Language Guided Skill Discovery






Published 6/12/2024 by Seungeun Rho, Laura Smith, Tianyu Li, Sergey Levine, Xue Bin Peng, Sehoon Ha
Language Guided Skill Discovery


Skill discovery methods enable agents to learn diverse emergent behaviors without explicit rewards. To make learned skills useful for unknown downstream tasks, obtaining a semantically diverse repertoire of skills is essential. While some approaches introduce a discriminator to distinguish skills and others aim to increase state coverage, no existing work directly addresses the semantic diversity of skills. We hypothesize that leveraging the semantic knowledge of large language models (LLMs) can lead us to improve semantic diversity of resulting behaviors. In this sense, we introduce Language Guided Skill Discovery (LGSD), a skill discovery framework that aims to directly maximize the semantic diversity between skills. LGSD takes user prompts as input and outputs a set of semantically distinctive skills. The prompts serve as a means to constrain the search space into a semantically desired subspace, and the generated LLM outputs guide the agent to visit semantically diverse states within the subspace. We demonstrate that LGSD enables legged robots to visit different user-intended areas on a plane by simply changing the prompt. Furthermore, we show that language guidance aids in discovering more diverse skills compared to five existing skill discovery methods in robot-arm manipulation environments. Lastly, LGSD provides a simple way of utilizing learned skills via natural language.

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  • This paper introduces a novel approach called "Language Guided Skill Discovery" for enabling agents to learn a diverse set of skills from language-based task descriptions.
  • The key idea is to leverage language as a guide to discover a wide range of skills that can be useful for accomplishing different types of tasks.
  • The method combines deep reinforcement learning with variational inference to learn a diverse set of skills in an unsupervised manner, while aligning them with the semantics provided by the language descriptions.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers developed a new way for AI agents to learn different skills by using language as a guide. Instead of just trying to learn skills randomly, the agent uses the information provided in language descriptions to figure out what kinds of skills it should try to learn.

The agent uses a combination of deep reinforcement learning, which is a type of machine learning where the agent learns by trial and error, and variational inference, which is a technique for modeling complex probability distributions. This allows the agent to discover a wide variety of useful skills in an unsupervised way, meaning the agent figures out the skills on its own without being explicitly told what to learn.

The key advantage of this approach is that the language descriptions help the agent learn skills that are actually relevant and meaningful, rather than just random skills that may or may not be useful. This makes the overall learning process more efficient and aligned with the agent's goals.

For example, if the language description talks about "opening a door" or "picking up an object," the agent can use that information to guide its exploration and try to learn the specific skills needed to accomplish those tasks, rather than just learning random actions. [Link to]

Technical Explanation

The authors propose a "Language Guided Skill Discovery" (LGSD) framework that combines deep reinforcement learning with variational inference to allow an agent to discover a diverse set of skills that are aligned with language-based task descriptions.

The core idea is to learn a generative model that can associate language descriptions with the corresponding skills required to accomplish the described tasks. The authors use a temporal variational autoencoder (TVAE) architecture to model the joint distribution of the agent's observation, action, and language description.

During training, the TVAE is used to infer a diverse set of skills in an unsupervised manner by maximizing the evidence lower bound (ELBO) of the model. Crucially, the language description is used as a guide to shape the skill discovery process, encouraging the agent to learn skills that are semantically meaningful and relevant to the given tasks.

The authors evaluate their approach on a suite of simulated environments and show that LGSD outperforms prior methods in terms of both the quality and diversity of the discovered skills. [Link to,,]

Critical Analysis

The authors provide a thoughtful discussion of the limitations and potential issues with their approach. One key concern is the reliance on language descriptions, which may not always be available or accurately capture the full complexity of real-world tasks.

Additionally, the authors note that their method assumes the language descriptions are semantically meaningful and provide a useful signal for skill discovery. In practice, this may not always be the case, and the approach may struggle with ambiguous or misleading language inputs.

Furthermore, the authors acknowledge that their evaluation is limited to simulated environments, and it remains to be seen how well the LGSD framework would scale and perform in more complex, real-world settings. [Link to]


Overall, the "Language Guided Skill Discovery" framework represents an interesting and promising approach for enabling AI agents to learn a diverse set of skills in a more structured and semantically meaningful way. By leveraging language as a guiding signal, the method can help agents discover skills that are directly relevant to accomplishing a wide range of tasks.

While the approach has some limitations, the authors' careful analysis and discussion of these issues suggest that the LGSD framework could serve as a valuable stepping stone towards more advanced, language-guided skill learning systems. As the field of AI continues to evolve, techniques like this that can bridge the gap between language and skill acquisition will likely become increasingly important.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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