Graph Feedback Bandits with Similar Arms

Read original: arXiv:2405.11171 - Published 5/21/2024 by Han Qi, Guo Fei, Li Zhu
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Graph Feedback Bandits with Similar Arms

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  • This paper explores a variation of the classic multi-armed bandit problem, where the options (or "arms") are connected in a graph structure and the feedback received from pulling an arm is influenced by the arms that are similar to it.
  • The authors propose a new algorithm called Graph Feedback Bandits with Similar Arms (GFBSA) that leverages the graph structure to efficiently explore the arms and exploit the similarities between them.
  • The GFBSA algorithm is shown to outperform existing bandit algorithms in both regret bounds and empirical performance on several synthetic and real-world datasets.

Plain English Explanation

In the classic multi-armed bandit problem, an agent has to choose from a set of options (called "arms") and receive rewards based on their selections. The goal is to maximize the total rewards over time, which requires balancing exploration (trying new arms to learn their rewards) and exploitation (choosing the arms with the highest known rewards).

This paper looks at a variation of the multi-armed bandit problem where the arms are connected in a graph structure, and the feedback received from pulling an arm is influenced by the arms that are similar to it. For example, imagine you're trying different flavors of ice cream, and the feedback you get from trying a new flavor depends on how similar it is to the flavors you've tried before.

The authors propose a new algorithm called Graph Feedback Bandits with Similar Arms (GFBSA) that takes advantage of this graph structure to more efficiently explore the arms and exploit the similarities between them. The key idea is to use the graph information to guide the exploration process, focusing on arms that are similar to the currently best-performing ones.

Through theoretical analysis and experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets, the researchers show that the GFBSA algorithm outperforms existing bandit algorithms in terms of the total rewards achieved over time (a metric called "regret"). This suggests that incorporating graph structure and arm similarity can be a powerful way to improve the performance of bandit algorithms in certain applications, such as recommender systems or personalized medicine.

Technical Explanation

The Graph Feedback Bandits with Similar Arms (GFBSA) algorithm builds on the classic multi-armed bandit setting by introducing a graph structure over the arms. Each arm is represented as a node in the graph, and the edges between nodes indicate the similarity between the corresponding arms.

The feedback received from pulling an arm is modeled as a linear combination of the rewards of the arm itself and its neighboring arms in the graph. This captures the intuition that similar arms should have correlated rewards.

The GFBSA algorithm maintains estimates of the mean rewards for each arm, as well as the similarity between arms. It uses an upper confidence bound (UCB) approach to balance exploration and exploitation, where arms with high estimated rewards and low uncertainty are selected more often.

Crucially, the algorithm leverages the graph structure to guide the exploration process. It focuses exploration on arms that are similar to the currently best-performing arms, as these are more likely to have high rewards based on the graph feedback model.

The authors provide regret analysis for the GFBSA algorithm, showing that it achieves a sublinear regret bound that depends on the structure of the arm similarity graph. They also demonstrate the empirical performance of GFBSA on both synthetic and real-world datasets, including contextual bandits and recommendation systems, where it outperforms existing bandit algorithms.

Critical Analysis

The GFBSA algorithm makes some strong assumptions about the structure of the arm similarity graph and the linearity of the feedback model. In practice, these assumptions may not always hold, and the algorithm's performance may degrade if the true graph structure or feedback model deviates significantly from the underlying model.

Additionally, the algorithm requires the graph structure to be known a priori, which may not be the case in many real-world scenarios. Extending the algorithm to learn the graph structure from data, or to handle uncertain or changing graph structures, could be an important area for future research.

The paper also does not explore the sensitivity of the GFBSA algorithm to the choice of hyperparameters, such as the exploration-exploitation trade-off parameter or the graph similarity threshold. Understanding the robustness of the algorithm to these choices would be valuable for practical applications.

Overall, the GFBSA algorithm represents an interesting and promising approach to incorporating graph structure and arm similarity into the multi-armed bandit framework. However, further research is needed to address the potential limitations and expand the applicability of this approach to a wider range of real-world problems.


The Graph Feedback Bandits with Similar Arms (GFBSA) algorithm proposed in this paper demonstrates how leveraging the graph structure and arm similarity can significantly improve the performance of multi-armed bandit algorithms. By guiding the exploration process and exploiting the correlations between similar arms, the GFBSA algorithm is able to achieve better regret bounds and empirical results than existing bandit algorithms.

This research highlights the importance of incorporating domain-specific knowledge and structure into reinforcement learning algorithms, rather than relying solely on generic approaches. The GFBSA algorithm could have important implications for a wide range of applications, from recommender systems to personalized medicine, where the underlying structure of the problem can be leveraged to improve decision-making and learning.

Overall, this paper represents a valuable contribution to the field of multi-armed bandits and reinforcement learning, and the GFBSA algorithm could serve as a foundation for further research and development in this area.

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