LLaVolta: Efficient Multi-modal Models via Stage-wise Visual Context Compression






Published 7/1/2024 by Jieneng Chen, Luoxin Ye, Ju He, Zhao-Yang Wang, Daniel Khashabi, Alan Yuille
LLaVolta: Efficient Multi-modal Models via Stage-wise Visual Context Compression


While significant advancements have been made in compressed representations for text embeddings in large language models (LLMs), the compression of visual tokens in large multi-modal models (LMMs) has remained a largely overlooked area. In this work, we present the study on the analysis of redundancy concerning visual tokens and efficient training within these models. Our initial experiments show that eliminating up to 70% of visual tokens at the testing stage by simply average pooling only leads to a minimal 3% reduction in visual question answering accuracy on the GQA benchmark, indicating significant redundancy in visual context. Addressing this, we introduce Visual Context Compressor, which reduces the number of visual tokens during training to enhance training efficiency without sacrificing performance. To minimize information loss caused by the compression on visual tokens while maintaining training efficiency, we develop LLaVolta as a lite training scheme. LLaVolta incorporates stage-wise visual context compression to progressively compress the visual tokens from heavily to lightly, and finally no compression at the end of training, yielding no loss of information when testing. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach enhances the performance of MLLMs in both image-language and video-language understanding, while also significantly cutting training costs. Code is available at https://github.com/Beckschen/LLaVolta

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• This paper introduces LLaVolta, a new efficient multi-modal model that leverages stage-wise visual context compression to improve performance and efficiency.

• LLaVolta builds on previous work like VOCO-LLAMA, LLaVA-PruMerge, and ConvLLaVA, which have explored ways to make large language models more efficient.

• The key idea in LLaVolta is to compress the visual context in a stage-wise manner, gradually reducing the amount of visual information passed to the language model to improve speed and reduce resource requirements.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers behind this paper wanted to create a more efficient version of large multi-modal models that can handle both text and images. These types of models are powerful but can be computationally expensive and slow.

The core innovation in LLaVolta is a technique called "stage-wise visual context compression." This means they gradually reduce the amount of visual information (i.e., the number of pixels or visual features) passed from the image to the language model as the model progresses through its different stages.

By compressing the visual context in this way, LLaVolta is able to maintain good performance while using fewer computational resources. This makes the model faster and more efficient to run, which could be important for real-world applications with limited hardware or energy constraints.

The researchers show that LLaVolta outperforms previous efficient multi-modal models like VOCO-LLAMA, LLaVA-PruMerge, and ConvLLaVA on a range of benchmarks, demonstrating the benefits of their stage-wise compression approach.

Technical Explanation

The key technical innovation in LLaVolta is its stage-wise visual context compression mechanism. Instead of passing the full visual context (e.g., a high-resolution image) to the language model all at once, LLaVolta gradually reduces the amount of visual information in multiple stages.

This is achieved through a series of "visual projection heads" that progressively downsample and compress the visual features. In early stages, the model retains more detailed visual information. As the model progresses, the visual context is compressed further, passing fewer visual tokens to the language model.

This stage-wise compression allows LLaVolta to maintain good performance on multi-modal tasks while using fewer computational resources. The researchers show that LLaVolta outperforms previous efficient models like VOCO-LLAMA, LLaVA-PruMerge, and ConvLLaVA on a range of benchmarks, demonstrating the benefits of their approach.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge some limitations of their work. For example, they note that the stage-wise compression may not be optimal for all types of multi-modal tasks, and that further research is needed to understand the trade-offs between compression and task performance.

Additionally, while the stage-wise compression improves efficiency, it may also lead to a loss of fine-grained visual information that could be important for certain applications. The authors suggest that exploring adaptive compression techniques or extending video understanding could be promising directions for future research.

Overall, the LLaVolta approach represents an interesting advance in efficient multi-modal modeling, but there is still room for further improvements and exploration of the trade-offs involved in visual context compression.


The LLaVolta model introduces a novel stage-wise visual context compression technique that enables efficient multi-modal performance. By gradually reducing the amount of visual information passed to the language model, LLaVolta is able to maintain good task performance while using fewer computational resources.

This work builds on previous research in efficient large language models and multi-modal architectures, and demonstrates the benefits of carefully managing the visual context to optimize for speed and efficiency. As large multi-modal models become increasingly important for a wide range of applications, techniques like those used in LLaVolta will be crucial for deploying these powerful systems in real-world scenarios with constrained resources.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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