JiuZhang3.0: Efficiently Improving Mathematical Reasoning by Training Small Data Synthesis Models






Published 5/24/2024 by Kun Zhou, Beichen Zhang, Jiapeng Wang, Zhipeng Chen, Wayne Xin Zhao, Jing Sha, Zhichao Sheng, Shijin Wang, Ji-Rong Wen



Mathematical reasoning is an important capability of large language models~(LLMs) for real-world applications. To enhance this capability, existing work either collects large-scale math-related texts for pre-training, or relies on stronger LLMs (eg GPT-4) to synthesize massive math problems. Both types of work generally lead to large costs in training or synthesis. To reduce the cost, based on open-source available texts, we propose an efficient way that trains a small LLM for math problem synthesis, to efficiently generate sufficient high-quality pre-training data. To achieve it, we create a dataset using GPT-4 to distill its data synthesis capability into the small LLM. Concretely, we craft a set of prompts based on human education stages to guide GPT-4, to synthesize problems covering diverse math knowledge and difficulty levels. Besides, we adopt the gradient-based influence estimation method to select the most valuable math-related texts. The both are fed into GPT-4 for creating the knowledge distillation dataset to train the small LLM. We leverage it to synthesize 6 million math problems for pre-training our JiuZhang3.0 model, which only needs to invoke GPT-4 API 9.3k times and pre-train on 4.6B data. Experimental results have shown that JiuZhang3.0 achieves state-of-the-art performance on several mathematical reasoning datasets, under both natural language reasoning and tool manipulation settings. Our code and data will be publicly released in url{https://github.com/RUCAIBox/JiuZhang3.0}.

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  • This paper proposes an efficient way to train a small language model for synthesizing high-quality math problems, which can then be used to pre-train a larger math reasoning model.
  • The key ideas are: 1) using GPT-4 to distill its math problem generation capability into a smaller model, and 2) selectively choosing the most valuable math-related texts for pre-training.
  • The resulting model, JiuZhang3.0, achieves state-of-the-art performance on various math reasoning benchmarks.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4 have shown impressive capabilities in mathematical reasoning, which is crucial for real-world applications. However, training LLMs for this task is generally very costly, requiring either large amounts of specialized math-related data or the ability to synthesize massive numbers of math problems.

To reduce these costs, the researchers propose an efficient approach. They first use GPT-4 to generate a large dataset of high-quality math problems, covering diverse knowledge and difficulty levels. This is done by crafting prompts based on human education stages to guide GPT-4's problem generation. They also use a method called gradient-based influence estimation to select the most valuable math-related texts from available sources.

The researchers then use this dataset to train a smaller LLM, effectively distilling GPT-4's math problem synthesis capability into a more efficient model. This smaller model, called JiuZhang3.0, is then used to generate 6 million math problems for pre-training, which is much less costly than directly using GPT-4.

The end result is that JiuZhang3.0 achieves state-of-the-art performance on various math reasoning benchmarks, including both natural language reasoning and tool manipulation settings. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the researchers' approach in enhancing mathematical reasoning capabilities in language models.

Technical Explanation

The key technical contributions of this paper are:

  1. Dataset Synthesis: The researchers use GPT-4 to synthesize a large dataset of high-quality math problems. They craft a set of prompts based on human education stages to guide GPT-4's problem generation, covering diverse math knowledge and difficulty levels.

  2. Gradient-based Influence Estimation: To select the most valuable math-related texts for pre-training, the researchers adopt the gradient-based influence estimation method. This allows them to identify the texts that are most influential for the model's math reasoning capabilities.

  3. Knowledge Distillation: The researchers use the synthetic dataset and selected math-related texts to train a smaller LLM, effectively distilling GPT-4's math problem synthesis capability into a more efficient model. This smaller model, JiuZhang3.0, is then used to generate 6 million math problems for pre-training.

  4. Evaluation: The researchers evaluate JiuZhang3.0 on several math reasoning datasets, including both natural language reasoning and tool manipulation settings. The results show that JiuZhang3.0 achieves state-of-the-art performance, demonstrating the effectiveness of their approach.

Critical Analysis

The researchers have presented a novel and efficient approach to enhancing the mathematical reasoning capabilities of language models. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. The reliance on GPT-4 for the initial problem synthesis may limit the scalability of the approach, as access to such a powerful model may not be readily available to all researchers and developers.

  2. The paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the quality and diversity of the generated math problems, which could be an important factor in the effectiveness of the pre-training process.

  3. The researchers could explore additional techniques, such as few-shot learning or weak supervision, to further improve the efficiency and performance of the math reasoning model.

  4. It would be valuable to see the researchers apply their approach to other types of reasoning tasks, such as theorem proving or code understanding, to assess its broader applicability.

Overall, the researchers have presented a promising approach to enhancing mathematical reasoning in language models, and their work could have significant implications for a wide range of real-world applications.


This paper proposes an efficient and effective approach to training a language model with strong mathematical reasoning capabilities. By using GPT-4 to synthesize a large dataset of high-quality math problems and selectively choosing the most valuable math-related texts, the researchers were able to train a smaller model, JiuZhang3.0, that outperforms state-of-the-art models on various math reasoning benchmarks.

This work demonstrates the potential of leveraging powerful language models like GPT-4 to enhance the mathematical reasoning abilities of more efficient models, reducing the cost and resource requirements for such capabilities. The researchers' approach could have significant implications for a wide range of applications that require advanced mathematical reasoning, from scientific and engineering fields to educational and financial services.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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