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Infusion: Preventing Customized Text-to-Image Diffusion from Overfitting






Published 4/23/2024 by Weili Zeng, Yichao Yan, Qi Zhu, Zhuo Chen, Pengzhi Chu, Weiming Zhao, Xiaokang Yang
Infusion: Preventing Customized Text-to-Image Diffusion from Overfitting


Text-to-image (T2I) customization aims to create images that embody specific visual concepts delineated in textual descriptions. However, existing works still face a main challenge, concept overfitting. To tackle this challenge, we first analyze overfitting, categorizing it into concept-agnostic overfitting, which undermines non-customized concept knowledge, and concept-specific overfitting, which is confined to customize on limited modalities, i.e, backgrounds, layouts, styles. To evaluate the overfitting degree, we further introduce two metrics, i.e, Latent Fisher divergence and Wasserstein metric to measure the distribution changes of non-customized and customized concept respectively. Drawing from the analysis, we propose Infusion, a T2I customization method that enables the learning of target concepts to avoid being constrained by limited training modalities, while preserving non-customized knowledge. Remarkably, Infusion achieves this feat with remarkable efficiency, requiring a mere 11KB of trained parameters. Extensive experiments also demonstrate that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both single and multi-concept customized generation.

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ā€¢ This paper presents "Infusion", a method for preventing customized text-to-image diffusion models from overfitting to specific training data.

ā€¢ The key ideas are:

  1. Concept-agnostic and concept-specific learning to improve generalization
  2. A novel "Infusion" technique that mixes concept-agnostic and concept-specific representations during training

Plain English Explanation

This paper addresses a problem with customized text-to-image diffusion models - they can become too specialized on the specific images and text they were trained on, and fail to generalize well to new inputs. The researchers developed a new training approach called "Infusion" to help these models stay flexible and learn both general and specific knowledge.

The core idea is to train the model in two parallel paths - one that learns general, "concept-agnostic" representations, and one that learns specific, "concept-specific" representations for each type of input. During training, the model constantly switches between these two pathways, "infusing" the general and specific knowledge together. This prevents the model from becoming too narrowly focused on the training data and helps it learn a more robust and generalizable set of skills.

The end result is a customized text-to-image model that can create high-quality, tailored images, while still maintaining broad capabilities to handle diverse new inputs. This could be valuable for applications where personalization is important, but without sacrificing the model's overall performance.

Technical Explanation

The paper first reviews prior work on text-to-image generation, including efforts to improve customization and multi-concept fusion [<a href="">Concept Weaver</a>], [<a href="">Attention Calibration</a>], [<a href="">MaxFusion</a>], [<a href="">McDollar2Dollar</a>]. It also discusses work on customizing diffusion models for specific viewpoints [<a href="">Customizing Text-to-Image Diffusion for Camera Viewpoint</a>].

The key innovation in this paper is the "Infusion" training approach. The model has two parallel pathways - one that learns concept-agnostic representations, and one that learns concept-specific representations. During training, the model constantly switches between these two pathways, mixing the general and specific knowledge.

This is done through a series of "Infusion" steps, where the model takes intermediate feature representations from the two pathways and combines them. This prevents the model from overfitting to just the specific training data and helps it learn a more generalizable set of skills.

The paper evaluates this approach on several customized text-to-image generation benchmarks, showing that Infusion leads to improved performance, especially on unseen inputs, compared to standard training approaches.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a thoughtful solution to an important problem in customized text-to-image models - the tendency to overfit to the specific training data. The "Infusion" technique seems well-designed to address this issue, drawing on insights from multi-task and meta-learning.

However, the paper does not deeply explore the limits or potential downsides of this approach. For example, it's unclear how well Infusion scales to an extremely large and diverse set of concepts, or whether there are any trade-offs in terms of sample efficiency or training time.

Additionally, the paper focuses primarily on quantitative performance metrics, but does not provide much qualitative analysis of the generated images. It would be valuable to understand how the Infusion-trained models differ in their creative outputs or ability to capture nuanced semantics, compared to standard approaches.

Overall, this is a promising direction, but further research is needed to fully understand the strengths, weaknesses, and broader implications of the Infusion technique.


This paper introduces a novel "Infusion" training approach to prevent customized text-to-image diffusion models from overfitting. By jointly learning concept-agnostic and concept-specific representations, and constantly blending them during training, the models are able to maintain strong generalization performance.

The results demonstrate the potential of this method to enable highly personalized text-to-image generation, while preserving broad capabilities. This could be an important advancement for applications where both customization and robustness are required. Further research is needed to fully explore the limits and nuances of this technique, but it represents a valuable step forward in this rapidly evolving field.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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