Large Language Model for Vulnerability Detection and Repair: Literature Review and Roadmap






Published 4/4/2024 by Xin Zhou, Sicong Cao, Xiaobing Sun, David Lo
Large Language Model for Vulnerability Detection and Repair: Literature Review and Roadmap


The significant advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have resulted in their widespread adoption across various tasks within Software Engineering (SE), including vulnerability detection and repair. Numerous recent studies have investigated the application of LLMs to enhance vulnerability detection and repair tasks. Despite the increasing research interest, there is currently no existing survey that focuses on the utilization of LLMs for vulnerability detection and repair. In this paper, we aim to bridge this gap by offering a systematic literature review of approaches aimed at improving vulnerability detection and repair through the utilization of LLMs. The review encompasses research work from leading SE, AI, and Security conferences and journals, covering 36 papers published at 21 distinct venues. By answering three key research questions, we aim to (1) summarize the LLMs employed in the relevant literature, (2) categorize various LLM adaptation techniques in vulnerability detection, and (3) classify various LLM adaptation techniques in vulnerability repair. Based on our findings, we have identified a series of challenges that still need to be tackled considering existing studies. Additionally, we have outlined a roadmap highlighting potential opportunities that we believe are pertinent and crucial for future research endeavors.

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  • The paper reviews the research on using large language models (LLMs) for detecting and repairing software vulnerabilities.
  • It outlines the key challenges and potential solutions in this area, providing a roadmap for future research.
  • The paper highlights the promise of LLMs in automating vulnerability detection and repair, which could significantly improve software security.

Plain English Explanation

Software vulnerabilities are weaknesses in computer programs that can be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access, disrupt operations, or steal data. Detecting and fixing these vulnerabilities is an essential but time-consuming and error-prone task. The researchers believe that large language models (LLMs) - powerful AI systems trained on vast amounts of text data - could revolutionize this process.

LLMs have shown remarkable capabilities in understanding and generating human-like text. The researchers propose that these models could be adapted to analyze software code, identify potential vulnerabilities, and even suggest fixes. This could automate a significant portion of the vulnerability management process, freeing up human experts to focus on more complex issues.

The researchers outline several key challenges that need to be addressed, such as teaching LLMs to accurately understand the semantics of programming languages, and ensuring the reliability and security of the vulnerability detection and repair process. They also discuss the need to address potential biases and limitations of LLMs to make sure the technology is trustworthy and fair.

Overall, the researchers are optimistic about the potential of LLMs to transform software security, but acknowledge that significant research and development is still needed to realize this vision.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by introducing the problem of software vulnerabilities and the current manual, time-consuming process of detecting and repairing them. The authors argue that large language models (LLMs) could offer a transformative solution to this challenge.

The paper outlines the key components of the vulnerability detection and repair problem, including:

  • Vulnerability Detection: Automatically identifying weaknesses in software code that could be exploited by attackers.
  • Vulnerability Repair: Generating fixes or patches to address the identified vulnerabilities.

The authors discuss how LLMs, with their ability to understand natural language and extract semantic information, could be adapted to tackle these tasks. They propose several technical approaches, such as:

  • Code Understanding: Using LLMs to deeply analyze software code and identify potential vulnerabilities based on patterns and anomalies.
  • Vulnerability Description Generation: Generating human-readable descriptions of identified vulnerabilities to aid in the repair process.
  • Patch Generation: Leveraging LLMs to propose fixes or patches to address the vulnerabilities.

The paper also highlights the key challenges that must be overcome, including:

  • Domain-Specific Knowledge: Ensuring LLMs can accurately understand the semantics and conventions of programming languages.
  • Reliability and Security: Ensuring the vulnerability detection and repair process is robust and secure, without introducing new vulnerabilities.
  • Bias and Fairness: Addressing potential biases in LLMs to ensure the technology is equitable and does not perpetuate unfair outcomes.

The authors conclude by outlining a research roadmap to further explore the potential of LLMs for vulnerability detection and repair, and discuss the broader implications for improving software security.

Critical Analysis

The researchers make a compelling case for the potential of large language models (LLMs) to revolutionize the process of software vulnerability detection and repair. Their proposal is well-grounded in the current challenges faced in this domain and the demonstrated capabilities of LLMs in related tasks.

However, the authors also acknowledge several significant hurdles that must be overcome. Accurately understanding the semantics of programming languages and ensuring the reliability and security of the vulnerability detection and repair process will be particularly challenging. The potential for biases and fairness issues in LLMs is also a valid concern that requires careful consideration.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the specifics of how LLMs would be trained and integrated into the vulnerability management workflow. The feasibility and practicality of these approaches in real-world software development environments remains to be seen.

Further research and experimentation will be necessary to validate the proposed solutions and address the identified challenges. Collaboration between AI researchers, software engineers, and security experts will likely be crucial to advancing this field and ensuring the responsible development of LLM-based vulnerability management systems.


The researchers have laid out a promising roadmap for leveraging large language models (LLMs) to automate the detection and repair of software vulnerabilities. If successfully implemented, this approach could significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of software security processes, ultimately leading to more secure and resilient software systems.

However, the technical and ethical challenges highlighted in the paper must be carefully addressed to ensure the reliable and trustworthy deployment of LLM-based vulnerability management solutions. Continued research and multi-disciplinary collaboration will be essential to realizing the full potential of this technology and its positive impact on the field of software security.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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