Intention Analysis Makes LLMs A Good Jailbreak Defender






Published 4/30/2024 by Yuqi Zhang, Liang Ding, Lefei Zhang, Dacheng Tao
Intention Analysis Makes LLMs A Good Jailbreak Defender


Aligning large language models (LLMs) with human values, particularly in the face of complex and stealthy jailbreak attacks, presents a formidable challenge. In this study, we present a simple yet highly effective defense strategy, i.e., Intention Analysis ($mathbb{IA}$). The principle behind this is to trigger LLMs' inherent self-correct and improve ability through a two-stage process: 1) essential intention analysis, and 2) policy-aligned response. Notably, $mathbb{IA}$ is an inference-only method, thus could enhance the safety of LLMs without compromising their helpfulness. Extensive experiments on varying jailbreak benchmarks across ChatGLM, LLaMA2, Vicuna, MPT, DeepSeek, and GPT-3.5 show that $mathbb{IA}$ could consistently and significantly reduce the harmfulness in responses (averagely -53.1% attack success rate) and maintain the general helpfulness. Encouragingly, with the help of our $mathbb{IA}$, Vicuna-7B even outperforms GPT-3.5 in terms of attack success rate. Further analyses present some insights into how our method works. To facilitate reproducibility, we release our code and scripts at:

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  • This paper explores the use of "intention analysis prompting" to make large language models (LLMs) more robust against "jailbreak" attacks, which aim to bypass the models' safety constraints.
  • The researchers propose a method that analyzes the user's underlying intentions behind prompts and uses that analysis to determine whether the prompt is likely to result in harmful or unsafe outputs.
  • The paper presents experimental results showing that this approach can effectively defend against several types of jailbreak attacks, including alignment-breaking adversarial attacks, hidden malicious goals, and visual jailbreak attacks.

Plain English Explanation

The paper is about making large language models, which are powerful AI systems that can generate human-like text, more secure and reliable. These models are often used in helpful applications like answering questions or summarizing information. However, there is a risk that someone could try to "trick" the model into producing harmful or unsafe outputs, a type of attack known as a "jailbreak."

To address this, the researchers developed a technique called "intention analysis prompting." The idea is to analyze the user's underlying intentions when they provide a prompt to the language model. By understanding the user's true goal, the system can better determine whether the prompt is likely to lead to something unsafe or undesirable.

For example, if a user asks the language model to "write a terrorist manifesto," the intention analysis would recognize that this is likely a harmful request, even though the prompt itself doesn't directly say anything dangerous. The system could then refuse to generate that content.

The paper shows through experiments that this approach is effective at defending against several different types of jailbreak attacks, including adversarial attacks that try to bypass the model's safety constraints, hidden malicious goals embedded in seemingly benign prompts, and even visual jailbreak attacks.

Overall, this research is an important step towards making large language models more reliable and trustworthy, which is crucial as these models become more widely used in real-world applications.

Technical Explanation

The core of this paper's approach is an "intention analysis prompting" module that is integrated into the language model's architecture. This module examines the user's prompt and attempts to infer their underlying intentions or goals.

To do this, the researchers trained a separate neural network model on a large dataset of human-written prompts and the corresponding user intentions. This allowed the intention analysis module to learn patterns that associate certain prompts with specific types of user goals, such as seeking information, expressing creativity, or attempting to bypass the model's safety constraints.

When a user provides a new prompt, the intention analysis module classifies the prompt according to these learned intention categories. Based on the inferred intention, the language model can then decide whether to generate the requested output or refuse the prompt if it appears to have a harmful or unsafe intent.

The paper evaluates this approach on several different jailbreak attack scenarios, including alignment-breaking adversarial attacks, hidden malicious goals, and visual jailbreak attacks. The results show that the intention analysis prompting system is effective at detecting and blocking these types of attacks, significantly outperforming baseline language models without this additional safety mechanism.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach to making large language models more robust against jailbreak attacks. The intention analysis prompting technique seems well-designed and the experimental results are compelling. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. The intention analysis model's performance is heavily dependent on the quality and coverage of the training data. If the dataset of human-written prompts does not capture the full range of possible malicious intents, the model may miss certain types of jailbreak attacks.

  2. The paper does not address the potential for "adversarial prompts" that could fool the intention analysis module itself. An attacker may be able to craft prompts that are designed to bypass the intention classifier, even if the underlying intent is harmful.

  3. The authors acknowledge that their approach may introduce some overhead and latency compared to a baseline language model, as the additional intention analysis step is required. Further research is needed to optimize the efficiency of this approach.

  4. It would be valuable to see how this technique performs in real-world, large-scale deployments of language models, where the diversity and complexity of user prompts may pose additional challenges.

Despite these potential limitations, this research represents an important step forward in rethinking how to evaluate the safety and robustness of language models. The intention analysis prompting approach shows promise as a way to make large language models more resilient against jailbreak attacks and increase trust in their outputs.


This paper introduces a novel "intention analysis prompting" technique that enhances the safety and reliability of large language models by detecting and blocking potential jailbreak attacks. Through a series of experiments, the researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in defending against various types of adversarial and malicious prompts.

While the proposed method has some limitations that warrant further investigation, this research represents an important advancement in the field of language model safety and robustness. As these powerful AI systems become more widely deployed, ensuring their trustworthiness and alignment with human values is crucial. The intention analysis prompting technique shown in this paper is a promising step towards that goal.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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