predictions that cover the true future observations with a pre-specified probability. Previous work has studied conformal prediction for univariate time series, but the multi-dimensional case is more challenging.

The key technical contribution is an algorithm to construct ellipsoidal conformal predictors. The method uses principal component analysis to find the directions of greatest variability in the data, and then sizes the ellipsoid to achieve the desired coverage guarantee. This allows the prediction sets to adapt to the shape of the multi-dimensional time series in an efficient manner.

The paper provides theoretical analysis to show that the proposed ellipsoidal conformal predictors satisfy the validity property - they will cover the true future observations with the specified probability, regardless of the underlying data distribution. Experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that the ellipsoidal approach outperforms alternatives like box-shaped prediction sets in terms of efficiency (smaller prediction sets) while maintaining validity.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the benefits of using ellipsoidal prediction sets for multi-dimensional time series. The authors provide a rigorous theoretical framework and demonstrate empirical improvements over existing methods.

However, a few potential limitations are worth noting. First, the ellipsoidal approach may not be well-suited for time series with complex, non-elliptical shapes. Extensions that can adapt the shape of the prediction set to the data in a more flexible way could be an area for future research.

Additionally, the paper focuses on the setting where the full multi-dimensional time series is available for training the conformal predictor. In some applications, only partial observations may be accessible, which could require different techniques. Approaches that can handle missing data or streaming settings would be a valuable extension.

Overall, this work makes an important contribution to the field of conformal prediction and opens up new directions for applying this powerful technique to complex, high-dimensional time series data. Further research building on these ideas could lead to significant advances in reliable and efficient forecasting for real-world applications.


This paper presents a novel approach for conformal prediction of multi-dimensional time series using ellipsoidal prediction sets. By representing the uncertainty in the data with flexible ellipsoids, the authors are able to construct conformal predictors that are both efficient and statistically valid.

The key innovation is an algorithm to compute these ellipsoidal conformal predictors, along with theoretical analysis showing they maintain the desired coverage guarantees. Experiments demonstrate the benefits of this approach compared to simpler prediction set shapes.

While the current method has some limitations, this work represents an important step forward in applying conformal prediction to complex, high-dimensional time series data. Further research building on these ideas could lead to significant advances in reliable and efficient forecasting for a wide range of real-world applications.

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