Agentic Skill Discovery






Published 5/27/2024 by Xufeng Zhao, Cornelius Weber, Stefan Wermter
Agentic Skill Discovery


Language-conditioned robotic skills make it possible to apply the high-level reasoning of Large Language Models (LLMs) to low-level robotic control. A remaining challenge is to acquire a diverse set of fundamental skills. Existing approaches either manually decompose a complex task into atomic robotic actions in a top-down fashion, or bootstrap as many combinations as possible in a bottom-up fashion to cover a wider range of task possibilities. These decompositions or combinations, however, require an initial skill library. For example, a grasping capability can never emerge from a skill library containing only diverse pushing skills. Existing skill discovery techniques with reinforcement learning acquire skills by an exhaustive exploration but often yield non-meaningful behaviors. In this study, we introduce a novel framework for skill discovery that is entirely driven by LLMs. The framework begins with an LLM generating task proposals based on the provided scene description and the robot's configurations, aiming to incrementally acquire new skills upon task completion. For each proposed task, a series of reinforcement learning processes are initiated, utilizing reward and success determination functions sampled by the LLM to develop the corresponding policy. The reliability and trustworthiness of learned behaviors are further ensured by an independent vision-language model. We show that starting with zero skill, the ASD skill library emerges and expands to more and more meaningful and reliable skills, enabling the robot to efficiently further propose and complete advanced tasks. The project page can be found at:

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  • This paper introduces "Agentic Skill Discovery," a novel approach for enabling agents to discover and acquire skills in complex environments.
  • The key idea is to empower agents to actively explore and discover skills that are useful for achieving their goals, rather than relying solely on predefined skill sets.
  • The research combines concepts from reinforcement learning, meta-learning, and hierarchical task decomposition to enable agents to autonomously identify and learn new skills.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way for AI agents to learn and improve their abilities on their own. Instead of just being trained on a fixed set of skills, the agents are given the freedom to explore their environment and discover new skills that could be useful for achieving their goals.

This is done by combining several different machine learning techniques, including reinforcement learning, meta-learning, and hierarchical task decomposition. The agents essentially learn how to learn - they figure out for themselves what skills are important and how to acquire them.

The key advantage of this approach is that it allows the agents to adapt and grow their capabilities over time, rather than being limited to a predefined set of skills. This could be especially useful in complex or dynamic environments where the optimal skills to have may change.

Technical Explanation

The core of the "Agentic Skill Discovery" approach is a reinforcement learning agent that is equipped with the ability to autonomously discover and acquire new skills. This is achieved through a hierarchical framework that separates the agent's decision-making into high-level goals and lower-level skills.

The agent maintains a repertoire of skills, which it can flexibly combine and refine through interaction with the environment. When faced with a new task, the agent first attempts to solve it using its existing skills. If this is not successful, it enters a "skill discovery" mode, where it systematically explores the environment to identify new skills that could be useful.

This skill discovery process is guided by a meta-learning component, which allows the agent to learn how to effectively explore its environment and acquire new skills. The agent uses this meta-knowledge to direct its exploration towards skills that are likely to be beneficial for achieving its current goals.

The discovered skills are then incorporated into the agent's repertoire, which can be further refined and combined through continued learning. This cyclical process of skill discovery, acquisition, and refinement enables the agent to continuously expand its capabilities over time.

Critical Analysis

The "Agentic Skill Discovery" approach represents an important step towards more flexible and adaptable AI systems. By empowering agents to autonomously discover and learn new skills, it addresses a key limitation of many existing AI systems, which are often constrained by their predefined skill sets.

However, the paper also acknowledges some potential limitations and challenges. For instance, the skill discovery process can be computationally expensive, and the agent may struggle to discover truly novel skills that are not closely related to its existing repertoire. Additionally, the paper does not address how the discovered skills could be effectively transferred to new tasks or environments, which is an important area for further research.

Despite these challenges, the core idea of enabling agents to actively explore and discover new skills is a promising direction for advancing the field of artificial intelligence. By following this path, researchers may be able to create AI systems that are more robust, flexible, and capable of adapting to a wide range of complex, real-world scenarios.


The "Agentic Skill Discovery" paper presents a novel approach for enabling AI agents to autonomously discover and acquire new skills, rather than relying solely on predefined skill sets. By combining reinforcement learning, meta-learning, and hierarchical task decomposition, the agents can systematically explore their environment, identify useful skills, and continuously expand their capabilities over time.

This work represents an important step towards more flexible and adaptable AI systems, with the potential to overcome the limitations of many existing AI approaches. While there are still challenges to be addressed, the core idea of empowering agents to actively discover and learn new skills is a promising direction for future research in artificial intelligence.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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