Error Bounds of Supervised Classification from Information-Theoretic Perspective






Published 6/28/2024 by Binchuan Qi, Wei Gong, Li Li
Error Bounds of Supervised Classification from Information-Theoretic Perspective


There remains a list of unanswered research questions on deep learning (DL), including the remarkable generalization power of overparametrized neural networks, the efficient optimization performance despite the non-convexity, and the mechanisms behind flat minima in generalization. In this paper, we adopt an information-theoretic perspective to explore the theoretical foundations of supervised classification using deep neural networks (DNNs). Our analysis introduces the concepts of fitting error and model risk, which, together with generalization error, constitute an upper bound on the expected risk. We demonstrate that the generalization errors are bounded by the complexity, influenced by both the smoothness of distribution and the sample size. Consequently, task complexity serves as a reliable indicator of the dataset's quality, guiding the setting of regularization hyperparameters. Furthermore, the derived upper bound fitting error links the back-propagated gradient, Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK), and the model's parameter count with the fitting error. Utilizing the triangle inequality, we establish an upper bound on the expected risk. This bound offers valuable insights into the effects of overparameterization, non-convex optimization, and the flat minima in DNNs.Finally, empirical verification confirms a significant positive correlation between the derived theoretical bounds and the practical expected risk, confirming the practical relevance of the theoretical findings.

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  • This paper explores the fundamental limits of supervised classification from an information-theoretic perspective.
  • The authors derive new generalization error bounds for deep neural networks trained with the logistic loss function.
  • These bounds provide insights into the role of mutual information between the input and output in determining the classification performance.
  • The results have implications for understanding the generalization capabilities of deep learning models.

Plain English Explanation

The paper investigates the theoretical limits of how well a machine learning model can classify data into different categories. The researchers focus on a common type of model called a deep neural network, which is trained using a specific loss function called the logistic loss.

The paper on information-theoretic generalization bounds for deep neural networks provides a mathematical analysis to understand how much information the model needs to learn in order to perform well on new, unseen data. This is an important question, as it helps explain the strengths and limitations of deep learning models.

The key insight is that the model's classification performance is fundamentally tied to the amount of mutual information between the input data and the correct labels. This builds on prior work on classification bounds using margin-based approaches and slicing mutual information.

By deriving these new information-theoretic bounds, the researchers offer a fresh perspective on why deep neural networks trained with the logistic loss function can generalize well to new data. The results provide insights that could help improve the design and training of deep learning models in the future.

Technical Explanation

The paper derives new generalization error bounds for deep neural networks trained with the logistic loss function. The authors leverage information-theoretic tools to connect the model's classification performance to the amount of mutual information between the input data and the corresponding labels.

Specifically, they prove that the generalization error is upper bounded by a term that scales inversely with the mutual information. This suggests that models can achieve low generalization error by learning to extract a large amount of relevant information from the input data.

The theoretical analysis builds upon prior work on margin-based generalization bounds and mutual information-based approaches. For example, the authors build on the margin-based multiclass generalization bound derived in a previous paper. They also draw connections to the slicing mutual information framework for bounding the generalization error of neural networks.

The key technical contributions include:

  • Deriving a new generalization error bound for deep neural networks trained with the logistic loss
  • Analyzing the role of mutual information between the input and output in determining this bound
  • Providing insights into the factors that influence the generalization performance of deep learning models

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a rigorous theoretical analysis and derives novel generalization error bounds for deep neural networks. The information-theoretic perspective offers a fresh viewpoint on understanding the generalization capabilities of these models.

One potential limitation is that the analysis assumes the model has access to the true underlying data distribution, which may not always be the case in practice. Additionally, the bounds are derived for the logistic loss function, and it would be valuable to extend the analysis to other loss functions commonly used in deep learning.

Furthermore, the paper focuses on the population-level generalization error, whereas in many real-world applications, the performance on a finite test set is of primary interest. Bridging the gap between population-level bounds and finite-sample guarantees remains an important challenge.

Despite these caveats, the information-theoretic perspective presented in this paper offers valuable insights and opens up new research directions. The theoretical framework could inspire the design of more efficient deep learning algorithms and provide a better understanding of the fundamental limits of supervised classification.


This paper offers a novel information-theoretic approach to analyzing the generalization error bounds of deep neural networks trained with the logistic loss function. The key insight is that the classification performance is fundamentally linked to the mutual information between the input data and the corresponding labels.

By deriving these new bounds, the researchers provide a fresh perspective on why deep learning models can generalize well to new data. The results have implications for understanding the capabilities and limitations of deep neural networks, which could guide the development of more robust and efficient machine learning algorithms in the future.

Overall, the paper contributes to the ongoing efforts to bridge the gap between the empirical success of deep learning and its theoretical underpinnings, ultimately advancing our understanding of this powerful class of models.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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