From Crowdsourced Data to High-Quality Benchmarks: Arena-Hard and BenchBuilder Pipeline






Published 6/19/2024 by Tianle Li, Wei-Lin Chiang, Evan Frick, Lisa Dunlap, Tianhao Wu, Banghua Zhu, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Ion Stoica
From Crowdsourced Data to High-Quality Benchmarks: Arena-Hard and BenchBuilder Pipeline


The rapid evolution of language models has necessitated the development of more challenging benchmarks. Current static benchmarks often struggle to consistently distinguish between the capabilities of different models and fail to align with real-world user preferences. On the other hand, live crowd-sourced platforms like the Chatbot Arena collect a wide range of natural prompts and user feedback. However, these prompts vary in sophistication and the feedback cannot be applied offline to new models. In order to ensure that benchmarks keep up with the pace of LLM development, we address how one can evaluate benchmarks on their ability to confidently separate models and their alignment with human preference. Under these principles, we developed BenchBuilder, a living benchmark that filters high-quality prompts from live data sources to enable offline evaluation on fresh, challenging prompts. BenchBuilder identifies seven indicators of a high-quality prompt, such as the requirement for domain knowledge, and utilizes an LLM annotator to select a high-quality subset of prompts from various topic clusters. The LLM evaluation process employs an LLM judge to ensure a fully automated, high-quality, and constantly updating benchmark. We apply BenchBuilder on prompts from the Chatbot Arena to create Arena-Hard-Auto v0.1: 500 challenging user prompts from a wide range of tasks. Arena-Hard-Auto v0.1 offers 3x tighter confidence intervals than MT-Bench and achieves a state-of-the-art 89.1% agreement with human preference rankings, all at a cost of only $25 and without human labelers. The BenchBuilder pipeline enhances evaluation benchmarks and provides a valuable tool for developers, enabling them to extract high-quality benchmarks from extensive data with minimal effort.

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  • This paper introduces two new benchmarks for evaluating large language models (LLMs) on challenging tasks: Arena-Hard and the BenchBuilder pipeline.
  • Arena-Hard is a collection of 10 high-quality tasks that represent real-world challenges for LLMs, such as open-ended question answering, common sense reasoning, and dialogue generation.
  • The BenchBuilder pipeline is a systematic process for creating high-quality benchmarks from crowdsourced data, ensuring the tasks are diverse, difficult, and well-defined.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers wanted to create benchmark tests that could really put large language models (LLMs) through their paces. The typical benchmarks used to evaluate these models often don't capture the full complexity of real-world tasks that humans can handle with ease.

So the researchers developed Arena-Hard, a collection of 10 challenging tasks that represent common challenges LLMs face, like answering open-ended questions, reasoning about common sense, and engaging in natural dialogue. These tasks are designed to be much harder than typical benchmarks, forcing the models to truly demonstrate their capabilities.

To create Arena-Hard, the researchers used a novel process called the BenchBuilder pipeline. This system takes crowdsourced data and refines it into high-quality, well-defined benchmark tasks. The goal is to ensure the benchmarks are diverse, difficult, and accurately measure a model's performance on real-world challenges.

By developing Arena-Hard and the BenchBuilder pipeline, the researchers hope to push the boundaries of LLM evaluation and drive progress in the field. These tools can help researchers and developers better understand the strengths and limitations of their models, ultimately leading to more capable and reliable AI systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces two key contributions: the Arena-Hard benchmark and the BenchBuilder pipeline.

Arena-Hard is a collection of 10 challenging tasks designed to evaluate the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) on real-world problems. The tasks cover a range of domains, including open-ended question answering, commonsense reasoning, dialogue generation, and more. The researchers carefully curated these tasks to be significantly more difficult than typical LLM benchmarks, pushing the models to their limits.

To create Arena-Hard, the researchers developed the BenchBuilder pipeline, a systematic process for transforming crowdsourced data into high-quality, well-defined benchmark tasks. This pipeline involves several key steps:

  1. Data Collection: The researchers collect a diverse set of crowdsourced data, such as open-ended questions, reasoning problems, and dialogue snippets.
  2. Data Curation: The collected data is carefully reviewed and filtered to ensure it meets certain quality criteria, such as being well-defined, challenging, and representative of real-world problems.
  3. Task Formulation: The curated data is used to define specific benchmark tasks, with clear input formats, output specifications, and scoring criteria.
  4. Validation: The benchmark tasks are validated through human evaluation to ensure they are diverse, difficult, and accurately measure the targeted capabilities of LLMs.

By using the BenchBuilder pipeline, the researchers were able to create Arena-Hard, a benchmark that provides a more comprehensive and challenging assessment of LLM performance compared to existing benchmarks.

Critical Analysis

The Arena-Hard benchmark and the BenchBuilder pipeline represent a significant advancement in the field of LLM evaluation. By focusing on challenging, real-world tasks, the researchers are addressing a key limitation of existing benchmarks, which often fail to capture the true capabilities and limitations of these models.

However, the paper does acknowledge some potential limitations of its approach. For example, the researchers note that the tasks in Arena-Hard may not be representative of all the challenges LLMs face in real-world deployment, and that the benchmark may not be suitable for evaluating certain specialized or domain-specific models.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the performance of various LLMs on the Arena-Hard benchmark. This makes it difficult to assess the true impact and usefulness of the benchmark for the research community.

Further research could explore the application of the BenchBuilder pipeline to other domains and the development of even more challenging benchmarks that push the boundaries of LLM capabilities. Additionally, a more comprehensive evaluation of LLM performance on Arena-Hard could provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of these models.


The Arena-Hard benchmark and the BenchBuilder pipeline introduced in this paper represent a significant advancement in the field of LLM evaluation. By creating a more challenging and realistic set of benchmark tasks, the researchers are helping to drive progress in the development of more capable and reliable AI systems.

The BenchBuilder pipeline, in particular, demonstrates a systematic approach to transforming crowdsourced data into high-quality benchmarks, which could be applied to a wide range of AI domains beyond just language models. As the field of AI continues to evolve, tools like Arena-Hard and BenchBuilder will become increasingly important for ensuring that AI systems can truly meet the demands of real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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