Language-guided Skill Learning with Temporal Variational Inference






Published 5/28/2024 by Haotian Fu, Pratyusha Sharma, Elias Stengel-Eskin, George Konidaris, Nicolas Le Roux, Marc-Alexandre C^ot'e, Xingdi Yuan
Language-guided Skill Learning with Temporal Variational Inference


We present an algorithm for skill discovery from expert demonstrations. The algorithm first utilizes Large Language Models (LLMs) to propose an initial segmentation of the trajectories. Following that, a hierarchical variational inference framework incorporates the LLM-generated segmentation information to discover reusable skills by merging trajectory segments. To further control the trade-off between compression and reusability, we introduce a novel auxiliary objective based on the Minimum Description Length principle that helps guide this skill discovery process. Our results demonstrate that agents equipped with our method are able to discover skills that help accelerate learning and outperform baseline skill learning approaches on new long-horizon tasks in BabyAI, a grid world navigation environment, as well as ALFRED, a household simulation environment.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach to language-guided skill learning using temporal variational inference.
  • The method allows an agent to learn new skills by interpreting natural language instructions and generating corresponding action sequences.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on various simulated robotic manipulation tasks.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a way for computer systems to learn new skills by following instructions written in natural language. The key idea is to use a technique called "temporal variational inference" to interpret the language and generate the appropriate sequence of actions.

Imagine you want to teach a robot how to make a cup of coffee. Typically, you'd have to program the robot with a specific set of instructions. But with this new approach, you could simply describe the steps in plain English, and the robot would be able to understand the language and figure out how to perform the task.

This is valuable because it allows the robot to learn a much wider range of skills without the need for extensive reprogramming. The system can take in natural language descriptions and translate them into the corresponding actions. This makes the robot more flexible and adaptable, allowing it to handle a broader range of tasks.

The researchers demonstrate this capability by testing their approach on simulated robotic manipulation tasks, such as stacking blocks or arranging objects. The results show that the robot is able to successfully interpret the language instructions and carry out the requested actions.

Technical Explanation

The core of the paper is a model that uses temporal variational inference to learn skills from language instructions. The model consists of an encoder that takes in the language input and generates a latent representation, and a decoder that uses this representation to predict the sequence of actions required to accomplish the task.

The key innovation is the use of a temporal variational inference framework, which allows the model to capture the dynamics of the task and generate the appropriate action sequence over time. This is in contrast to more traditional approaches that treat the task as a static mapping from language to actions.

The authors evaluate their approach on a range of simulated robotic manipulation tasks, such as those involving object stacking and arrangement. The results show that their model outperforms baseline methods, demonstrating the effectiveness of the temporal variational inference approach for learning semantic languages and translating them into corresponding actions.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to language-guided skill learning, but it is important to consider some potential limitations and areas for further research.

One concern is the reliance on simulated environments for the experiments. While this allows for controlled testing, it remains to be seen how well the approach would scale to real-world robotic systems with all their complexities and uncertainties.

Additionally, the paper focuses on relatively simple manipulation tasks. It would be interesting to see how the model performs on more complex, hierarchical tasks that require the robot to reason about higher-level goals and plan sequences of actions accordingly.

Another area for exploration is the integration of the language-guided skill learning with reward learning techniques. This could allow the robot to not only understand the language instructions, but also learn the appropriate reward function to optimize for the desired behavior.

Overall, this paper represents an exciting step forward in the field of language-guided skill learning, and the authors have demonstrated a promising approach using temporal variational inference. Further research to address the limitations and expand the capabilities of the system could lead to significant advancements in the development of more flexible and adaptable robotic systems.


The paper presents a novel approach to language-guided skill learning that leverages temporal variational inference. This technique allows robots to interpret natural language instructions and generate the corresponding sequences of actions, enabling them to learn a wider range of skills without the need for extensive reprogramming.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through experiments on simulated robotic manipulation tasks, showcasing the robot's ability to understand language and translate it into appropriate actions. While the paper highlights the potential of this approach, further research is needed to address its limitations and expand its capabilities, particularly in terms of real-world applicability and the integration of reward learning techniques.

Overall, this work represents an important step forward in the development of more flexible and adaptable robotic systems that can learn from natural language instructions, with broader implications for the field of human-robot interaction and the advancement of artificial intelligence.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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