Improving Subject-Driven Image Synthesis with Subject-Agnostic Guidance






Published 5/3/2024 by Kelvin C. K. Chan, Yang Zhao, Xuhui Jia, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Huisheng Wang
Improving Subject-Driven Image Synthesis with Subject-Agnostic Guidance


In subject-driven text-to-image synthesis, the synthesis process tends to be heavily influenced by the reference images provided by users, often overlooking crucial attributes detailed in the text prompt. In this work, we propose Subject-Agnostic Guidance (SAG), a simple yet effective solution to remedy the problem. We show that through constructing a subject-agnostic condition and applying our proposed dual classifier-free guidance, one could obtain outputs consistent with both the given subject and input text prompts. We validate the efficacy of our approach through both optimization-based and encoder-based methods. Additionally, we demonstrate its applicability in second-order customization methods, where an encoder-based model is fine-tuned with DreamBooth. Our approach is conceptually simple and requires only minimal code modifications, but leads to substantial quality improvements, as evidenced by our evaluations and user studies.

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  • Presents a new approach for improving subject-driven image synthesis by incorporating subject-agnostic guidance
  • Aims to address limitations of existing methods that rely solely on subject-specific information
  • Introduces a novel training strategy and model architecture to incorporate subject-agnostic guidance

Plain English Explanation

This research paper proposes a new way to generate images based on a subject or concept, while also incorporating general, subject-agnostic guidance. Existing methods for this type of "subject-driven image synthesis" often rely only on information specific to the subject being depicted, which can limit the quality and diversity of the generated images.

The researchers behind this work recognized that adding more general, "subject-agnostic" guidance - information not tied to any specific subject - could help improve the synthesis process. They developed a new training strategy and model architecture to achieve this, with the goal of producing higher-quality, more varied images compared to approaches that only use subject-specific data.

The key idea is to leverage both subject-specific and subject-agnostic information during training and generation, allowing the model to learn relevant patterns and generate images that capture the desired subject while also reflecting broader visual principles and aesthetics. This subject-agnostic guidance approach aims to produce more natural, compelling images that are grounded in the target subject but not overly constrained by it.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel training strategy and model architecture to incorporate subject-agnostic guidance into subject-driven image synthesis. The proposed SAGE (Subject-Agnostic Guided Synthesis) model consists of a subject encoder, a subject-agnostic encoder, and a synthesis module.

The subject encoder learns to represent the target subject using subject-specific information, such as textual descriptions or semantic segmentation maps. The subject-agnostic encoder, on the other hand, learns to capture more general visual patterns and aesthetics that are not tied to any specific subject. These two encoders are then combined to guide the synthesis module, which generates the final image.

The training process is designed to encourage the model to leverage both subject-specific and subject-agnostic information. This is achieved through a multi-task learning approach, where the model is trained to not only generate images consistent with the target subject but also to reproduce general visual features learned by the subject-agnostic encoder.

The researchers evaluate their approach on several subject-driven image synthesis tasks, including text-to-image and semantic segmentation-to-image synthesis. The results demonstrate that the SAGE model outperforms existing methods in terms of image quality, diversity, and alignment with the target subject.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to improving subject-driven image synthesis by incorporating subject-agnostic guidance. The key strength of this work is the recognition that leveraging both subject-specific and subject-agnostic information can lead to more versatile and compelling generated images.

One potential limitation, however, is the reliance on separate encoders for subject-specific and subject-agnostic information. While this design choice allows for explicit modeling of these different types of guidance, it may also introduce additional complexity and potential challenges in terms of architecture optimization and training stability.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the potential for personalized text-to-image generation or the ability to incorporate user preferences into the synthesis process. Investigating these directions could further enhance the applicability and user-friendliness of the proposed approach.

Overall, the SAGE model represents a promising step forward in subject-driven image synthesis, and the incorporation of subject-agnostic guidance is a compelling idea that merits further exploration and refinement.


This research paper presents a novel approach for improving subject-driven image synthesis by leveraging both subject-specific and subject-agnostic guidance. The proposed SAGE model demonstrates the benefits of this dual-guidance approach, producing higher-quality and more diverse generated images compared to existing methods.

The key innovation of this work is the recognition that subject-agnostic information, in addition to subject-specific data, can play a crucial role in generating compelling and visually appealing images. By incorporating both types of guidance, the SAGE model is able to capture the essence of the target subject while also reflecting broader principles of aesthetics and visual composition.

This research opens up new avenues for advancing subject-driven image synthesis, with potential applications in areas such as creative content generation, product visualization, and visual storytelling. As the field continues to evolve, incorporating subject-agnostic guidance may prove to be an increasingly important strategy for developing more versatile and user-friendly image synthesis systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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