History-Aware Planning for Risk-free Autonomous Navigation on Unknown Uneven Terrain






Published 6/5/2024 by Yinchuan Wang, Nianfei Du, Yongsen Qin, Xiang Zhang, Rui Song, Chaoqun Wang
History-Aware Planning for Risk-free Autonomous Navigation on Unknown Uneven Terrain


It is challenging for the mobile robot to achieve autonomous and mapless navigation in the unknown environment with uneven terrain. In this study, we present a layered and systematic pipeline. At the local level, we maintain a tree structure that is dynamically extended with the navigation. This structure unifies the planning with the terrain identification. Besides, it contributes to explicitly identifying the hazardous areas on uneven terrain. In particular, certain nodes of the tree are consistently kept to form a sparse graph at the global level, which records the history of the exploration. A series of subgoals that can be obtained in the tree and the graph are utilized for leading the navigation. To determine a subgoal, we develop an evaluation method whose input elements can be efficiently obtained on the layered structure. We conduct both simulation and real-world experiments to evaluate the developed method and its key modules. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our method. The robot can travel through the unknown uneven region safely and reach the target rapidly without a preconstructed map.

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  • This paper proposes a history-aware planning approach for autonomous navigation on unknown uneven terrain.
  • The goal is to enable risk-free navigation by anticipating and avoiding potential hazards based on the robot's past experiences.
  • The approach combines a terrain mapping module, a history-aware planning module, and a control module to plan and execute safe trajectories.

Plain English Explanation

The research paper describes a system for autonomous robots to navigate safely over rough, uneven terrain that they have not encountered before. The key idea is to have the robot "remember" its past experiences and use that information to plan a path that avoids potential hazards or dangerous areas.

The system works by first building a map of the terrain using sensors on the robot. It then uses this map, along with information about the robot's previous movements and any obstacles it has encountered, to plan a route that minimizes the risk of the robot getting stuck, tipping over, or running into something dangerous. [This relates to the research presented in <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/bipedal-safe-navigation-over-uncertain-rough-terrain">Bipedal Safe Navigation Over Uncertain Rough Terrain</a> and <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/under-canopy-navigation-using-aerial-lidar-maps">Under-Canopy Navigation Using Aerial LiDAR Maps</a>.]

By taking the robot's history into account, the system can anticipate and avoid problems that the robot might run into, making the navigation process much safer and more reliable. This could be especially useful for robots exploring unknown or hazardous environments, like the surface of another planet. [This relates to the research presented in <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/novel-methodology-autonomous-planetary-exploration-using-multi">A Novel Methodology for Autonomous Planetary Exploration Using Multi-Modal Perception</a>.]

Technical Explanation

The proposed system consists of three main components: a terrain mapping module, a history-aware planning module, and a control module.

The terrain mapping module uses sensors on the robot, such as LiDAR or cameras, to build a detailed map of the surrounding environment. This map includes information about the terrain's elevation, slope, and other features that could impact the robot's navigation.

The history-aware planning module takes this terrain map, along with data about the robot's previous movements and any obstacles it has encountered, to plan an optimal path through the environment. It uses this historical information to anticipate and avoid potential hazards, such as steep slopes or unstable surfaces, that the robot may have struggled with in the past. [This relates to the research presented in <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/model-predictive-control-aggressive-driving-over-uneven">Model Predictive Control for Aggressive Driving Over Uneven Terrain</a>.]

Finally, the control module translates the planned path into the necessary motor commands to execute the navigation, ensuring the robot follows the planned trajectory safely and efficiently.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach for enabling autonomous navigation on unknown, uneven terrain. By incorporating the robot's past experiences, the system can plan trajectories that are more aware of potential risks and better able to avoid hazardous situations.

However, the paper does not address how the system might handle sudden, unexpected changes in the environment, such as rapidly shifting terrain or the appearance of new obstacles. Additionally, the computational complexity of the history-aware planning algorithm and its impact on real-time performance are not discussed in detail. [This relates to the research presented in <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/risk-aware-coverage-path-planning-lunar-micro">Risk-Aware Coverage Path Planning for Lunar Micro-Rovers</a>.]

Further research and testing would be needed to fully understand the capabilities and limitations of this approach, as well as its potential for practical applications in challenging environments.


This paper presents a history-aware planning system for autonomous navigation on unknown, uneven terrain. By incorporating the robot's past experiences, the system can anticipate and avoid potential hazards, enabling safer and more reliable navigation.

The proposed approach could be particularly useful for robots exploring hazardous or unpredictable environments, such as the surface of another planet or disaster zones. However, further research is needed to address potential limitations, such as handling unexpected environmental changes and ensuring real-time performance.

Overall, this work represents an important step towards developing autonomous navigation systems that can operate safely and effectively in complex, unstructured terrains.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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