Hype or Heuristic? Quantum Reinforcement Learning for Join Order Optimisation






Published 5/14/2024 by Maja Franz, Tobias Winker, Sven Groppe, Wolfgang Mauerer



Identifying optimal join orders (JOs) stands out as a key challenge in database research and engineering. Owing to the large search space, established classical methods rely on approximations and heuristics. Recent efforts have successfully explored reinforcement learning (RL) for JO. Likewise, quantum versions of RL have received considerable scientific attention. Yet, it is an open question if they can achieve sustainable, overall practical advantages with improved quantum processors. In this paper, we present a novel approach that uses quantum reinforcement learning (QRL) for JO based on a hybrid variational quantum ansatz. It is able to handle general bushy join trees instead of resorting to simpler left-deep variants as compared to approaches based on quantum(-inspired) optimisation, yet requires multiple orders of magnitudes fewer qubits, which is a scarce resource even for post-NISQ systems. Despite moderate circuit depth, the ansatz exceeds current NISQ capabilities, which requires an evaluation by numerical simulations. While QRL may not significantly outperform classical approaches in solving the JO problem with respect to result quality (albeit we see parity), we find a drastic reduction in required trainable parameters. This benefits practically relevant aspects ranging from shorter training times compared to classical RL, less involved classical optimisation passes, or better use of available training data, and fits data-stream and low-latency processing scenarios. Our comprehensive evaluation and careful discussion delivers a balanced perspective on possible practical quantum advantage, provides insights for future systemic approaches, and allows for quantitatively assessing trade-offs of quantum approaches for one of the most crucial problems of database management systems.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach using quantum reinforcement learning (QRL) to solve the problem of identifying optimal join orders (JOs) in databases.
  • The proposed method uses a hybrid variational quantum ansatz, which can handle general bushy join trees, unlike previous quantum(-inspired) optimization approaches that were limited to simpler left-deep variants.
  • The key advantage of this approach is that it requires significantly fewer qubits, a scarce resource even for post-NISQ (Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum) systems, compared to other quantum-based methods.

Plain English Explanation

Databases are essential for storing and managing large amounts of information. When a database query is executed, the database engine needs to determine the most efficient way to combine, or "join," the relevant data tables to produce the desired result. This process of finding the optimal join order (JO) is a challenging problem, as the number of possible options grows rapidly with the number of tables involved.

Classical database optimization methods often rely on approximations and heuristics to tackle this problem, as the full search space is too large to explore exhaustively. Recent research has explored the use of reinforcement learning (RL) for JO optimization, and quantum versions of RL have also received attention.

In this paper, the researchers present a novel approach that uses quantum reinforcement learning (QRL) to optimize JOs. Their method is based on a hybrid variational quantum ansatz, which allows it to handle more complex "bushy" join trees, rather than being limited to simpler "left-deep" join trees like some previous quantum-based approaches.

The key advantage of this QRL approach is that it requires significantly fewer qubits, a scarce resource even for future quantum systems. This is an important consideration, as current and near-future quantum hardware is limited in the number of qubits it can support.

Technical Explanation

The researchers' QRL approach for JO optimization is based on a hybrid variational quantum ansatz. This means that the quantum part of the algorithm is combined with a classical optimization component to form a hybrid system.

The quantum part of the algorithm uses a specialized quantum circuit design to represent the JO problem. This quantum circuit is then trained using reinforcement learning, where the agent (the quantum circuit) learns to make decisions that lead to the optimal JO through a series of interactions with the environment (the database query).

One of the key innovations of this approach is its ability to handle general bushy join trees, rather than being limited to simpler left-deep join trees like some previous quantum-based methods. This is important because real-world database queries can often involve complex join structures that are better represented by bushy join trees.

Another notable aspect of this QRL approach is that it requires significantly fewer qubits compared to other quantum-based JO optimization methods. This is a critical advantage, as the availability of qubits is a major constraint even for post-NISQ quantum systems.

The researchers' comprehensive evaluation and careful discussion provide insights into the potential practical advantages of their QRL approach for JO optimization. While the QRL method may not significantly outperform classical RL approaches in terms of solution quality, the researchers find that it can lead to substantial benefits in areas like shorter training times, less involved classical optimization passes, and better use of available training data, which can be particularly relevant for data-stream and low-latency processing scenarios.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge that, despite the moderate circuit depth of their QRL approach, it still exceeds the current capabilities of NISQ systems. As a result, the method had to be evaluated through numerical simulations rather than on actual quantum hardware.

This limitation highlights the ongoing challenges in developing practical quantum algorithms that can outperform classical methods on real-world problems. While the potential of quantum computing for certain applications, including optimization tasks like JO, is well-recognized, bridging the gap between theoretical proposals and demonstrable quantum advantages remains an active area of research.

The researchers also note that their QRL approach may not significantly outperform classical RL methods in terms of solution quality for the JO problem. This suggests that the primary benefits of their approach may lie in the practical aspects, such as reduced training time and better use of limited training data, rather than in achieving superior optimization results.

Future research could explore ways to further improve the performance of QRL-based JO optimization, potentially by incorporating more advanced quantum circuit designs or exploring alternative RL techniques tailored to the specific challenges of quantum systems. Additionally, as quantum hardware continues to evolve, it will be crucial to validate the practical advantages of this QRL approach on real quantum devices.


This paper presents a novel quantum reinforcement learning (QRL) approach for optimizing join orders (JOs) in databases. The key innovation of this method is its ability to handle general bushy join trees while requiring significantly fewer qubits compared to other quantum-based JO optimization techniques.

While the QRL approach may not outperform classical reinforcement learning methods in terms of solution quality, the researchers find that it can offer practical advantages, such as shorter training times, less involved classical optimization, and better use of limited training data. These benefits can be particularly valuable in data-stream and low-latency processing scenarios.

The researchers provide a comprehensive evaluation and balanced discussion of their QRL method, offering insights for future systemic approaches to quantum optimization and highlighting the importance of carefully assessing the trade-offs of quantum approaches for critical database management problems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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