HFT: Half Fine-Tuning for Large Language Models






Published 4/30/2024 by Tingfeng Hui, Zhenyu Zhang, Shuohuan Wang, Weiran Xu, Yu Sun, Hua Wu



Large language models (LLMs) with one or more fine-tuning phases have become a necessary step to unlock various capabilities, enabling LLMs to follow natural language instructions or align with human preferences. However, it carries the risk of catastrophic forgetting during sequential training, the parametric knowledge or the ability learned in previous stages may be overwhelmed by incoming training data. In this paper, we find that by regularly resetting partial parameters, LLMs can restore some of the original knowledge. Inspired by this, we introduce Half Fine-Tuning (HFT) for LLMs, as a substitute for full fine-tuning (FFT), to mitigate the forgetting issues, where half of the parameters are selected to learn new tasks while the other half are frozen to remain previous knowledge. We provide a feasibility analysis from the perspective of optimization and interpret the parameter selection operation as a regularization term. Without changing the model architecture, HFT could be seamlessly integrated into existing fine-tuning frameworks. Extensive experiments and analysis on supervised fine-tuning, direct preference optimization, and continual learning consistently demonstrate the effectiveness, robustness, and efficiency of HFT. Compared with FFT, HFT not only significantly alleviates the forgetting problem, but also achieves the best performance in a series of downstream benchmarks, with an approximately 30% reduction in training time.

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  • Large language models (LLMs) require fine-tuning to unlock various capabilities, but this can lead to catastrophic forgetting of previous knowledge.
  • The paper introduces a new technique called Half Fine-Tuning (HFT) to mitigate this issue, where half the model parameters are frozen while the other half are fine-tuned.
  • HFT is designed to preserve the original knowledge learned by the LLM while allowing it to adapt to new tasks.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 are powerful AI systems that can understand and generate human-like text. However, to make them truly useful, they often need to be "fine-tuned" on specific tasks or datasets. This fine-tuning process can help the LLM learn new skills, like following natural language instructions or aligning with human preferences.

The problem is that this fine-tuning can cause the LLM to "forget" some of the original knowledge it had learned. This is known as "catastrophic forgetting." Imagine if you were a human who was really good at math, but then you started focusing on learning a new language. Over time, your math skills might start to deteriorate.

The paper introduces a new technique called "Half Fine-Tuning" (HFT) to address this issue. The idea is to only fine-tune half of the LLM's parameters, while keeping the other half frozen. This way, the LLM can learn new skills without completely forgetting its original knowledge. It's like if you were learning a new language, but you still kept practicing your math skills on the side.

The researchers show that HFT can significantly improve performance compared to traditional fine-tuning, while also reducing the training time by about 30%. This makes it a more efficient and effective way to adapt LLMs to new tasks.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new fine-tuning technique called "Half Fine-Tuning" (HFT) to address the issue of catastrophic forgetting in large language models (LLMs). During the fine-tuning process, LLMs can lose the parametric knowledge or capabilities they had learned in previous stages, as the new training data overwhelms the model.

To mitigate this problem, the researchers propose HFT as a substitute for the traditional full fine-tuning (FFT) approach. In HFT, only half of the model parameters are selected to learn new tasks, while the other half are kept frozen to maintain the original knowledge. This parameter selection process is interpreted as a form of regularization, which helps the model balance the learning of new tasks with the preservation of prior knowledge.

The researchers provide a feasibility analysis of HFT from an optimization perspective and demonstrate that it can be seamlessly integrated into existing fine-tuning frameworks without requiring changes to the model architecture. Through extensive experiments on supervised fine-tuning, direct preference optimization, and continual learning tasks, the paper shows that HFT not only significantly alleviates the forgetting problem but also achieves the best performance in a range of downstream benchmarks, with a roughly 30% reduction in training time compared to FFT.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to mitigating the catastrophic forgetting problem in large language models, but it's important to consider some potential limitations and areas for further research.

One concern is the generalizability of the HFT technique. The experiments in the paper focus on a specific set of tasks and datasets, and it's unclear how well the method would perform on a broader range of applications or in more complex real-world scenarios. Further research may be needed to assess the robustness and scalability of HFT across a wider range of use cases.

Another potential issue is the selection of the parameters to be frozen during HFT. The paper proposes a simple random selection approach, but more sophisticated strategies for identifying the most critical or informative parameters to preserve may lead to even better results. Exploring alternative parameter selection methods could be an interesting area for future work.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a deep analysis of the mechanisms underlying the improved performance of HFT. While the optimization-based interpretation is helpful, a more detailed understanding of the cognitive or neural processes involved in mitigating catastrophic forgetting could provide valuable insights and inspire further advancements in this field.

Overall, the HFT approach presented in this paper represents a promising step forward in addressing the challenge of preserving the original knowledge of large language models during fine-tuning. However, as with any research, it's important to consider the limitations and continue exploring ways to further enhance the efficiency and robustness of these powerful AI systems.


The paper introduces a novel fine-tuning technique called Half Fine-Tuning (HFT) that effectively mitigates the catastrophic forgetting problem in large language models. By selectively fine-tuning only half of the model parameters while keeping the other half frozen, HFT is able to preserve the original knowledge learned by the LLM while still allowing it to adapt to new tasks.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness, robustness, and efficiency of HFT through extensive experiments, showing that it not only significantly reduces forgetting but also outperforms traditional full fine-tuning on a range of downstream benchmarks. With its potential to unlock the full capabilities of LLMs without compromising their existing knowledge, HFT represents an important contribution to the ongoing efforts to enhance the versatility and performance of these powerful AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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