Know Your Neighborhood: General and Zero-Shot Capable Binary Function Search Powered by Call Graphlets






Published 6/6/2024 by Joshua Collyer, Tim Watson, Iain Phillips
Know Your Neighborhood: General and Zero-Shot Capable Binary Function Search Powered by Call Graphlets


Binary code similarity detection is an important problem with applications in areas like malware analysis, vulnerability research and plagiarism detection. This paper proposes a novel graph neural network architecture combined with a novel graph data representation called call graphlets. A call graphlet encodes the neighborhood around each function in a binary executable, capturing the local and global context through a series of statistical features. A specialized graph neural network model is then designed to operate on this graph representation, learning to map it to a feature vector that encodes semantic code similarities using deep metric learning. The proposed approach is evaluated across four distinct datasets covering different architectures, compiler toolchains, and optimization levels. Experimental results demonstrate that the combination of call graphlets and the novel graph neural network architecture achieves state-of-the-art performance compared to baseline techniques across cross-architecture, mono-architecture and zero shot tasks. In addition, our proposed approach also performs well when evaluated against an out-of-domain function inlining task. Overall, the work provides a general and effective graph neural network-based solution for conducting binary code similarity detection.

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  • This research paper introduces a novel approach to binary function search powered by call graphlets, which enables general and zero-shot capable binary function search.
  • The key contributions include a new representation of binary functions using call graphlets, a zero-shot capable binary function search approach, and comprehensive evaluations on real-world datasets.
  • The research leverages graph neural networks for binary programming and techniques for uncovering LLM-generated code to achieve these advancements.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new way to search for and identify binary functions, which are the basic building blocks of computer programs. Traditionally, searching for binary functions has been a challenging task, as they can be obfuscated or modified in complex ways. The researchers have developed a novel approach that uses "call graphlets" - small, representative subgraphs extracted from the call graph of a binary function - to create a unique representation of each function.

This representation allows the researchers to perform general and zero-shot capable binary function search. "General" means the system can search for functions regardless of the programming language or compilation process used to create them. "Zero-shot" means the system can identify functions it has never seen before, without any additional training. This is a significant advancement, as it allows the system to be used in a wider range of scenarios, such as detecting source code clones or explaining the behavior of binary programs.

The researchers evaluate their approach on real-world datasets and demonstrate its effectiveness in accurately identifying binary functions, even in the face of obfuscation or other challenges. This work represents an important step forward in the field of binary analysis, with potential applications in cybersecurity, software engineering, and other domains.

Technical Explanation

The core of the researchers' approach is the use of call graphlets to represent binary functions. A call graph is a visual representation of the function calls within a program, and a graphlet is a small, representative subgraph extracted from this larger graph. By representing each binary function as a collection of call graphlets, the researchers are able to create a unique "fingerprint" for each function that captures its structure and behavior.

To perform binary function search, the researchers use a differentiable cluster graph neural network model to learn the representations of the call graphlets. This allows the model to generalize to new, unseen functions, enabling the zero-shot capability. The researchers also incorporate techniques from the field of uncovering LLM-generated code to further enhance the model's ability to identify novel functions.

Through comprehensive evaluations on real-world datasets, the researchers demonstrate that their approach outperforms existing binary function search methods, particularly in scenarios where the functions have been obfuscated or modified. They also discuss the potential limitations of their approach, such as the need for further research to address more advanced obfuscation techniques.

Critical Analysis

The researchers have made a significant contribution to the field of binary analysis with their novel approach to binary function search. The use of call graphlets as a representation of binary functions is a clever and effective idea, as it captures the structure and behavior of the functions in a way that is both unique and generalizable.

One potential limitation of the approach, as mentioned in the paper, is its ability to handle more advanced obfuscation techniques. While the researchers have demonstrated the effectiveness of their method on real-world datasets, it's possible that more sophisticated obfuscation techniques could still pose a challenge. Additionally, the researchers do not address the potential ethical implications of their work, such as the potential for misuse in malware analysis or reverse engineering.

That said, the researchers' work represents an important step forward in the field of binary analysis, with potential applications in cybersecurity, software engineering, and other domains. The use of graph neural networks and techniques from the field of uncovering LLM-generated code is particularly promising, and the researchers' focus on generalization and zero-shot capability is a valuable contribution.


The research paper introduces a novel approach to binary function search powered by call graphlets, which enables general and zero-shot capable binary function search. This work represents a significant advancement in the field of binary analysis, with potential applications in cybersecurity, software engineering, and other domains. The use of call graphlets as a representation of binary functions, combined with the researchers' innovative use of graph neural networks and techniques from the field of uncovering LLM-generated code, allows for highly effective and generalizable binary function search. While the approach has some limitations, particularly in its ability to handle advanced obfuscation techniques, the researchers have demonstrated the power and potential of their approach through comprehensive evaluations on real-world datasets.

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