Self-Consistent Conformal Prediction






Published 4/23/2024 by Lars van der Laan, Ahmed M. Alaa



In decision-making guided by machine learning, decision-makers may take identical actions in contexts with identical predicted outcomes. Conformal prediction helps decision-makers quantify uncertainty in point predictions of outcomes, allowing for better risk management for actions. Motivated by this perspective, we introduce textit{Self-Consistent Conformal Prediction} for regression, which combines two post-hoc approaches -- Venn-Abers calibration and conformal prediction -- to provide calibrated point predictions and compatible prediction intervals that are valid conditional on model predictions. Our procedure can be applied post-hoc to any black-box model to provide predictions and inferences with finite-sample prediction-conditional guarantees. Numerical experiments show our approach strikes a balance between interval efficiency and conditional validity.

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  • Machine learning-guided decision-making can lead to identical actions in similar contexts, even with different predicted outcomes.
  • Conformal prediction can help quantify uncertainty in predictions, enabling better risk management.
  • The paper introduces "Self-Consistent Conformal Prediction" for regression, combining Venn-Abers calibration and conformal prediction to provide calibrated point predictions and compatible prediction intervals.
  • This approach can be applied to any black-box model to provide predictions and inferences with finite-sample guarantees.
  • Experiments show the method balances interval efficiency and conditional validity.

Plain English Explanation

When making decisions guided by machine learning, decision-makers may take the same actions even in contexts with slightly different predicted outcomes. Conformal prediction can help address this by providing a way to quantify the uncertainty in the model's predictions, allowing for better management of the risks associated with those decisions.

The paper introduces a new technique called "Self-Consistent Conformal Prediction" for regression problems. This approach combines two existing methods - Venn-Abers calibration and conformal prediction - to provide both calibrated point predictions (the model's best guess) and compatible prediction intervals (a range of likely values) that are valid based on the model's own predictions.

The key advantage of this technique is that it can be applied to any machine learning model, even "black-box" models where the inner workings are not fully understood. By providing both point predictions and prediction intervals, this method gives decision-makers a better understanding of the uncertainty in the model's outputs, which can lead to more informed and risk-aware decisions.

The paper's experiments show that this approach strikes a balance between the efficiency of the prediction intervals (how narrow they are) and their validity (how accurately they reflect the true uncertainty in the predictions).

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a new method called "Self-Consistent Conformal Prediction" (SCCP) for regression problems. SCCP combines two post-hoc techniques - Venn-Abers calibration and conformal prediction - to provide calibrated point predictions and compatible prediction intervals that are valid conditional on the model's own predictions.

The key innovation is that SCCP can be applied to any black-box regression model to produce predictions with finite-sample, prediction-conditional guarantees. This is achieved by first using Venn-Abers calibration to obtain calibrated point predictions, and then applying conformal prediction to generate prediction intervals that are compatible with the calibrated point predictions.

The authors demonstrate SCCP's performance through numerical experiments on several regression datasets. The results show that SCCP strikes a balance between the efficiency of the prediction intervals (how narrow they are) and their conditional validity (how accurately they reflect the true uncertainty in the predictions).

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to addressing the challenge of providing reliable and informative predictions in machine learning-guided decision-making. By combining Venn-Abers calibration and conformal prediction, the authors are able to generate calibrated point predictions and compatible prediction intervals that come with finite-sample, prediction-conditional guarantees.

One potential limitation of the SCCP method is that it relies on the underlying black-box regression model to provide accurate point predictions. If the model's predictions are biased or miscalibrated, the SCCP approach may not be able to fully correct for these issues. Additionally, the authors note that the computational complexity of SCCP may be higher than some other conformal prediction methods, which could be a consideration for real-time or large-scale applications.

Further research could explore ways to make the SCCP method more computationally efficient, or investigate how it performs when the underlying model's predictions are known to be biased or miscalibrated. It would also be interesting to see if the SCCP approach can be extended to other problem domains beyond regression, such as classification or time series forecasting.


The "Self-Consistent Conformal Prediction" method introduced in this paper represents an important advancement in the field of machine learning-guided decision-making. By providing calibrated point predictions and compatible prediction intervals with finite-sample guarantees, SCCP gives decision-makers a better understanding of the uncertainty in the model's outputs, which can lead to more informed and risk-aware decisions.

While the method has some potential limitations, the core idea of combining Venn-Abers calibration and conformal prediction is a promising approach that could be further developed and applied to a wide range of real-world decision-making scenarios. As machine learning continues to play an increasingly influential role in guiding important decisions, techniques like SCCP will become increasingly valuable for ensuring the reliability and transparency of these systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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