Long-term Forecasting with TiDE: Time-series Dense Encoder






Published 4/5/2024 by Abhimanyu Das, Weihao Kong, Andrew Leach, Shaan Mathur, Rajat Sen, Rose Yu



Recent work has shown that simple linear models can outperform several Transformer based approaches in long term time-series forecasting. Motivated by this, we propose a Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) based encoder-decoder model, Time-series Dense Encoder (TiDE), for long-term time-series forecasting that enjoys the simplicity and speed of linear models while also being able to handle covariates and non-linear dependencies. Theoretically, we prove that the simplest linear analogue of our model can achieve near optimal error rate for linear dynamical systems (LDS) under some assumptions. Empirically, we show that our method can match or outperform prior approaches on popular long-term time-series forecasting benchmarks while being 5-10x faster than the best Transformer based model.

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  • Simple linear models can outperform complex transformer-based models for long-term time series forecasting
  • Researchers propose a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) based encoder-decoder model called Time-series Dense Encoder (TiDE) for this task
  • TiDE aims to combine the simplicity and speed of linear models with the ability to handle covariates and non-linear dependencies
  • Theoretically, the simplest linear version of TiDE can achieve near-optimal error rates for linear dynamical systems
  • Empirically, TiDE matches or outperforms prior approaches on benchmarks while being 5-10x faster than the best transformer-based model

Plain English Explanation

Forecasting the future values of a time series, such as stock prices or weather patterns, is a challenging but important task. Researchers have developed sophisticated machine learning models, like transformers, to tackle this problem. However, the paper finds that sometimes simpler linear models can actually outperform these complex models, especially for long-term forecasting.

Motivated by this, the researchers created a new model called Time-series Dense Encoder (TiDE). TiDE uses a multi-layer perceptron (MLP), which is a type of neural network with multiple hidden layers. The key idea is to combine the simplicity and speed of linear models with the ability to capture non-linear patterns in the data.

Theoretically, the researchers show that even the simplest linear version of TiDE can achieve near-optimal performance for a class of time series called linear dynamical systems, under certain assumptions. In practice, they demonstrate that TiDE can match or outperform more complex transformer-based models on standard benchmarks, while being significantly faster to run.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) based encoder-decoder model called Time-series Dense Encoder (TiDE) for long-term time series forecasting. The encoder maps the input time series into a latent representation, while the decoder generates the future forecasted values.

A key innovation is the use of a dense (fully-connected) architecture, in contrast to the more common recurrent or convolutional structures. This allows TiDE to efficiently capture non-linear dependencies in the data, while maintaining the simplicity and speed of linear models.

Theoretically, the authors prove that the simplest linear version of TiDE can achieve near-optimal error rates for linear dynamical systems (LDS), a commonly used class of time series models. This suggests TiDE has strong theoretical guarantees even in its basic form.

Empirically, the authors evaluate TiDE on several long-term time series forecasting benchmarks. They show that TiDE can match or outperform prior transformer-based approaches, while being 5-10x faster to run. This highlights the practical benefits of the proposed simple yet effective architecture.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a compelling argument for the continued relevance of simple linear models in time series forecasting, even in the era of complex neural networks. The theoretical analysis showing the near-optimality of the linear TiDE model is a particularly strong contribution.

However, the paper does not fully explore the limitations of the TiDE approach. For example, it is unclear how TiDE would perform on highly non-linear or high-dimensional time series, where the advantages of more expressive models like transformers may become more pronounced.

Additionally, the empirical evaluation, while promising, is limited to a few benchmark datasets. Further testing on a wider range of real-world forecasting problems would help establish the broader applicability of TiDE.

Overall, the paper makes a valuable case for revisiting simple models in time series forecasting, but there is still room for further research to fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of the TiDE approach compared to state-of-the-art techniques.


This paper presents a refreshing perspective on time series forecasting, showing that simple linear models can sometimes outperform complex neural networks, especially for long-term forecasting tasks. The proposed Time-series Dense Encoder (TiDE) model combines the speed and simplicity of linear methods with the ability to capture non-linear patterns, achieving strong empirical performance.

The theoretical analysis of the linear version of TiDE is a particularly noteworthy contribution, suggesting the model has solid theoretical foundations. While further research is needed to fully understand the scope and limitations of the approach, this work highlights the continued importance of simple models in an era dominated by sophisticated deep learning techniques.

Overall, the TiDE model offers an interesting and effective alternative for long-term time series forecasting, with the potential to impact both the practical application of forecasting systems and the ongoing debate around the role of simplicity versus complexity in machine learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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