Towards Optimizing Human-Centric Objectives in AI-Assisted Decision-Making With Offline Reinforcement Learning






Published 4/16/2024 by Zana Buc{c}inca, Siddharth Swaroop, Amanda E. Paluch, Susan A. Murphy, Krzysztof Z. Gajos
Towards Optimizing Human-Centric Objectives in AI-Assisted Decision-Making With Offline Reinforcement Learning


Imagine if AI decision-support tools not only complemented our ability to make accurate decisions, but also improved our skills, boosted collaboration, and elevated the joy we derive from our tasks. Despite the potential to optimize a broad spectrum of such human-centric objectives, the design of current AI tools remains focused on decision accuracy alone. We propose offline reinforcement learning (RL) as a general approach for modeling human-AI decision-making to optimize human-AI interaction for diverse objectives. RL can optimize such objectives by tailoring decision support, providing the right type of assistance to the right person at the right time. We instantiated our approach with two objectives: human-AI accuracy on the decision-making task and human learning about the task and learned decision support policies from previous human-AI interaction data. We compared the optimized policies against several baselines in AI-assisted decision-making. Across two experiments (N=316 and N=964), our results demonstrated that people interacting with policies optimized for accuracy achieve significantly better accuracy -- and even human-AI complementarity -- compared to those interacting with any other type of AI support. Our results further indicated that human learning was more difficult to optimize than accuracy, with participants who interacted with learning-optimized policies showing significant learning improvement only at times. Our research (1) demonstrates offline RL to be a promising approach to model human-AI decision-making, leading to policies that may optimize human-centric objectives and provide novel insights about the AI-assisted decision-making space, and (2) emphasizes the importance of considering human-centric objectives beyond decision accuracy in AI-assisted decision-making, opening up the novel research challenge of optimizing human-AI interaction for such objectives.

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  • This paper explores how to optimize human-centric objectives in AI-assisted decision-making using offline reinforcement learning.
  • The research aims to address potential issues with overreliance on AI systems and ensure that human-centric goals are prioritized.
  • Key focus areas include human-centered AI, explainable AI, and improving human-AI interaction in decision support systems.

Plain English Explanation

This research paper looks at ways to make AI-powered decision-making systems better align with human values and priorities. The main idea is to use a machine learning technique called "offline reinforcement learning" to train AI models to optimize for objectives that are meaningful to humans, rather than just raw performance metrics.

The researchers are concerned that as AI becomes more capable, people may start to overly rely on AI recommendations without understanding how the AI is making decisions. This could lead to AI-assisted decisions that don't actually reflect human preferences. To address this, the paper explores methods for developing AI systems that are more "human-centered" - meaning they take into account human values, preferences, and needs.

Some key concepts explored in the paper include "explainable AI," which refers to making AI decision-making more transparent and understandable to humans, and improving the overall interaction between humans and AI in decision support systems. The goal is to create AI assistants that can help people make choices, while still keeping human decision-makers in control and ensuring the outcomes align with human-centric objectives.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes an approach that uses offline reinforcement learning to optimize AI-assisted decision-making for human-centric objectives. Offline reinforcement learning is a machine learning technique that allows an AI model to be trained on historical data, without requiring direct interaction with a live environment.

The researchers argue that this offline approach is well-suited for human-AI decision support systems, as it allows the AI to be trained on past human decisions and behaviors, rather than having to learn directly from human interactions. This can help ensure the AI's recommendations are more aligned with how humans actually make choices in the real world.

The paper also discusses the importance of explainable AI - making the AI's decision-making process more transparent and interpretable to human users. By increasing the explainability of the AI system, the researchers aim to build greater trust and better collaboration between humans and the AI assistant.

Additionally, the paper explores techniques for strategic opponent modeling - allowing the AI to better understand and anticipate human decision-making patterns. This can further enhance the AI's ability to provide helpful, human-centric recommendations.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a thoughtful approach to addressing the challenge of overreliance on AI in decision-making. By focusing on human-centric objectives and improving human-AI collaboration, the researchers acknowledge the importance of keeping human decision-makers in the loop and ensuring AI recommendations align with human values.

However, the paper does not fully address potential issues around bias in the historical data used to train the AI models. If the past human decisions reflected in the training data are themselves biased or suboptimal, the AI may learn to perpetuate those biases. Further research may be needed to address this challenge.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into how to effectively guide human decision-makers using the AI system. While the focus is on human-centric objectives, more detail on the specific mechanisms for incorporating human preferences and values into the AI's recommendations would be helpful.


This research paper presents a promising approach for developing AI-assisted decision-making systems that are better aligned with human values and priorities. By leveraging offline reinforcement learning and emphasizing explainability and human-AI collaboration, the researchers aim to create AI assistants that can enhance human decision-making without leading to overreliance or unintended consequences.

While the paper raises important considerations around the challenges of human-centric AI, further research will be needed to fully address issues of bias, transparency, and the practical integration of these systems into real-world decision-making processes. Overall, this work represents a valuable contribution to the ongoing effort to ensure AI technologies empower and augment human decision-makers, rather than replace or undermine them.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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