Just rotate it! Uncertainty estimation in closed-source models via multiple queries






Published 5/24/2024 by Konstantinos Pitas, Julyan Arbel



We propose a simple and effective method to estimate the uncertainty of closed-source deep neural network image classification models. Given a base image, our method creates multiple transformed versions and uses them to query the top-1 prediction of the closed-source model. We demonstrate significant improvements in the calibration of uncertainty estimates compared to the naive baseline of assigning 100% confidence to all predictions. While we initially explore Gaussian perturbations, our empirical findings indicate that natural transformations, such as rotations and elastic deformations, yield even better-calibrated predictions. Furthermore, through empirical results and a straightforward theoretical analysis, we elucidate the reasons behind the superior performance of natural transformations over Gaussian noise. Leveraging these insights, we propose a transfer learning approach that further improves our calibration results.

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  • Proposes a simple and effective method to estimate the uncertainty of closed-source deep neural network image classification models
  • Creates multiple transformed versions of a base image and uses them to query the top-1 prediction of the closed-source model
  • Demonstrates significant improvements in the calibration of uncertainty estimates compared to a naive baseline
  • Explores Gaussian perturbations and natural transformations like rotations and elastic deformations
  • Provides a theoretical analysis to explain the superior performance of natural transformations over Gaussian noise
  • Introduces a transfer learning approach to further improve calibration results

Plain English Explanation

The researchers developed a straightforward technique to estimate the uncertainty of image classification models that are not publicly available. They start with a base image and create several altered versions of it, like rotating or stretching the image. They then feed these transformed images into the closed-source model and look at the top prediction for each one.

By analyzing how the model's top prediction changes across the transformed images, the researchers can get a sense of how confident the model is in its classification. If the top prediction stays the same no matter how the image is altered, the model is likely very confident. But if the top prediction flip-flops a lot, the model is probably more uncertain.

The researchers found that this technique outperforms simply assuming the model is 100% certain about all its predictions. They also discovered that using natural transformations, like rotations and distortions, works better than just adding random noise to the images.

Through their analysis, the researchers explain why natural transformations are more effective than Gaussian noise for probing a model's uncertainty. Building on this insight, they developed a way to further improve the calibration of the uncertainty estimates by leveraging transfer learning.

Technical Explanation

The researchers propose a simple and effective method to estimate the uncertainty of closed-source deep neural network image classification models. Their approach involves creating multiple transformed versions of a base image and using them to query the top-1 prediction of the closed-source model.

They initially explore the use of Gaussian perturbations to generate the transformed images, but their empirical findings indicate that natural transformations, such as rotations and elastic deformations, yield even better-calibrated predictions. The researchers provide a straightforward theoretical analysis to elucidate the reasons behind the superior performance of natural transformations over Gaussian noise.

Specifically, the researchers demonstrate that natural transformations preserve the semantics of the input image, while Gaussian noise can introduce spurious features that mislead the model. This insight leads the researchers to propose a transfer learning approach that further improves the calibration of their uncertainty estimates.

The researchers validate their method through extensive experiments, showing significant improvements in the calibration of uncertainty estimates compared to a naive baseline of assigning 100% confidence to all predictions. Their work contributes to the growing body of research on awareness of uncertainty in classification using multivariate models and helps address the challenge of modern neural networks still struggling with certain types of transformations.

Critical Analysis

The researchers provide a thorough and well-designed study, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further exploration:

  1. The experiments are limited to image classification tasks, and it's unclear how well the proposed method would generalize to other domains, such as 3D rotational dynamics prediction or spatial invariance activation.

  2. The researchers focus on a closed-source model scenario, but it would be valuable to understand how their method compares to techniques that have access to the model's internal workings, such as just rephrasing it for uncertainty estimation.

  3. While the transfer learning approach improves calibration, the researchers do not provide a clear recipe for determining the optimal source and target tasks for this transfer. Further investigation into the most effective transfer learning strategies would be beneficial.

Overall, the researchers present a compelling and practical approach to estimating the uncertainty of closed-source deep neural network models, with promising results and interesting theoretical insights. However, there are opportunities for further research to expand the applicability and robustness of the proposed method.


The researchers have developed a simple and effective technique to estimate the uncertainty of closed-source deep neural network image classification models. By creating multiple transformed versions of a base image and analyzing the model's top predictions, they can obtain significantly better-calibrated uncertainty estimates compared to a naive baseline.

The key insight is that natural transformations, such as rotations and elastic deformations, are more effective than Gaussian noise for probing a model's uncertainty. The researchers provide a theoretical explanation for this finding, which then informs their development of a transfer learning approach to further improve the calibration of the uncertainty estimates.

This work contributes to the ongoing effort to better understand and quantify the uncertainty of deep learning models, particularly in scenarios where the model's internal workings are not accessible. The proposed method could have practical applications in areas like safety-critical decision-making, where reliable uncertainty estimates are crucial. The researchers have also opened up new avenues for future research, exploring the generalizability of their approach and the most effective transfer learning strategies.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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