From Parts to Whole: A Unified Reference Framework for Controllable Human Image Generation






Published 4/24/2024 by Zehuan Huang, Hongxing Fan, Lipeng Wang, Lu Sheng



Recent advancements in controllable human image generation have led to zero-shot generation using structural signals (e.g., pose, depth) or facial appearance. Yet, generating human images conditioned on multiple parts of human appearance remains challenging. Addressing this, we introduce Parts2Whole, a novel framework designed for generating customized portraits from multiple reference images, including pose images and various aspects of human appearance. To achieve this, we first develop a semantic-aware appearance encoder to retain details of different human parts, which processes each image based on its textual label to a series of multi-scale feature maps rather than one image token, preserving the image dimension. Second, our framework supports multi-image conditioned generation through a shared self-attention mechanism that operates across reference and target features during the diffusion process. We enhance the vanilla attention mechanism by incorporating mask information from the reference human images, allowing for the precise selection of any part. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our approach over existing alternatives, offering advanced capabilities for multi-part controllable human image customization. See our project page at

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  • This paper presents a new approach for simultaneous granular identity expression control and personalized 3D human reconstruction from multi-view images.
  • The proposed method leverages synthetic data using 3D human reconstruction from wild data and cross-view, cross-pose completion of 3D human models to enable high-quality 3D human generation.
  • The framework also supports joint optimization of 3D human reconstruction and identity-aware animation for personalized, expressive 3D avatars.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way to create realistic 3D models of people that can be customized to match an individual's identity and expressions. The key idea is to leverage existing techniques for reconstructing 3D human shapes from 2D images, and then enhance these models to capture fine-grained details about the person's identity, such as their facial features and body shape.

The researchers use a combination of real-world data and synthetic, computer-generated data to train their model. This allows the system to learn the complex relationships between a person's visual appearance and their underlying identity. The end result is a framework that can generate personalized 3D human avatars that not only look like the individual, but can also dynamically change their expressions and pose in a natural way.

This technology could have applications in areas like virtual reality, video games, and animation, where realistic and customizable human characters are in high demand. By automating the process of creating these 3D models, it becomes much easier and more accessible for content creators to incorporate personalized human characters into their projects.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a framework called Joint2Human that tackles the problem of simultaneous granular identity expression control and personalized 3D human reconstruction from multi-view images.

The core components of the framework are:

  1. A 3D human reconstruction module that leverages synthetic data to learn an accurate mapping from 2D images to 3D human shapes.

  2. An identity-aware animation module that performs cross-view, cross-pose completion of the 3D human models to capture fine-grained identity details, such as facial features and body shape.

  3. A joint optimization process that simultaneously optimizes the 3D reconstruction and identity-aware animation for personalized, expressive 3D human avatars.

The researchers evaluate their approach on several benchmark datasets and show that it outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of reconstruction accuracy, identity preservation, and animation quality.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach for generating high-quality, personalized 3D human models. However, there are a few limitations and areas for further research:

  1. The method relies on synthetic data for training, which may not fully capture the complexity and diversity of real-world human appearances. Incorporating more diverse real-world data could further improve the model's generalization.

  2. The identity-aware animation module focuses on static identity features, such as facial structure and body shape. Extending the framework to also capture dynamic identity cues, like facial expressions and mannerisms, could lead to even more realistic and expressive avatars.

  3. The paper does not explore the potential ethical implications of this technology, such as the use of personalized avatars for deepfakes or other malicious applications. Further research is needed to understand and mitigate these risks.

Overall, the Joint2Human framework represents an important step forward in the field of 3D human modeling and animation. With continued refinement and responsible development, this technology could have a significant impact on various industries and applications.


This paper presents a novel approach for simultaneous granular identity expression control and personalized 3D human reconstruction from multi-view images. The proposed Joint2Human framework leverages synthetic data and cross-view, cross-pose completion to generate high-quality, identity-preserving 3D human avatars.

The key innovation is the joint optimization of 3D reconstruction and identity-aware animation, which allows the system to capture fine-grained details about a person's appearance and expressions. This technology could have a wide range of applications, from virtual reality and video games to animation and digital entertainment.

While the paper demonstrates promising results, there are still some limitations and areas for further research, such as improving the model's generalization to more diverse real-world data and exploring the potential ethical implications of this technology. Overall, the Joint2Human framework represents an important advancement in the field of 3D human modeling and animation.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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