Instant3D: Instant Text-to-3D Generation






Published 4/30/2024 by Ming Li, Pan Zhou, Jia-Wei Liu, Jussi Keppo, Min Lin, Shuicheng Yan, Xiangyu Xu



Text-to-3D generation has attracted much attention from the computer vision community. Existing methods mainly optimize a neural field from scratch for each text prompt, relying on heavy and repetitive training cost which impedes their practical deployment. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for fast text-to-3D generation, dubbed Instant3D. Once trained, Instant3D is able to create a 3D object for an unseen text prompt in less than one second with a single run of a feedforward network. We achieve this remarkable speed by devising a new network that directly constructs a 3D triplane from a text prompt. The core innovation of our Instant3D lies in our exploration of strategies to effectively inject text conditions into the network. In particular, we propose to combine three key mechanisms: cross-attention, style injection, and token-to-plane transformation, which collectively ensure precise alignment of the output with the input text. Furthermore, we propose a simple yet effective activation function, the scaled-sigmoid, to replace the original sigmoid function, which speeds up the training convergence by more than ten times. Finally, to address the Janus (multi-head) problem in 3D generation, we propose an adaptive Perp-Neg algorithm that can dynamically adjust its concept negation scales according to the severity of the Janus problem during training, effectively reducing the multi-head effect. Extensive experiments on a wide variety of benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against the state-of-the-art methods both qualitatively and quantitatively, while achieving significantly better efficiency. The code, data, and models are available at

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  • Existing text-to-3D generation methods are slow and require heavy training, limiting practical deployment
  • This paper proposes a novel framework called Instant3D that can generate 3D objects from text in less than a second
  • Key innovations include effective text condition injection, a new activation function, and an adaptive algorithm to address the Janus (multi-head) problem in 3D generation

Plain English Explanation

Creating 3D objects from text descriptions has been a challenging task in computer vision. Existing methods typically require a lot of computing power and time to train a neural network from scratch for each new text prompt. This makes it difficult to use these methods in practical applications.

The researchers in this paper have developed a new system called Instant3D that can generate 3D objects from text much faster. After an initial training phase, Instant3D can create a 3D object for an entirely new text prompt in less than a second, using a single pass of a neural network.

The key innovations that enable this speed are:

  • Text Condition Injection: Instant3D uses a combination of cross-attention, style injection, and token-to-plane transformation to tightly align the 3D output with the input text.
  • Scaled-sigmoid Activation: The researchers developed a new activation function that speeds up the training process by more than 10 times compared to the standard sigmoid function.
  • Adaptive Perp-Neg Algorithm: This algorithm dynamically adjusts the concept negation scales during training to address the Janus (multi-head) problem in 3D generation, reducing undesirable effects.

These advances allow Instant3D to outperform state-of-the-art text-to-3D generation methods both in terms of quality and efficiency, as demonstrated across a variety of benchmark datasets.

Technical Explanation

The Instant3D framework works by directly constructing a 3D triplane representation from a given text prompt, without the need for heavy and repetitive training like previous approaches.

The key innovation lies in the researchers' exploration of effective strategies to inject text conditions into the neural network. They propose three main mechanisms:

  1. Cross-attention: This allows the network to attend to relevant parts of the text when generating different regions of the 3D output.
  2. Style Injection: The text features are injected into the network's style parameters, enabling fine-grained control over the 3D generation.
  3. Token-to-plane Transformation: This maps the text tokens directly to the 3D triplane, ensuring precise alignment between the input and output.

Additionally, the researchers introduce a new activation function called "scaled-sigmoid" that speeds up training convergence by more than 10 times compared to the standard sigmoid.

To address the Janus (multi-head) problem in 3D generation, where the network produces multiple unrelated objects, the researchers propose an Adaptive Perp-Neg algorithm. This dynamically adjusts the concept negation scales during training based on the severity of the Janus problem, effectively reducing the multi-head effect.

Extensive experiments on a variety of benchmark datasets show that Instant3D performs favorably against state-of-the-art methods in both qualitative and quantitative evaluations, while achieving significantly better efficiency.

Critical Analysis

The researchers have made impressive strides in improving the speed and performance of text-to-3D generation, as evidenced by the Instant3D framework. The ability to generate 3D objects from text in less than a second is a remarkable achievement that could have significant practical applications, such as in interactive 3D design or text-guided 3D portrait generation.

That said, the paper does not delve into the potential limitations or caveats of the Instant3D approach. For example, it's unclear how the system would handle more complex or abstract text prompts, or whether there are any restrictions on the types of 3D objects that can be generated.

Additionally, the researchers' claim of "significantly better efficiency" could be further substantiated by providing more detailed performance metrics and comparisons to other state-of-the-art methods, beyond just the qualitative and high-level quantitative evaluations.

It would also be interesting to see how Instant3D's performance compares to other emerging text-to-3D generation techniques, such as those using Gaussian splatting or diffusion models. Exploring the trade-offs between speed, quality, and flexibility could help researchers and practitioners make more informed decisions when choosing the appropriate text-to-3D generation approach for their needs.


The Instant3D framework proposed in this paper represents a significant advancement in the field of text-to-3D generation. By devising innovative techniques to effectively inject text conditions into the network and addressing key challenges like the Janus problem, the researchers have developed a system that can generate 3D objects from text in under a second, while maintaining high quality.

This level of speed and efficiency could unlock new possibilities for interactive 3D design, virtual prototyping, and other applications that require real-time 3D content creation from textual descriptions. As the researchers continue to refine and expand the capabilities of Instant3D, it will be exciting to see how this technology evolves and shapes the future of 3D generation and interaction.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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