Linking Representations with Multimodal Contrastive Learning






Published 6/26/2024 by Abhishek Arora, Xinmei Yang, Shao-Yu Jheng, Melissa Dell



Many applications require linking individuals, firms, or locations across datasets. Most widely used methods, especially in social science, do not employ deep learning, with record linkage commonly approached using string matching techniques. Moreover, existing methods do not exploit the inherently multimodal nature of documents. In historical record linkage applications, documents are typically noisily transcribed by optical character recognition (OCR). Linkage with just OCR'ed texts may fail due to noise, whereas linkage with just image crops may also fail because vision models lack language understanding (e.g., of abbreviations or other different ways of writing firm names). To leverage multimodal learning, this study develops CLIPPINGS (Contrastively LInking Pooled Pre-trained Embeddings). CLIPPINGS aligns symmetric vision and language bi-encoders, through contrastive language-image pre-training on document images and their corresponding OCR'ed texts. It then contrastively learns a metric space where the pooled image-text embedding for a given instance is close to embeddings in the same class (e.g., the same firm or location) and distant from embeddings of a different class. Data are linked by treating linkage as a nearest neighbor retrieval problem with the multimodal embeddings. CLIPPINGS outperforms widely used string matching methods by a wide margin in linking mid-20th century Japanese firms across financial documents. A purely self-supervised model - trained only by aligning the embeddings for the image crop of a firm name and its corresponding OCR'ed text - also outperforms popular string matching methods. Fascinatingly, a multimodally pre-trained vision-only encoder outperforms a unimodally pre-trained vision-only encoder, illustrating the power of multimodal pre-training even if only one modality is available for linking at inference time.

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  • Many applications require linking individuals, firms, or locations across datasets
  • Existing record linkage methods, especially in social science, do not use deep learning and rely on string matching techniques
  • Documents used for linkage may be noisy due to optical character recognition (OCR) transcription errors
  • Using just OCR text or just image crops can lead to linkage failures

Plain English Explanation

Many real-world applications need to connect information about the same people, companies, or places across different datasets. The most common methods for doing this, especially in fields like social science, don't use advanced machine learning techniques. Instead, they rely on string matching - comparing text strings to see how similar they are.

However, the documents used for this linkage process are often messy and imperfect. They may have been digitized using optical character recognition (OCR), which can introduce errors and noise into the text. Trying to link records using just the OCR'd text may fail due to these inaccuracies. But using just the image crops of the text could also be problematic, because computer vision models may struggle to understand things like abbreviations or alternative ways of writing company names.

To overcome these challenges, the researchers developed a new method called CLIPPINGS that combines computer vision and natural language processing. By pre-training the model on a large dataset of document images and their corresponding OCR'd text, CLIPPINGS learns to align the visual and textual representations. This allows it to effectively link records even when the text is noisy.

Technical Explanation

The CLIPPINGS model uses symmetric vision and language bi-encoders that are pre-trained in a contrastive manner on a dataset of document images and their OCR'd text. This "multimodal pre-training" allows the model to learn a shared embedding space where visually and textually similar instances (e.g., the same company name) are close together, while instances from different classes are distant.

During the contrastive pre-training, the model is trained to bring the pooled image-text embedding for a given instance close to embeddings from the same class (e.g., the same firm or location), and push it away from embeddings of different classes. This teaches the model to learn discriminative representations that can be used for efficient nearest neighbor retrieval-based linkage.

The researchers show that CLIPPINGS outperforms traditional string matching methods by a large margin on the task of linking mid-20th century Japanese firms across financial documents. Interestingly, they find that even a self-supervised, vision-only encoder pre-trained with this multimodal approach outperforms unimodally pre-trained vision models, demonstrating the power of multimodal pre-training.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to the challenge of record linkage, particularly in the context of historical documents with noisy OCR. By leveraging multimodal learning, CLIPPINGS is able to overcome the limitations of using just text or just image data for linkage.

That said, the paper does not explore the performance of CLIPPINGS on more modern, born-digital documents, where OCR errors may be less prevalent. Additionally, the evaluation is limited to a single dataset of Japanese firms, so further research would be needed to understand how well the approach generalizes to other domains and languages.

The authors also do not delve into the computational efficiency of CLIPPINGS compared to alternative methods, which could be an important consideration for real-world applications. Gentle-CLIP and RankCLIP offer potential paths for improving the efficiency of multimodal pre-training approaches like CLIPPINGS.

Nonetheless, the core idea of contrastively learning multimodal representations for record linkage is compelling and could have broader applicability beyond the specific use case explored in this paper. Further research into the limitations and tradeoffs of multimodal approaches would be valuable for understanding when and how to effectively deploy them.


The CLIPPINGS model presents a novel approach to the challenge of record linkage, particularly in the context of historical documents with noisy OCR. By leveraging multimodal learning to align visual and textual representations, CLIPPINGS is able to outperform traditional string matching methods and handle the inherent challenges of working with imperfect data.

While the current evaluation is limited, the core idea of contrastively learning discriminative multimodal embeddings for efficient nearest neighbor retrieval is a promising direction for further research and development. As the field of multimodal AI continues to advance, techniques like CLIPPINGS could have far-reaching implications for a wide range of applications that require linking diverse datasets.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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