Position: What Can Large Language Models Tell Us about Time Series Analysis






Published 6/4/2024 by Ming Jin, Yifan Zhang, Wei Chen, Kexin Zhang, Yuxuan Liang, Bin Yang, Jindong Wang, Shirui Pan, Qingsong Wen
Position: What Can Large Language Models Tell Us about Time Series Analysis


Time series analysis is essential for comprehending the complexities inherent in various realworld systems and applications. Although large language models (LLMs) have recently made significant strides, the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI) equipped with time series analysis capabilities remains in its nascent phase. Most existing time series models heavily rely on domain knowledge and extensive model tuning, predominantly focusing on prediction tasks. In this paper, we argue that current LLMs have the potential to revolutionize time series analysis, thereby promoting efficient decision-making and advancing towards a more universal form of time series analytical intelligence. Such advancement could unlock a wide range of possibilities, including time series modality switching and question answering. We encourage researchers and practitioners to recognize the potential of LLMs in advancing time series analysis and emphasize the need for trust in these related efforts. Furthermore, we detail the seamless integration of time series analysis with existing LLM technologies and outline promising avenues for future research.

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  • This position paper explores how large language models (LLMs), which are powerful AI systems trained on vast amounts of text data, can provide insights into time series analysis - a field focused on understanding and forecasting data that changes over time.
  • The paper outlines the authors' contributions, including discussing how LLMs can be used for zero-shot time series forecasting, evaluating LLMs as feature extractors for time series data, and surveying how LLMs can be used to build "foundation models" for time series analysis that can generalize to different applications.

Plain English Explanation

The paper looks at how a new type of powerful AI system, called a large language model (LLM), could be useful for analyzing and making predictions about time series data. Time series data refers to information that changes over time, like stock prices, weather patterns, or internet traffic.

The authors suggest that LLMs, which are trained on massive amounts of text data, could provide some interesting insights for time series analysis. For example, they explore how LLMs could be used to make predictions about time series data without being explicitly trained on that data - a technique called "zero-shot" forecasting. The paper also examines using LLMs as "feature extractors" to uncover important patterns in time series data.

Additionally, the authors survey how LLMs could be used as a foundation to build more general-purpose time series models that can be applied across different domains, similar to how large language models have become a foundation for many other AI tasks. They also discuss a specific example of using LLMs to build autoregressive time series forecasters.

Overall, the paper argues that LLMs, which have revolutionized areas like natural language processing, could also have a significant impact on the field of time series analysis by providing new tools and approaches.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by discussing how large language models (LLMs) - powerful AI systems trained on vast corpora of text data - have had a transformative impact on natural language processing and many other domains. The authors posit that these LLMs could also provide valuable insights for the field of time series analysis.

The paper outlines several ways LLMs could be leveraged for time series tasks. First, the authors explore the potential for "zero-shot" time series forecasting, where an LLM trained only on text data could be used to make predictions about a time series without being explicitly trained on that data.

Next, the paper examines using LLMs as "feature extractors" for time series data. The authors evaluate how features extracted from an LLM could be used to improve the performance of traditional time series models.

The paper also surveys how LLMs could be used to build "foundation models" for time series analysis. Just as LLMs have become a foundation for many NLP tasks, the authors hypothesize that LLM-based foundation models could enable more general-purpose, transferable time series forecasting capabilities.

As a specific example, the paper discusses AutoTIMES, a system that uses LLMs to construct autoregressive time series forecasters that can adapt to different time series datasets.

Overall, the authors argue that the unique capabilities of LLMs, such as their ability to capture rich contextual information, could provide powerful new tools and approaches for time series analysis and forecasting.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for exploring the use of large language models (LLMs) in time series analysis, but it also acknowledges several important caveats and areas for further research.

One key limitation highlighted is the potential for LLMs to exhibit biases or inconsistencies when applied to time series data, which can be very different from the predominantly textual data they are typically trained on. The authors note that careful evaluation and mitigation of such biases will be crucial for the successful application of LLMs in this domain.

Additionally, the paper points out that the computational and memory requirements of LLMs may pose challenges for certain time series forecasting tasks, especially those with strict latency or resource constraints. Developing more efficient LLM-based approaches or exploring hybrid models that combine LLMs with traditional time series techniques could be an important area for future research.

The paper also acknowledges that the theoretical and empirical understanding of how LLMs can best be leveraged for time series analysis is still limited. Further work is needed to establish a more rigorous foundation for using these powerful AI models in the time series domain, including a deeper exploration of the underlying mechanisms and principles.

Despite these limitations, the paper presents a compelling vision for how LLMs could revolutionize time series analysis, offering new approaches to forecasting, feature engineering, and the development of more generalizable time series models. As the authors note, realizing this potential will require close collaboration between the time series and machine learning research communities.


This position paper makes a strong case for exploring the use of large language models (LLMs) in the field of time series analysis. The authors outline several promising directions, including zero-shot time series forecasting, using LLMs as feature extractors, and developing LLM-based foundation models for time series analysis.

The paper acknowledges important challenges, such as addressing potential biases in LLMs and managing their computational requirements. However, it argues that the unique capabilities of these powerful AI systems, including their ability to capture rich contextual information, could lead to transformative advances in time series forecasting, modeling, and generalization.

Overall, this position paper provides a compelling vision for the future of time series analysis, where LLMs could enable new approaches and unlock previously inaccessible insights from time-varying data. As the authors suggest, realizing this potential will require close collaboration between the time series and machine learning research communities.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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