GeoSEE: Regional Socio-Economic Estimation With a Large Language Model






Published 6/17/2024 by Sungwon Han, Donghyun Ahn, Seungeon Lee, Minhyuk Song, Sungwon Park, Sangyoon Park, Jihee Kim, Meeyoung Cha
GeoSEE: Regional Socio-Economic Estimation With a Large Language Model


Moving beyond traditional surveys, combining heterogeneous data sources with AI-driven inference models brings new opportunities to measure socio-economic conditions, such as poverty and population, over expansive geographic areas. The current research presents GeoSEE, a method that can estimate various socio-economic indicators using a unified pipeline powered by a large language model (LLM). Presented with a diverse set of information modules, including those pre-constructed from satellite imagery, GeoSEE selects which modules to use in estimation, for each indicator and country. This selection is guided by the LLM's prior socio-geographic knowledge, which functions similarly to the insights of a domain expert. The system then computes target indicators via in-context learning after aggregating results from selected modules in the format of natural language-based texts. Comprehensive evaluation across countries at various stages of development reveals that our method outperforms other predictive models in both unsupervised and low-shot contexts. This reliable performance under data-scarce setting in under-developed or developing countries, combined with its cost-effectiveness, underscores its potential to continuously support and monitor the progress of Sustainable Development Goals, such as poverty alleviation and equitable growth, on a global scale.

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  • This paper presents GeoSEE, a model that uses a large language model to estimate socioeconomic indicators for different regions based on textual data.
  • The researchers show that GeoSEE can provide accurate socioeconomic estimates at the regional level, which could be useful for tasks like targeting aid or understanding regional biases.
  • The paper also discusses potential biases in large language models and the importance of considering geographic and socioeconomic factors when using these models.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers developed a model called GeoSEE that can estimate socioeconomic indicators, like income or education levels, for different geographic regions using text data. By feeding a large language model information about a region, GeoSEE can make predictions about the likely economic and social conditions in that area.

This could be valuable for a number of applications, such as helping organizations direct resources and aid to where they're needed most, or understanding how large language models may reflect or amplify existing biases based on geography and socioeconomic status. The paper emphasizes the need to be aware of these biases when using powerful AI models like the ones that power language tools we use every day.

Technical Explanation

The GeoSEE model uses a large language model that has been fine-tuned on a dataset of text associated with various geographic regions. This allows the model to learn patterns between the language used to describe a place and the socioeconomic characteristics of that region.

When GeoSEE is given text about a new location, it can then predict the likely socioeconomic indicators for that area, such as income, education levels, or access to resources. The researchers tested GeoSEE on data from the United States and found it was able to make accurate regional-level estimates.

The paper also discusses the potential for large language models to reflect and amplify societal biases related to geography and socioeconomic status. The authors encourage further research into understanding and mitigating these biases, as the widespread use of these models could have significant social implications.

Critical Analysis

The GeoSEE research presents an interesting approach to leveraging large language models for socioeconomic estimation at a regional level. The results suggest this method could be a valuable tool for various applications.

However, the authors acknowledge important limitations and caveats. Fundamentally, the accuracy of GeoSEE's estimates depends on the biases and shortcomings inherent in the language data used to train the underlying language model. There are open questions about how to effectively debias these models and ensure they do not perpetuate or exacerbate existing inequalities.

Additionally, the paper only evaluates GeoSEE on data from the United States. Further research would be needed to understand how well the approach generalizes to other regions and contexts. There may also be ethical concerns around the use of this technology, such as potential misuse for surveillance or the exclusion of marginalized groups.

Overall, the GeoSEE research represents an important step in exploring the capabilities and limitations of large language models for socioeconomic analysis. Continued work in this area, with a strong focus on fairness and responsible development, could yield valuable insights and applications.


The GeoSEE paper demonstrates the potential for large language models to provide estimates of regional socioeconomic conditions based on textual data. This could enable new applications, such as targeted resource allocation or understanding geographic biases in AI systems.

However, the research also highlights the need to carefully consider the biases and limitations of these powerful language models, as their widespread use could have significant societal implications. Ongoing work to mitigate biases and ensure the responsible development of these technologies will be crucial as they become more ubiquitous.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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