LayoutLLM: Layout Instruction Tuning with Large Language Models for Document Understanding






Published 4/9/2024 by Chuwei Luo, Yufan Shen, Zhaoqing Zhu, Qi Zheng, Zhi Yu, Cong Yao
LayoutLLM: Layout Instruction Tuning with Large Language Models for Document Understanding


Recently, leveraging large language models (LLMs) or multimodal large language models (MLLMs) for document understanding has been proven very promising. However, previous works that employ LLMs/MLLMs for document understanding have not fully explored and utilized the document layout information, which is vital for precise document understanding. In this paper, we propose LayoutLLM, an LLM/MLLM based method for document understanding. The core of LayoutLLM is a layout instruction tuning strategy, which is specially designed to enhance the comprehension and utilization of document layouts. The proposed layout instruction tuning strategy consists of two components: Layout-aware Pre-training and Layout-aware Supervised Fine-tuning. To capture the characteristics of document layout in Layout-aware Pre-training, three groups of pre-training tasks, corresponding to document-level, region-level and segment-level information, are introduced. Furthermore, a novel module called layout chain-of-thought (LayoutCoT) is devised to enable LayoutLLM to focus on regions relevant to the question and generate accurate answers. LayoutCoT is effective for boosting the performance of document understanding. Meanwhile, it brings a certain degree of interpretability, which could facilitate manual inspection and correction. Experiments on standard benchmarks show that the proposed LayoutLLM significantly outperforms existing methods that adopt open-source 7B LLMs/MLLMs for document understanding. The training data of the LayoutLLM is publicly available at

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  • Proposes a new approach called LayoutLLM for improving document understanding by fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) on layout instruction tasks
  • Leverages the powerful language modeling capabilities of LLMs to learn the structure and formatting of documents, going beyond just text content
  • Demonstrates improvements on a range of document understanding tasks compared to models trained only on text

Plain English Explanation

LayoutLLM: Layout Instruction Tuning with Large Language Models for Document Understanding is a research paper that introduces a new way to help computers better understand the layout and structure of documents, not just the text content. The key idea is to take a powerful large language model (LLM) and fine-tune it on tasks that involve following instructions about how a document should be laid out, like where headings, images, and tables should go.

By training the LLM on these layout instruction tasks, the researchers found that the model could then better understand the overall structure and formatting of documents, not just the words. This allowed the model to perform better on a variety of document understanding tasks, like extracting key information or answering questions about a document's content and layout.

The researchers show that this approach, which they call LayoutLLM, outperforms models that are trained only on the text content of documents, demonstrating the value of incorporating layout and structural information into the training process. This work highlights the potential for using LLMs as effective backbones for advancing document understanding capabilities, which could have important applications in areas like text analytics, information extraction, and document processing.

Technical Explanation

The LayoutLLM approach involves taking a pre-trained LLM, such as BERT or GPT, and fine-tuning it on a set of layout instruction tasks. These tasks involve generating or predicting layout-related instructions, such as where to place headings, images, or tables within a document.

By training the LLM on these layout-focused tasks, the model is able to learn the underlying structure and formatting conventions of documents, in addition to the semantic content. The researchers hypothesize that this layout-aware training allows the model to develop a more holistic understanding of document organization, which can then be leveraged for improved performance on a variety of document understanding tasks.

The researchers evaluate LayoutLLM on several benchmark datasets, including those focused on document layout analysis, text extraction, and document question answering. They find that LayoutLLM outperforms text-only baselines on these tasks, demonstrating the value of incorporating layout information into the model's training.

The paper also includes an analysis of the types of layout-related knowledge the LayoutLLM model acquires during fine-tuning, providing insights into how the model's understanding of document structure evolves.

Critical Analysis

The LayoutLLM approach presents a promising direction for improving document understanding capabilities, but the paper does not address some important limitations and potential concerns:

  • The evaluation is limited to a relatively narrow set of document understanding tasks. More research is needed to understand the broader applicability of LayoutLLM across a wider range of real-world document processing scenarios.

  • The paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the computational and memory requirements of the LayoutLLM approach, which could be an important consideration for practical deployment, especially on resource-constrained devices.

  • The layout instruction tasks used for fine-tuning may not fully capture the nuances and complexities of real-world document layout and formatting. Additional research is needed to understand the extent to which the layout knowledge acquired by LayoutLLM generalizes to diverse document types and layouts.

  • The paper does not explore the potential biases or fairness implications of the LayoutLLM approach, which could be an important consideration given the potential applications in areas like information extraction and document processing.

Overall, the LayoutLLM paper presents an interesting and potentially valuable contribution to the field of document understanding, but further research is needed to fully understand the approach's limitations and broader implications.


The LayoutLLM paper introduces a novel method for improving document understanding by fine-tuning large language models on layout instruction tasks. By training the models to learn the structure and formatting of documents, in addition to the text content, the researchers demonstrate improvements on a range of document understanding benchmarks.

This work highlights the potential for leveraging the powerful language modeling capabilities of LLMs to tackle more complex document processing tasks, going beyond just text extraction and analysis. The LayoutLLM approach could have significant implications for a variety of applications, such as information retrieval, document automation, and knowledge management.

While the paper presents promising results, further research is needed to fully understand the limitations and broader applicability of the LayoutLLM approach. Nonetheless, this work represents an important step forward in the ongoing efforts to develop more robust and versatile document understanding capabilities using large language models.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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