Learning Efficient and Fair Policies for Uncertainty-Aware Collaborative Human-Robot Order Picking






Published 4/15/2024 by Igor G. Smit, Zaharah Bukhsh, Mykola Pechenizkiy, Kostas Alogariastos, Kasper Hendriks, Yingqian Zhang
Learning Efficient and Fair Policies for Uncertainty-Aware Collaborative Human-Robot Order Picking


In collaborative human-robot order picking systems, human pickers and Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) travel independently through a warehouse and meet at pick locations where pickers load items onto the AMRs. In this paper, we consider an optimization problem in such systems where we allocate pickers to AMRs in a stochastic environment. We propose a novel multi-objective Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) approach to learn effective allocation policies to maximize pick efficiency while also aiming to improve workload fairness amongst human pickers. In our approach, we model the warehouse states using a graph, and define a neural network architecture that captures regional information and effectively extracts representations related to efficiency and workload. We develop a discrete-event simulation model, which we use to train and evaluate the proposed DRL approach. In the experiments, we demonstrate that our approach can find non-dominated policy sets that outline good trade-offs between fairness and efficiency objectives. The trained policies outperform the benchmarks in terms of both efficiency and fairness. Moreover, they show good transferability properties when tested on scenarios with different warehouse sizes. The implementation of the simulation model, proposed approach, and experiments are published.

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  • This paper presents a study on learning efficient and fair policies for uncertainty-aware collaborative human-robot order picking.
  • The researchers developed a reinforcement learning-based approach to optimize order picking with a human-robot team, considering uncertainty in task completion times.
  • The goal is to improve the efficiency and fairness of the order picking process while accounting for the unpredictability of human behavior.

Plain English Explanation

In a warehouse or distribution center, the process of picking and packing orders is an important but complex task. This paper looks at ways to improve this process when it's done by a team of humans and robots working together.

The key challenge is that the time it takes for humans to complete their tasks can be unpredictable and uncertain. This uncertainty makes it hard to efficiently coordinate the work between the human and robot team members. The researchers developed a new machine learning approach to address this challenge.

Their approach uses reinforcement learning, a type of AI that learns by trial-and-error, to find the best way for the human and robot to work together. The goal is to complete orders as quickly as possible, while also making sure the workload is distributed fairly between the human and robot.

By accounting for the uncertainty in how long human tasks take, the approach can adapt and optimize the team's workflow. This helps improve both the efficiency of order picking and the fairness of how work is divided between the human and robot.

The researchers tested their approach in simulations and found it outperformed other methods at balancing efficiency and fairness in collaborative human-robot order picking.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a reinforcement learning-based approach for learning efficient and fair policies for uncertainty-aware collaborative human-robot order picking.

The key challenge addressed is the uncertainty in human task completion times, which makes it difficult to effectively coordinate the workflow between human and robot team members. The researchers developed a Markov decision process (MDP) formulation to model the collaborative order picking problem, incorporating uncertainty in human task durations.

They then propose a reinforcement learning algorithm, called Intervention-Assisted Policy Gradient (IAPG), to learn efficient and fair policies for assigning tasks to the human and robot. IAPG combines policy gradient methods with human interventions to guide the learning process towards more efficient and fair solutions.

The performance of the proposed approach is evaluated through simulations, comparing it to other baselines such as JUICER and MESA-DRL. The results demonstrate that the IAPG-based approach can effectively balance efficiency and fairness in collaborative human-robot order picking, outperforming the compared methods.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed study that addresses an important practical problem in warehouse operations. The incorporation of uncertainty in human task completion times is a key strength, as it aligns with the real-world challenges of coordinating human-robot collaboration.

However, the paper does not discuss potential limitations or caveats of the proposed approach. For example, it would be useful to understand how the method would scale to larger-scale order picking scenarios with more human and robot team members, or how sensitive the performance is to the accuracy of the estimated human task duration distributions.

Additionally, while the fairness objective is an important consideration, the paper does not explore alternative fairness metrics or the potential trade-offs between efficiency and different fairness criteria. Investigating these trade-offs could provide valuable insights for practitioners.

Overall, the research presented in this paper is a meaningful contribution to the field of collaborative human-robot task planning. Further exploration of the method's robustness and generalization to a wider range of scenarios would strengthen the work and help practitioners better understand its practical applicability.


This paper introduces a reinforcement learning-based approach for learning efficient and fair policies in uncertainty-aware collaborative human-robot order picking. By accounting for the unpredictability of human task completion times, the proposed method can optimize the workflow to balance efficiency and fairness between the human and robot team members.

The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach compared to other state-of-the-art methods, highlighting its potential to improve the productivity and equitable distribution of work in warehouse order picking operations. As automation and human-robot collaboration become increasingly prevalent in logistics, this research contributes valuable insights for designing robust and adaptive task planning systems.

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