General Distribution Learning: A theoretical framework for Deep Learning






Published 6/27/2024 by Binchuan Qi, Li Li, Wei Gong
General Distribution Learning: A theoretical framework for Deep Learning


There remain numerous unanswered research questions on deep learning (DL) within the classical learning theory framework. These include the remarkable generalization capabilities of overparametrized neural networks (NNs), the efficient optimization performance despite non-convexity of objectives, the mechanism of flat minima for generalization, and the exceptional performance of deep architectures in solving physical problems. This paper introduces General Distribution Learning (GD Learning), a novel theoretical learning framework designed to address a comprehensive range of machine learning and statistical tasks, including classification, regression and parameter estimation. Departing from traditional statistical machine learning, GD Learning focuses on the true underlying distribution. In GD Learning, learning error, corresponding to the expected error in classical statistical learning framework, is divided into fitting errors due to models and algorithms, as well as sampling errors introduced by limited sampling data. The framework significantly incorporates prior knowledge, especially in scenarios characterized by data scarcity, thereby enhancing performance. Within the GD Learning framework, we demonstrate that the global optimal solutions in non-convex optimization can be approached by minimizing the gradient norm and the non-uniformity of the eigenvalues of the model's Jacobian matrix. This insight leads to the development of the gradient structure control algorithm. GD Learning also offers fresh insights into the questions on deep learning, including overparameterization and non-convex optimization, bias-variance trade-off, and the mechanism of flat minima.

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  • This paper presents a theoretical framework called "General Distribution Learning" (GDL) for understanding deep learning models.
  • The framework aims to provide a unified view of deep learning that encompasses various learning paradigms, including supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning.
  • GDL proposes that deep learning models learn to approximate the general distribution of data, which can then be used for various tasks like classification, generation, and decision-making.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new theoretical framework called "General Distribution Learning" (GDL) that aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how deep learning models work. Deep learning has become a powerful tool for solving a wide range of problems, from image recognition to natural language processing. However, the inner workings of these models can be complex and difficult to fully explain.

The GDL framework suggests that deep learning models don't just learn to perform specific tasks, like classifying images or generating text. Instead, they learn to approximate the "general distribution" of the data they're trained on. This means they develop an understanding of the underlying patterns and relationships in the data, which can then be applied to a variety of different tasks.

For example, a deep learning model trained on images of different objects might learn the general distribution of visual features, such as shapes, textures, and colors. This understanding can then be used to classify new images, generate new images, or even make decisions about the objects in the images.

The key idea behind GDL is that by learning the general distribution of the data, deep learning models can be more flexible and adaptable, able to tackle a wide range of problems without having to be specifically trained for each one. This could lead to more efficient and versatile AI systems in the future.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a theoretical framework called "General Distribution Learning" (GDL) to provide a unified view of deep learning. The core idea of GDL is that deep learning models learn to approximate the general distribution of the data they are trained on, rather than just memorizing specific inputs and outputs.

The authors argue that this general distribution learning can encompass a variety of learning paradigms, including supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning. By learning the underlying patterns and relationships in the data, deep learning models can then be applied to a wide range of tasks, such as classification, generation, and decision-making.

The paper presents a formal mathematical formulation of GDL, which defines the objective function and constraints for a deep learning model to learn the general distribution. The authors show that this framework can be applied to different learning scenarios, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning.

Furthermore, the paper explores the relationship between GDL and other theoretical frameworks, such as Towards a Theory of Out-of-Distribution Learning, Domain Generalization through Meta-Learning: A Survey, and Error Bounds for Supervised Classification from Information Theoretic Principles. The authors discuss how GDL can provide a unifying perspective on these related theories and how they can inform the development of more robust and versatile deep learning models.

Critical Analysis

The GDL framework presented in this paper is a valuable contribution to the theoretical understanding of deep learning. By proposing that deep learning models learn the general distribution of data, rather than just memorizing specific inputs and outputs, the authors offer a fresh perspective on how these models operate and how they can be applied to a wide range of problems.

One potential limitation of the GDL framework is that it may not fully capture the complexities of real-world data and the challenges faced by deep learning models in practice. The paper focuses on a theoretical formulation, and it remains to be seen how well the GDL principles translate to more complex, noisy, or high-dimensional datasets.

Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into the practical implications of GDL for the design and training of deep learning models. While the authors discuss the relationship between GDL and other theoretical frameworks, more work may be needed to translate these ideas into practical guidelines for model development and deployment.

Nonetheless, the GDL framework opens up new avenues for research and exploration in the field of deep learning. By providing a unified perspective on different learning paradigms, the framework could inspire the development of more versatile and adaptable AI systems that can tackle a broader range of problems. As the authors mention, future directions for the theory of graph machine learning could also benefit from the insights presented in this paper.


The "General Distribution Learning" (GDL) framework proposed in this paper offers a novel theoretical perspective on how deep learning models operate. By suggesting that these models learn to approximate the general distribution of data, rather than just memorize specific inputs and outputs, the authors provide a unified view of various learning paradigms, including supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning.

The GDL framework has the potential to inform the development of more versatile and adaptable AI systems that can tackle a broader range of problems. While the paper focuses on the theoretical aspects, the ideas presented could lead to practical guidelines for designing and training deep learning models that better capture the underlying patterns and relationships in complex, real-world data.

As the field of deep learning continues to evolve, the GDL framework and its connections to related theories, such as out-of-distribution learning and domain generalization, could provide valuable insights and guide future research directions in the quest for more robust and capable artificial intelligence systems.

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