Large Language Models for Data Annotation: A Survey






Published 6/26/2024 by Zhen Tan, Dawei Li, Song Wang, Alimohammad Beigi, Bohan Jiang, Amrita Bhattacharjee, Mansooreh Karami, Jundong Li, Lu Cheng, Huan Liu
Large Language Models for Data Annotation: A Survey


Data annotation generally refers to the labeling or generating of raw data with relevant information, which could be used for improving the efficacy of machine learning models. The process, however, is labor-intensive and costly. The emergence of advanced Large Language Models (LLMs), exemplified by GPT-4, presents an unprecedented opportunity to automate the complicated process of data annotation. While existing surveys have extensively covered LLM architecture, training, and general applications, we uniquely focus on their specific utility for data annotation. This survey contributes to three core aspects: LLM-Based Annotation Generation, LLM-Generated Annotations Assessment, and LLM-Generated Annotations Utilization. Furthermore, this survey includes an in-depth taxonomy of data types that LLMs can annotate, a comprehensive review of learning strategies for models utilizing LLM-generated annotations, and a detailed discussion of the primary challenges and limitations associated with using LLMs for data annotation. Serving as a key guide, this survey aims to assist researchers and practitioners in exploring the potential of the latest LLMs for data annotation, thereby fostering future advancements in this critical field.

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  • This paper provides a comprehensive survey of the use of large language models (LLMs) for data annotation tasks.
  • The authors explore the effectiveness of LLMs as annotators and examine how they can be leveraged to enhance text classification through active learning approaches.
  • The paper also discusses the broader applications of LLMs beyond data annotation, such as their potential to aid in annotating speech data.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) are powerful artificial intelligence systems trained on massive amounts of text data. These models have shown impressive abilities in a wide range of natural language processing tasks, including language generation, translation, and question answering.

In this paper, the researchers investigate how LLMs can be used for the task of data annotation. Data annotation is the process of labeling or categorizing data, such as text or images, to create training datasets for machine learning models. This is often a tedious and time-consuming task, which is why the researchers are exploring the potential of LLMs to streamline and improve the data annotation process.

The researchers first examine the effectiveness of LLMs as annotators, comparing their performance to human annotators on a variety of annotation tasks. They find that LLMs can often match or even surpass human accuracy in certain scenarios, making them a promising tool for data annotation.

The researchers then explore how LLMs can be used to enhance text classification, a common machine learning task, through an approach called active learning. In active learning, the machine learning model actively selects the most informative samples for labeling, rather than relying on a fixed training dataset. The researchers show that by incorporating LLMs into the active learning process, the performance of text classification models can be significantly improved.

Finally, the paper discusses the broader applications of LLMs beyond data annotation, such as their potential to aid in annotating speech data. This is an area of ongoing research that could have important implications for fields like speech recognition and natural language processing.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by outlining the problem framework for data annotation, defining the key concepts and notations used throughout the work.

The researchers then explore the effectiveness of LLMs as annotators, drawing on several recent studies that have investigated this topic. The paper "Effectiveness of LLMs as Annotators: A Comparative Overview and Empirical Study" is highlighted as a particularly relevant and comprehensive study in this area.

Next, the researchers examine how LLMs can be leveraged to enhance text classification through active learning approaches. The key idea is to use the language understanding capabilities of LLMs to identify the most informative samples for human annotation, which can then be used to train more accurate text classification models.

The paper also discusses the broader applications of LLMs beyond data annotation, including their potential to aid in annotating speech data. This reflects the growing interest in exploring the use of LLMs for a wide range of natural language processing tasks.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a comprehensive and well-researched overview of the use of LLMs for data annotation tasks. The authors acknowledge the limitations of the current research, noting that the effectiveness of LLMs as annotators can be task-dependent and may vary across different domains and datasets.

Additionally, the paper highlights the importance of addressing potential biases and ethical considerations when deploying LLMs for data annotation. As mentioned in the "Survey of Large Language Models: From General-Purpose to Specialized", LLMs can sometimes exhibit biases or produce inappropriate outputs, which needs to be carefully managed when using them for critical applications like data annotation.

Further research is also needed to fully understand the long-term implications of relying on LLMs for data annotation, particularly in terms of the potential impact on human labor and the quality of annotated datasets.


This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the use of large language models (LLMs) for data annotation tasks. The researchers explore the effectiveness of LLMs as annotators, demonstrating their potential to match or even surpass human performance in certain scenarios. They also show how LLMs can be leveraged to enhance text classification through active learning approaches.

The broader applications of LLMs beyond data annotation, such as their potential to aid in annotating speech data, are also discussed. While the research shows promising results, the authors acknowledge the need to address potential limitations and ethical considerations when deploying LLMs for critical applications.

Overall, this paper serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners interested in leveraging the power of LLMs to improve and streamline data annotation processes across a wide range of domains.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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