Incorporating Different Verbal Cues to Improve Text-Based Computer-Delivered Health Messaging






Published 4/23/2024 by Samuel Rhys Cox
Incorporating Different Verbal Cues to Improve Text-Based Computer-Delivered Health Messaging


The ubiquity of smartphones has led to an increase in on demand healthcare being supplied. For example, people can share their illness-related experiences with others similar to themselves, and healthcare experts can offer advice for better treatment and care for remediable, terminal and mental illnesses. As well as this human-to-human communication, there has been an increased use of human-to-computer digital health messaging, such as chatbots. These can prove advantageous as they offer synchronous and anonymous feedback without the need for a human conversational partner. However, there are many subtleties involved in human conversation that a computer agent may not properly exhibit. For example, there are various conversational styles, etiquettes, politeness strategies or empathic responses that need to be chosen appropriately for the conversation. Encouragingly, computers are social actors (CASA) posits that people apply the same social norms to computers as they would do to people. On from this, previous studies have focused on applying conversational strategies to computer agents to make them embody more favourable human characteristics. However, if a computer agent fails in this regard it can lead to negative reactions from users. Therefore, in this dissertation we describe a series of studies we carried out to lead to more effective human-to-computer digital health messaging. In our first study, we use the crowd [...] Our second study investigates the effect of a health chatbot's conversational style [...] In our final study, we investigate the format used by a chatbot when [...] In summary, we have researched how to create more effective digital health interventions starting from generating health messages, to choosing an appropriate formality of messaging, and finally to formatting messages which reference a user's previous utterances.

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  • This paper explores the use of chatbots as social companions and investigates how people perceive and interact with them.
  • It also examines approaches for enhancing health coaching dialogues, creating entertainment chatbots for the elderly, facilitating self-guided mental health interventions, and developing reliable empathetic depression diagnosis chatbots.

Plain English Explanation

In this research, the authors investigate how people view and engage with chatbots that are designed to be social companions. The authors also explore different ways to use chatbots in healthcare, entertainment, and mental health applications.

For the social companion chatbots, the researchers wanted to understand how people perceive these types of AI assistants and what factors influence their interactions. [They also looked at approaches to improve the quality of health coaching dialogues, create enjoyable chatbots for elderly individuals, make it easier for people to get mental health support on their own, and develop chatbots that can reliably diagnose depression while being empathetic.](,,,

The key ideas in this research are understanding how people view social chatbots, exploring ways to enhance the usefulness of chatbots in various domains like healthcare and mental health, and developing chatbots that can provide empathetic and reliable support.

Technical Explanation

The paper examines several different aspects of chatbot development and deployment:

  1. Chatbots as Social Companions: The researchers conducted user studies to investigate how people perceive and interact with chatbots designed as social companions. They explored factors that influence these perceptions and interactions.

  2. Health Coaching Dialogues: The authors propose approaches to enhance the quality of health coaching dialogues, particularly in low-resource settings, by leveraging techniques like few-shot learning and unsupervised pretraining.

  3. Entertainment Chatbots for the Elderly: The paper describes the development of an entertainment-focused chatbot aimed at improving digital inclusion for elderly individuals without access to technology.

  4. Self-Guided Mental Health Interventions: The researchers explore ways to facilitate self-guided mental health interventions through chatbot-based systems that can provide personalized support and guidance.

  5. Empathetic Depression Diagnosis Chatbots: The authors present a framework for building chatbots that can reliably diagnose depression while exhibiting empathetic behavior during the conversational interaction.

These diverse chatbot applications showcase the potential of this technology to enhance various aspects of people's lives, from social companionship to healthcare and mental well-being.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a comprehensive exploration of different chatbot use cases and their potential benefits. However, it also acknowledges several limitations and areas for further research:

  • The user studies on social companion chatbots were conducted in a controlled laboratory setting, so the findings may not fully capture real-world interactions.
  • The proposed approaches for enhancing health coaching dialogues and self-guided mental health interventions require further validation and testing in real-world deployments.
  • The empathetic depression diagnosis chatbot framework is still in the early stages of development and needs more extensive evaluation to ensure its reliability and clinical validity.

Additionally, the paper does not address potential ethical concerns, such as the risk of over-reliance on chatbots for mental health support or the implications of chatbots providing medical advice. Further research could explore these important considerations.


This research highlights the versatility of chatbots and their potential to enhance various aspects of people's lives, from social companionship to healthcare and mental well-being. The findings suggest that carefully designed chatbots can be perceived as social companions, provide valuable health coaching, offer engaging entertainment for the elderly, facilitate self-guided mental health interventions, and even reliably diagnose depression while exhibiting empathy.

However, the paper also acknowledges the need for further validation and testing, as well as the importance of addressing ethical concerns. Overall, this work contributes to the growing body of knowledge on the applications and implications of chatbot technology, paving the way for future developments in this rapidly evolving field.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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