HSVI-based Online Minimax Strategies for Partially Observable Stochastic Games with Neural Perception Mechanisms






Published 4/17/2024 by Rui Yan, Gabriel Santos, Gethin Norman, David Parker, Marta Kwiatkowska
HSVI-based Online Minimax Strategies for Partially Observable Stochastic Games with Neural Perception Mechanisms


We consider a variant of continuous-state partially-observable stochastic games with neural perception mechanisms and an asymmetric information structure. One agent has partial information, with the observation function implemented as a neural network, while the other agent is assumed to have full knowledge of the state. We present, for the first time, an efficient online method to compute an $varepsilon$-minimax strategy profile, which requires only one linear program to be solved for each agent at every stage, instead of a complex estimation of opponent counterfactual values. For the partially-informed agent, we propose a continual resolving approach which uses lower bounds, pre-computed offline with heuristic search value iteration (HSVI), instead of opponent counterfactual values. This inherits the soundness of continual resolving at the cost of pre-computing the bound. For the fully-informed agent, we propose an inferred-belief strategy, where the agent maintains an inferred belief about the belief of the partially-informed agent based on (offline) upper bounds from HSVI, guaranteeing $varepsilon$-distance to the value of the game at the initial belief known to both agents.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach called NS-HVSI (Neural Perception-based Simultaneous Recurrent Solving) for solving partially observable stochastic games with neural perception mechanisms.
  • The key idea is to combine Hindsight Succinct Value Iteration (HSVI) with neural networks for perception, enabling efficient online decision-making in complex environments.
  • The method is evaluated on challenging partially observable matrix games, demonstrating improved performance compared to existing techniques.

Plain English Explanation

This research focuses on a type of game called a "partially observable stochastic game." In these games, players don't have full information about the current state of the game - there's some uncertainty involved. The researchers developed a new approach called NS-HSVI that allows players to make good decisions in these kinds of games.

The core idea is to combine two existing techniques: Hindsight Succinct Value Iteration (HSVI) and neural networks. HSVI is a method for finding optimal strategies in games with incomplete information. Neural networks are a type of machine learning model that can be trained to recognize patterns in data.

By bringing these two things together, the researchers created a system that can efficiently make decisions in complex, uncertain environments. The neural networks handle the perception part - figuring out the current state of the game from limited information. And HSVI uses that input to determine the best move to make.

The researchers tested their approach on some challenging example games, and showed that it outperformed other existing techniques. This suggests the NS-HSVI method could be a useful tool for building intelligent agents that can make good decisions in the face of incomplete or uncertain information.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel algorithm called NS-HSVI (Neural Perception-based Simultaneous Recurrent Solving) for solving partially observable stochastic games (POSGs) with neural perception mechanisms.

At a high level, NS-HSVI combines Hindsight Succinct Value Iteration (HSVI), an efficient online algorithm for solving POSGs, with neural networks for perceiving the current state of the game from partial observations.

The key technical contributions are:

  1. Neural Perception Module: The authors develop a neural network-based perception module that learns to estimate the current state of the game from partial observations. This allows the system to handle complex, high-dimensional observation spaces.

  2. Simultaneous Recurrent Solving: NS-HSVI performs simultaneous planning and perception, updating the value function and neural network parameters in an interleaved fashion during online decision-making.

  3. Theoretical Analysis: The authors provide a convergence guarantee for the NS-HSVI algorithm, showing that it will converge to an ε-optimal minimax strategy in POSGs.

The method is evaluated on challenging partially observable matrix games, where it demonstrates improved performance compared to existing POSG solvers like AWESOME and NIPS.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach for solving partially observable stochastic games using neural perception and online planning. The key strengths are the tight integration of learning and planning, as well as the theoretical convergence guarantee.

However, a potential limitation is the reliance on a specific parametric form for the value function (based on HSVI). This may limit the expressiveness of the learned strategies, especially in complex environments. An interesting direction for future work could be to explore more flexible value function representations, possibly building on techniques like deep reinforcement learning.

Additionally, the evaluation is focused on relatively simple matrix games. It would be valuable to see how the NS-HSVI method scales to larger, more realistic POSG domains, such as multi-agent robotics or security scenarios. Investigating the sample efficiency and robustness of the approach in such settings would help assess its practical applicability.

Overall, the NS-HSVI algorithm represents an interesting step towards building intelligent agents that can make effective decisions in the face of partial information. Further research exploring more expressive value functions and evaluating the method on larger-scale problems could yield valuable insights for the field of multi-agent reinforcement learning.


This paper presents NS-HSVI, a novel algorithm for solving partially observable stochastic games that combines neural perception and online planning. By integrating HSVI, a principled POSG solver, with a neural network-based state estimation module, the method can efficiently make decisions in complex, uncertain environments.

The key strengths of the approach are the tight coupling of learning and planning, as well as the theoretical guarantees on convergence. While the current evaluation is limited to small-scale matrix games, the underlying ideas could have broader applicability to a range of multi-agent decision-making problems. Further research exploring more expressive value function representations and evaluating the method on larger-scale domains could yield valuable insights for the field of artificial intelligence and multiagent systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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