Large language models can be zero-shot anomaly detectors for time series?






Published 5/24/2024 by Sarah Alnegheimish, Linh Nguyen, Laure Berti-Equille, Kalyan Veeramachaneni



Recent studies have shown the ability of large language models to perform a variety of tasks, including time series forecasting. The flexible nature of these models allows them to be used for many applications. In this paper, we present a novel study of large language models used for the challenging task of time series anomaly detection. This problem entails two aspects novel for LLMs: the need for the model to identify part of the input sequence (or multiple parts) as anomalous; and the need for it to work with time series data rather than the traditional text input. We introduce sigllm, a framework for time series anomaly detection using large language models. Our framework includes a time-series-to-text conversion module, as well as end-to-end pipelines that prompt language models to perform time series anomaly detection. We investigate two paradigms for testing the abilities of large language models to perform the detection task. First, we present a prompt-based detection method that directly asks a language model to indicate which elements of the input are anomalies. Second, we leverage the forecasting capability of a large language model to guide the anomaly detection process. We evaluated our framework on 11 datasets spanning various sources and 10 pipelines. We show that the forecasting method significantly outperformed the prompting method in all 11 datasets with respect to the F1 score. Moreover, while large language models are capable of finding anomalies, state-of-the-art deep learning models are still superior in performance, achieving results 30% better than large language models.

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  • Recent studies have shown that large language models (LLMs) can perform a variety of tasks, including time series forecasting.
  • This paper presents a novel study on using LLMs for the challenging task of time series anomaly detection.
  • The key aspects are the need for the model to identify anomalous parts of the input sequence, and the use of time series data rather than traditional text input.
  • The authors introduce sigllm, a framework for time series anomaly detection using LLMs.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) are a type of artificial intelligence that can understand and generate human-like text. Recent research has shown that these models are surprisingly capable at a wide range of tasks, including predicting future values in time series data.

In this study, the researchers explored using LLMs for a specific type of time series analysis: anomaly detection. Anomaly detection is the process of identifying unusual or abnormal patterns in data that may indicate something important, like a system failure or a security breach.

Applying LLMs to this problem is novel because it requires the model to do two things it hasn't traditionally been asked to do: 1) Identify specific parts of the input sequence as anomalous, rather than just classifying the entire sequence; and 2) Work with time series data, which has a temporal structure, rather than the more common text data.

To address these challenges, the researchers developed a framework called sigllm that includes tools for converting time series data into a format that LLMs can understand, as well as methods for prompting the LLMs to detect anomalies.

The researchers tested their framework on 11 different datasets and compared the performance of LLMs to state-of-the-art deep learning models. While the LLMs were able to detect anomalies, the deep learning models still outperformed them, achieving results that were about 30% better.

Technical Explanation

The researchers introduced a framework called sigllm for using large language models (LLMs) to perform time series anomaly detection. This task is novel for LLMs because it requires them to:

  1. Identify anomalous parts of the input sequence: Rather than just classifying the entire sequence as normal or anomalous, the model needs to pinpoint the specific elements that are unusual.
  2. Work with time series data: LLMs are typically trained on text data, which lacks the temporal structure of time series data.

To address these challenges, the sigllm framework includes a time-series-to-text conversion module, as well as end-to-end pipelines that prompt LLMs to perform the anomaly detection task.

The researchers investigated two main approaches:

  1. Prompt-based detection: Directly asking the LLM to indicate which parts of the input are anomalous.
  2. Forecasting-based detection: Leveraging the LLM's ability to forecast future time series values to guide the anomaly detection process.

They evaluated their framework on 11 datasets spanning various sources and 10 pipelines. The results showed that the forecasting-based method significantly outperformed the prompting method across all 11 datasets in terms of F1 score.

However, while the LLMs were able to identify anomalies, the researchers found that state-of-the-art deep learning models still achieved results that were about 30% better than the LLMs.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge several limitations and areas for further research in their paper:

  • The sigllm framework relies on a time-series-to-text conversion module, which may introduce additional complexity and potential sources of error. Exploring more direct ways of using LLMs with time series data could be a fruitful area for future work.
  • The study focused on a binary anomaly detection task (normal vs. anomalous), but real-world scenarios often involve more nuanced classifications of anomalies. Extending the framework to handle more complex anomaly types could be valuable.
  • While the researchers compared LLMs to state-of-the-art deep learning models, it would be interesting to see how the LLMs perform relative to other time series anomaly detection techniques, such as statistical methods or hybrid approaches.

Additionally, the paper does not address the interpretability of the LLM-based anomaly detection process. Providing explanations for the model's decisions could be important for certain applications, such as medical diagnostics or fraud detection, where transparency is crucial.


This paper presents a novel framework, sigllm, for using large language models (LLMs) to perform time series anomaly detection. The key innovations are the ability to identify anomalous parts of the input sequence and the use of time series data, which is a departure from the traditional text data that LLMs are typically trained on.

While the researchers found that LLMs can successfully detect anomalies, state-of-the-art deep learning models still outperform them by a significant margin. The paper also highlights several areas for future research, such as exploring more direct ways of using LLMs with time series data and extending the framework to handle more complex anomaly types.

Overall, this study contributes to the growing body of research on the capabilities and limitations of LLMs, particularly in the context of time series analysis tasks. As these models continue to evolve, they may become increasingly useful tools for a wide range of real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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