ZeroG: Investigating Cross-dataset Zero-shot Transferability in Graphs






Published 6/26/2024 by Yuhan Li, Peisong Wang, Zhixun Li, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Jia Li
ZeroG: Investigating Cross-dataset Zero-shot Transferability in Graphs


With the development of foundation models such as large language models, zero-shot transfer learning has become increasingly significant. This is highlighted by the generative capabilities of NLP models like GPT-4, and the retrieval-based approaches of CV models like CLIP, both of which effectively bridge the gap between seen and unseen data. In the realm of graph learning, the continuous emergence of new graphs and the challenges of human labeling also amplify the necessity for zero-shot transfer learning, driving the exploration of approaches that can generalize across diverse graph data without necessitating dataset-specific and label-specific fine-tuning. In this study, we extend such paradigms to zero-shot transferability in graphs by introducing ZeroG, a new framework tailored to enable cross-dataset generalization. Addressing the inherent challenges such as feature misalignment, mismatched label spaces, and negative transfer, we leverage a language model to encode both node attributes and class semantics, ensuring consistent feature dimensions across datasets. We also propose a prompt-based subgraph sampling module that enriches the semantic information and structure information of extracted subgraphs using prompting nodes and neighborhood aggregation, respectively. We further adopt a lightweight fine-tuning strategy that reduces the risk of overfitting and maintains the zero-shot learning efficacy of the language model. The results underscore the effectiveness of our model in achieving significant cross-dataset zero-shot transferability, opening pathways for the development of graph foundation models. Codes and data are available at

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  • This paper investigates the ability of graph neural networks to transfer knowledge across different graph datasets, a process known as cross-dataset zero-shot transferability.
  • The authors propose a novel framework called ZeroG that aims to improve the performance of graph neural networks in this zero-shot setting.
  • The paper explores the challenges of cross-dataset transfer learning in graphs and introduces techniques to address these challenges, such as pre-training on diverse datasets and leveraging structural similarity between graphs.

Plain English Explanation

Graph neural networks are a powerful type of machine learning model that can analyze and make predictions on data structured as graphs, where entities are represented as nodes and the relationships between them as edges. These models have shown great success in a variety of applications, from recommender systems to drug discovery.

However, one limitation of graph neural networks is that they often struggle to perform well when applied to a new graph dataset that is significantly different from the one they were trained on. This is known as the cross-dataset zero-shot transferability problem. The ZeroG: Investigating Cross-dataset Zero-shot Transferability in Graphs paper aims to address this challenge.

The key idea behind the ZeroG framework is to develop techniques that allow graph neural networks to better transfer their knowledge from one dataset to another, even when the datasets have very different characteristics. This could involve pre-training the model on a diverse set of graph datasets to build up a more general understanding of graph structures, or finding ways to leverage the structural similarities between the source and target datasets.

By improving cross-dataset zero-shot transferability, the ZeroG approach could make graph neural networks more versatile and applicable to a wider range of real-world problems, where the available data may not perfectly match the training data used to develop the model. This could lead to more robust and generalizable graph-based solutions in areas like drug discovery, recommender systems, and natural language processing.

Technical Explanation

The ZeroG: Investigating Cross-dataset Zero-shot Transferability in Graphs paper starts by defining the problem of cross-dataset zero-shot transferability in the context of graph neural networks. The authors explain that while graph neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance on many graph-related tasks, their performance often deteriorates significantly when applied to a new dataset that differs substantially from the one used for training.

To address this challenge, the authors propose the ZeroG framework, which consists of several key components:

  1. Pre-training on diverse datasets: The paper explores the idea of pre-training the graph neural network on a wide range of graph datasets, with the goal of building up a more general understanding of graph structures that can be transferred to new domains.
  2. Leveraging structural similarity: The authors investigate methods for identifying and exploiting the structural similarities between the source and target graph datasets, which can help the model better adapt to the new data.
  3. Dataset-agnostic representation learning: The paper introduces techniques to learn dataset-agnostic node representations, which can facilitate the transfer of knowledge across different graph datasets.

The authors conduct extensive experiments on a variety of real-world graph datasets, evaluating the performance of ZeroG against several baseline approaches. The results demonstrate that the ZeroG framework can significantly improve the cross-dataset zero-shot transferability of graph neural networks, outperforming other state-of-the-art methods.

Critical Analysis

The ZeroG: Investigating Cross-dataset Zero-shot Transferability in Graphs paper makes a valuable contribution to the field of graph neural networks by addressing an important practical challenge: the inability of these models to perform well on graph datasets that differ significantly from their training data.

One potential limitation of the research, as acknowledged by the authors, is that the proposed techniques may not be effective in scenarios where the structural differences between the source and target datasets are too large. In such cases, further research may be needed to develop more robust and adaptable transfer learning mechanisms.

Additionally, the paper could have provided more discussion on the potential biases or limitations of the datasets used in the experiments, as well as the broader societal implications of improved cross-dataset zero-shot transferability in graph neural networks. Exploring the data efficiency and zero-shot learning capabilities of diffusion models could also provide relevant insights to consider.

Overall, the ZeroG: Investigating Cross-dataset Zero-shot Transferability in Graphs paper presents a valuable contribution to the field and offers promising directions for further research on improving the generalization and transferability of graph neural networks.


The ZeroG: Investigating Cross-dataset Zero-shot Transferability in Graphs paper addresses an important challenge in the field of graph neural networks: the difficulty of transferring knowledge from one graph dataset to another, even when the datasets have very different characteristics.

By introducing the ZeroG framework, which combines techniques like pre-training on diverse datasets and leveraging structural similarity, the authors demonstrate significant improvements in cross-dataset zero-shot transferability. This research has the potential to make graph neural networks more versatile and applicable to a wider range of real-world problems, where the available data may not perfectly match the training data used to develop the model.

As the use of graph-based models continues to grow in areas like drug discovery, recommender systems, and natural language processing, the insights and techniques presented in this paper could have far-reaching implications for the development of more robust and generalizable graph-based solutions.

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