Human Detection from 4D Radar Data in Low-Visibility Field Conditions






Published 4/9/2024 by Mikael Skog, Oleksandr Kotlyar, Vladim'ir Kubelka, Martin Magnusson
Human Detection from 4D Radar Data in Low-Visibility Field Conditions


Autonomous driving technology is increasingly being used on public roads and in industrial settings such as mines. While it is essential to detect pedestrians, vehicles, or other obstacles, adverse field conditions negatively affect the performance of classical sensors such as cameras or lidars. Radar, on the other hand, is a promising modality that is less affected by, e.g., dust, smoke, water mist or fog. In particular, modern 4D imaging radars provide target responses across the range, vertical angle, horizontal angle and Doppler velocity dimensions. We propose TMVA4D, a CNN architecture that leverages this 4D radar modality for semantic segmentation. The CNN is trained to distinguish between the background and person classes based on a series of 2D projections of the 4D radar data that include the elevation, azimuth, range, and Doppler velocity dimensions. We also outline the process of compiling a novel dataset consisting of data collected in industrial settings with a car-mounted 4D radar and describe how the ground-truth labels were generated from reference thermal images. Using TMVA4D on this dataset, we achieve an mIoU score of 78.2% and an mDice score of 86.1%, evaluated on the two classes background and person

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  • This research paper focuses on using 4D radar data to detect humans in low-visibility field conditions.
  • The authors propose a convolutional neural network-based approach for semantic segmentation to identify humans in the radar data.
  • The method is evaluated on a dataset collected in real-world scenarios, including challenging conditions like darkness and fog.

Plain English Explanation

Radar systems can be used to detect and track objects, even in poor visibility conditions like darkness or fog. In this research, the authors explore using a type of radar called "4D radar" to specifically identify humans in these challenging environments.

Traditional radar systems provide information about the distance, speed, and direction of objects. 4D radar adds an extra dimension by also measuring the height of detected objects. This additional information can help distinguish between different types of objects, like humans versus vehicles.

The researchers developed a deep learning algorithm, specifically a convolutional neural network, to analyze the 4D radar data and automatically identify the presence of humans. This "semantic segmentation" approach allows the system to precisely locate and outline individual people within the radar scans.

The method was tested on a dataset collected in real-world scenarios, including dark conditions and foggy weather. By accurately detecting humans in these low-visibility situations, the 4D radar system could have important applications, such as enhancing safety for self-driving cars or enabling surveillance in hazardous environments.

Technical Explanation

The authors propose a convolutional neural network (CNN) -based semantic segmentation approach to detect humans from 4D radar data in low-visibility conditions. 4D radar provides information about the distance, velocity, azimuth, and elevation of detected objects, offering additional context compared to traditional 3D radar.

The CNN architecture takes the 4D radar data as input and outputs a semantic segmentation map, where each pixel is classified as either "human" or "non-human." This allows the system to precisely locate and outline individual people within the radar scans.

The model was trained and evaluated on a dataset collected in real-world scenarios, including darkness and fog. The dataset includes ground truth annotations of human locations, enabling supervised learning of the semantic segmentation task.

Experiments demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approach, which outperformed baseline methods in detecting humans in the challenging low-visibility conditions. The authors analyze the results and discuss potential applications, such as enhancing safety for autonomous vehicles and enabling surveillance in hazardous environments.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed study that makes meaningful contributions to the field of human detection from 4D radar data. The authors have carefully curated a realistic dataset and developed a robust deep learning-based solution to address the challenge of human identification in low-visibility conditions.

One potential limitation of the research is the relatively small size of the dataset, which may constrain the model's generalization capabilities. The authors acknowledge this and suggest that expanding the dataset with more diverse real-world scenarios could further improve the system's performance.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the model's failure cases or potential biases. Understanding the specific situations where the method struggles could inform future improvements and help identify edge cases that require further investigation.

Despite these minor caveats, the research represents a significant step forward in leveraging the capabilities of 4D radar for human detection, with promising applications in autonomous vehicles, security, and surveillance domains. The authors' approach and findings could inspire further advancements in this important area of research.


This research paper presents a novel approach for detecting humans from 4D radar data in low-visibility field conditions. By leveraging the rich spatial and temporal information provided by 4D radar, the authors developed a deep learning-based semantic segmentation model that can accurately identify the presence and location of people, even in challenging scenarios like darkness and fog.

The demonstrated effectiveness of this method has significant implications for enhancing safety in autonomous vehicles, enabling more robust surveillance and monitoring systems, and facilitating human-robot interaction in hazardous environments. As the field of 4D radar perception continues to evolve, this research represents an important step forward in unlocking the full potential of this powerful sensing technology.

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