GPT-ology, Computational Models, Silicon Sampling: How should we think about LLMs in Cognitive Science?






Published 6/17/2024 by Desmond C. Ong
GPT-ology, Computational Models, Silicon Sampling: How should we think about LLMs in Cognitive Science?


Large Language Models have taken the cognitive science world by storm. It is perhaps timely now to take stock of the various research paradigms that have been used to make scientific inferences about cognition in these models or about human cognition. We review several emerging research paradigms -- GPT-ology, LLMs-as-computational-models, and silicon sampling -- and review recent papers that have used LLMs under these paradigms. In doing so, we discuss their claims as well as challenges to scientific inference under these various paradigms. We highlight several outstanding issues about LLMs that have to be addressed to push our science forward: closed-source vs open-sourced models; (the lack of visibility of) training data; and reproducibility in LLM research, including forming conventions on new task ``hyperparameters like instructions and prompts.

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A typology of research paradigms


This section discusses the various ways researchers are studying large language models (LLMs) like GPT from a cognitive science perspective. Some are treating LLMs as abstract computational models, exploring how their behavior can inform theories of human cognition. Others are looking at LLMs as physical artifacts, analyzing the low-level properties of the underlying silicon and software. And a third group is focused on using LLMs as tools for probing the nature of human language and intelligence. Each of these approaches offers unique insights, but they also come with their own limitations and challenges.

Computational Models

Researchers taking the computational modeling approach are interested in understanding LLMs as abstract information processing systems. They study the mathematical and algorithmic principles that govern how these models learn and reason, with the goal of developing a deeper theoretical understanding of intelligence and language. This work often involves devising new analytical techniques, developing novel architectural variants, and examining the models' systematic strengths and weaknesses on specialized tasks. The hope is that by reverse-engineering the inner workings of LLMs, we can gain fresh insights into the computational principles underlying human cognition.

Silicon Sampling

In contrast, the silicon sampling approach treats LLMs as physical artifacts, examining the low-level properties of the hardware and software that underpins their operation. This might involve things like measuring the energy efficiency of different model architectures, characterizing the noise profiles of neural activations, or probing the distributional properties of the word embeddings. The goal here is to understand how the physical realization of these models shapes their cognitive capabilities and limitations. This work can inform the design of more efficient and robust AI systems, as well as shed light on the role of embodiment in human intelligence.

Leveraging LLMs

The final paradigm is centered on using LLMs as tools for studying human language and cognition. Researchers in this camp are interested in leveraging the impressive capabilities of these models to probe the nature of semantic representation, common sense reasoning, and other hallmarks of human intelligence. This might involve using LLMs as annotators or evaluators to shed light on how humans understand and use language, or exploring the limits of what LLMs can learn and represent. The goal is to leverage the unique capabilities of these models to advance our fundamental understanding of cognition.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a taxonomy of three distinct research paradigms that are emerging in the study of large language models (LLMs) from a cognitive science perspective.

The first paradigm, "GPT-ology," treats LLMs as abstract computational models, exploring how their behavior can inform theories of human cognition. Researchers in this camp are interested in understanding the mathematical and algorithmic principles that govern how these models learn and reason, with the goal of developing a deeper theoretical understanding of intelligence and language.

The second paradigm, "Silicon Sampling," examines LLMs as physical artifacts, focusing on the low-level properties of the hardware and software that underpins their operation. This work aims to understand how the physical realization of these models shapes their cognitive capabilities and limitations, which can inform the design of more efficient and robust AI systems.

The third paradigm, "Leveraging LLMs," uses these powerful language models as tools for studying human language and cognition more broadly. Researchers in this camp are interested in using LLMs as annotators, evaluators, or probes to shed light on semantic representation, common sense reasoning, and other hallmarks of human intelligence.

The paper argues that while each of these paradigms offers unique insights, they also come with their own limitations and challenges. By considering the diverse ways researchers are approaching the study of LLMs, the authors hope to encourage a more nuanced and holistic understanding of these models and their implications for cognitive science.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a useful taxonomy for understanding the different ways researchers are studying large language models from a cognitive science perspective. However, it also acknowledges that each of these paradigms has its own limitations and challenges.

One potential limitation of the "GPT-ology" approach is that it may oversimplify the complex relationship between LLMs and human cognition. While studying the computational principles underlying these models can certainly inform our theories of intelligence, it's important to recognize that human cognition is shaped by a wide range of biological, social, and environmental factors that may not be fully captured by abstract models.

Similarly, the "Silicon Sampling" approach, while valuable for understanding the physical constraints and affordances of LLMs, may struggle to account for the higher-level cognitive phenomena that emerge from the complex interplay between hardware, software, and the external world.

The "Leveraging LLMs" paradigm also faces its own challenges, such as the potential biases and limitations of using these models as proxies for human language and reasoning. It's important to carefully consider the extent to which LLMs can accurately reflect the nuances of human cognition, and to be mindful of the potential pitfalls of over-relying on these models as research tools.

Ultimately, the paper argues that a multifaceted approach, drawing on the insights of all three paradigms, is likely to be the most fruitful way forward in understanding the relationship between large language models and human cognition. By acknowledging the strengths and limitations of each approach, researchers can work towards a more holistic and nuanced understanding of these powerful AI systems and their implications for the study of intelligence.


The paper presents a typology of three distinct research paradigms that are emerging in the study of large language models (LLMs) from a cognitive science perspective.

The "GPT-ology" approach treats LLMs as abstract computational models, exploring how their behavior can inform theories of human cognition. The "Silicon Sampling" paradigm examines LLMs as physical artifacts, focusing on the low-level properties of the hardware and software that underpins their operation. And the "Leveraging LLMs" approach uses these powerful language models as tools for studying human language and cognition more broadly.

While each of these paradigms offers unique insights, the paper acknowledges that they also come with their own limitations and challenges. By considering the diverse ways researchers are approaching the study of LLMs, the authors hope to encourage a more nuanced and holistic understanding of these models and their implications for the field of cognitive science.

Ultimately, the paper suggests that a multifaceted approach, drawing on the strengths of all three paradigms, is likely to be the most fruitful way forward in understanding the relationship between large language models and human intelligence. This will involve carefully considering the potential biases and limitations of these models, as well as their affordances and the computational principles that govern their behavior.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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