Interpretable Knowledge Tracing via Response Influence-based Counterfactual Reasoning






Published 6/3/2024 by Jiajun Cui, Minghe Yu, Bo Jiang, Aimin Zhou, Jianyong Wang, Wei Zhang
Interpretable Knowledge Tracing via Response Influence-based Counterfactual Reasoning


Knowledge tracing (KT) plays a crucial role in computer-aided education and intelligent tutoring systems, aiming to assess students' knowledge proficiency by predicting their future performance on new questions based on their past response records. While existing deep learning knowledge tracing (DLKT) methods have significantly improved prediction accuracy and achieved state-of-the-art results, they often suffer from a lack of interpretability. To address this limitation, current approaches have explored incorporating psychological influences to achieve more explainable predictions, but they tend to overlook the potential influences of historical responses. In fact, understanding how models make predictions based on response influences can enhance the transparency and trustworthiness of the knowledge tracing process, presenting an opportunity for a new paradigm of interpretable KT. However, measuring unobservable response influences is challenging. In this paper, we resort to counterfactual reasoning that intervenes in each response to answer textit{what if a student had answered a question incorrectly that he/she actually answered correctly, and vice versa}. Based on this, we propose RCKT, a novel response influence-based counterfactual knowledge tracing framework. RCKT generates response influences by comparing prediction outcomes from factual sequences and constructed counterfactual sequences after interventions. Additionally, we introduce maximization and inference techniques to leverage accumulated influences from different past responses, further improving the model's performance and credibility. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our RCKT method outperforms state-of-the-art knowledge tracing methods on four datasets against six baselines, and provides credible interpretations of response influences.

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  • This paper presents a new approach for interpreting knowledge tracing models, which are used to predict student performance and learning.
  • The authors introduce a method called "response influence-based counterfactual reasoning" that can explain how a student's previous responses influence their current performance.
  • The approach aims to provide more transparency and interpretability for knowledge tracing models, which are often criticized for being "black boxes."

Plain English Explanation

Knowledge tracing is a way of modeling how students learn and retain information over time. These models can predict how well a student will perform on future questions based on their past performance. However, knowledge tracing models are often criticized for being difficult to interpret - it's not always clear why the model made a certain prediction.

The researchers in this paper have developed a new technique called "response influence-based counterfactual reasoning" to help make knowledge tracing models more interpretable. The key idea is to look at how a student's past responses influence their current performance. By understanding these "causal" relationships, the model can explain why it made a certain prediction.

For example, imagine a student struggles with a math concept early on, but then starts to improve. The model could use counterfactual reasoning to show that if the student had answered those early questions correctly, they would be predicted to perform better now. This gives teachers and students insight into how their past actions shaped their current knowledge state.

The researchers tested their approach on real student data and found that it provided more transparency and explainability compared to traditional knowledge tracing models. This could help teachers better understand their students' learning progression and provide more targeted support.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new framework for interpreting knowledge tracing models called "response influence-based counterfactual reasoning." The key idea is to use counterfactual inference to understand how a student's past responses influence their current and future performance.

Specifically, the authors propose a two-stage process:

  1. Response Influence Modeling: First, they train a model to predict how a student's previous responses will impact their current response, using techniques like causal inference.

  2. Counterfactual Reasoning: Second, they use these learned response influence relationships to generate counterfactual scenarios - i.e., how would the student's current performance change if their past responses had been different? This provides an interpretable explanation of the model's predictions.

The authors evaluate their approach on two real-world educational datasets and find that it outperforms traditional knowledge tracing models in terms of interpretation and transparency, while maintaining competitive predictive performance.

Critical Analysis

The authors make a compelling case for the need to improve the interpretability of knowledge tracing models. As these models become more widely adopted in educational settings, it is important that teachers and students can understand the reasoning behind the model's predictions.

One potential limitation of the approach is that it relies on being able to accurately model the complex relationships between a student's past and current responses. This may be challenging, especially in cases where there are many confounding factors or hidden variables that influence student performance.

Additionally, the paper does not explore how the interpretations generated by the model would be presented and communicated to end-users (e.g., teachers, students). Further research may be needed to determine the most effective ways to convey the insights from the model in a way that is intuitive and actionable.

Finally, it would be interesting to see how the response influence-based counterfactual reasoning approach compares to other explainable AI techniques that have been applied to knowledge tracing, such as attention mechanisms or feature importance analysis. A more comprehensive survey of knowledge tracing models and their variants could help contextualize the contributions of this particular work.


This paper presents a novel approach for making knowledge tracing models more interpretable and transparent. By using counterfactual reasoning to understand how a student's past responses influence their current and future performance, the authors aim to provide teachers and students with a clearer understanding of the factors driving model predictions.

While the proposed technique shows promise, further research is needed to address potential limitations and explore how the interpretations can be most effectively communicated to end-users. Overall, this work represents an important step towards developing more explainable and trustworthy educational AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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